I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 21 You have to accept it

Northern suburbs.

The crow's companion, Hei Thirty-three, flew around the farmer's house several times before flapping its wings and landing in front of Captain Gong Shicheng.

Captain Gong asked: "Mr. Lingya, have you found anything?"


Black Thirty-three responded.

It scratched the snow with its claws and wrote another line of characters: "There seems to be a small thing in the snow behind the house."

Captain Gong immediately asked: "What little thing?"

Black Thirty-three turned his head away from the captain, looking unwilling to pay attention to him.

Captain Gong was so angry that he wanted to brush the crow with oil, sprinkle with cumin and chili powder, roast it in the oven and serve it to the table.


It also has to be paired with a bottle of beer.

The captain finally calmed down, waved his hand and ordered: "Search for me!"


Black Thirty-three shouted, spread his wings and quickly flew to the eaves.

Ten minutes later.

The group of soldiers searched over and over in the snow several times before finally making a discovery.

A soldier held a small object between his two fingers and suddenly shouted excitedly: "Captain, I found it!"

Captain Gong walked over and took a look, a little confused: "Did you find a needle?"

The soldier did not explain. He just put the "needle" close to the assault rifle and said with a smile: "Captain, watch carefully."

Captain Gong was stunned.

He clearly saw that when the "needle" got close to the assault rifle, it automatically turned black, exactly the same color as the gun body.

The soldier bent down and grabbed a handful of snow again, and brought the "needle" close to the snow. The "needle" instantly turned into the color of snow again.

The soldiers who gathered nearby were all stunned.

Captain Gong blurted out: "What is this?"

The vice-captain thought for a moment and said, "This should be a hair shed by a mutant rat. This thing is a mutant creature, and the hair is very likely to have the ability to change color."

This is a very logical guess.

A group of soldiers nodded their heads.

Captain Gong turned his head to look in the direction of the eaves, a flash of shock in his eyes.

The special forces team rummaged in the snow for a long time before they found a mutated rat hair.

The spirit crow flew several times in the sky dozens of meters high, and actually concluded that there were mouse fur buried in the snow.

That’s awesome!

Originally, the captain didn't think Mr. Lingya was that powerful, and felt that the second team was just bragging.

But now that he had witnessed all this with his own eyes, his thoughts suddenly took a 180-degree turn.


Yuewan Community.

Yang Fan clearly saw the shocked look on Captain Gong's face through the eyes of his crow partner.

With a thought in his mind, he issued a new instruction: "Use the house as the center and conduct a carpet search in a circle."


Black Thirty-Three immediately took off.

Yang Fan stared at the snowy field, wisps of light flashing in his eyes.

When he sees an area, the corresponding information will appear in his mind without observing any traces.

"There are no traces of mutant rats here."

"The mutated rat should have been here, maybe three days ago."

"There are also in this area, and the mutant rats seem to have stayed for a while."

This incredible effect made Yang Fan once again marvel at the magic of the original astrology.

Five minutes later.

Black Thirty-three flew over another village.

Yang Fan suddenly said "Hey": "This mouse is quite treacherous!"

With the help of the magical effect of the spiritual language, he vaguely sensed that an aura similar to rat hair was gathering underground in the village.

There is no doubt about it.

The mutant rat's nest is here. It committed a murderous murder in one village, but placed its nest in another village.

If he didn't have super powers, he really wouldn't have thought of this.

Yang Fan couldn't help but think of "Weights and Measures" Huang Mao, and clicked his tongue: "This mutant rat might be a little smarter than Huang Mao."

He immediately sent another order to Black Thirty-Three.


Spirit Crow responded.

It circled in the air and flew towards the scene of the tragedy.

Yang Fan muttered: "There are so many villagers here, this battle is probably not going to be easy."

When the first team of Sharp Blade hunts mutant rats, they have to be careful not to harm the villagers. This is the so-called "rat-defying weapon".

He smiled: "No matter, the next hunt is the job of the Blade Special Forces. I will just wait and extract the energy."

The work was all done by others, but the spoils were small.

Wouldn't it be nice to not have to risk your life to fight at all?


Northern suburbs.

The soldiers naturally noticed the crow's movements and started talking about it.

"I remember that village was called Deyuan Village."

"The crow has circled over Deyuan Village several times. Could it be that the mutated rat is hiding in Deyuan Village?"

"The possibility is not small. We thought the mutant rat was hiding in this village, but we didn't expect it to be in another village. The mutant rat probably took advantage of this mindset."

"Oh my God! Even mice have become so cunning!"

If it was half an hour ago, the soldiers would definitely not believe it.

But it's different now.

Just now, Black Thirty-three showed his amazing ability to "find a mouse hair in the snow", and no one would question this.



Black Thirty-Three landed.

It jumped around in the snow for a while, and wrote a line of words skillfully: "Under that village, there seems to be a complex tunnel network."

A group of people were shocked again.

Some people expressed doubts.

"Is it true?"

"Can we see the underground situation?"

Some people are willing to believe it.

"Why not? Mr. Ling Ya is a superpower!"

"Don't judge a superpower with the eyes of ordinary people."

But there are more voices of doubt.

After all, just flying over the village for a while, it is indeed a challenge to normal people's cognition to see that there is a tunnel network underground.

Captain Gong Shicheng hesitated for a moment, but still ordered: "Send a drone over to detect the underground pipeline situation in Deyuan Village."


A slightly larger drone took off and quickly flew over the target village.

The airborne geological radar was turned on, emitting high-frequency electromagnetic waves towards the ground. The radar received the reflected echo and then processed the data to determine the location of the underground pipeline.

One minute later.

A highly complex tunnel network appeared on the computer screen.

The operator looked at the parameters and reported a data: "The average diameter of the tunnel is not less than 50 centimeters, and the total length is more than 18 kilometers."

The soldiers were all stunned.

"Oh my god!"

"Isn't this tunnel too long?!"

The previous doubts disappeared completely in an instant.

Instead, there was admiration like looking up to a mountain.

"This crow is awesome!"

"It's amazing!"

Black Thirty-Three flapped his wings and cried proudly.


It stood high on a branch, tilted its head and glanced at Captain Gong, with a trace of human contempt in its eyes.

Captain Gong pretended not to see it, showing an extraordinary thickness of face.

This guy witnessed the crow's amazing performance with his own eyes, and was really shocked. How could he have the confidence to confront Black Thirty-Three?

I can't help but accept it!

Captain Gong looked around and said, "Everyone, let's discuss how to deal with the mutant rats now."

Half an hour later.

The soldiers discussed a set of tactics.

Captain Gong waved his hand and shouted, "Start the action."

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