I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 199 A more powerful law

The figure with a faint flame all over his body is naturally Yang Fan.

This is a new method he obtained through soul implantation.

He plans to "customize" a different soul implantation ability for each clone, which is considered an identity label.

Mr. Ling Ya is Bing Wu.

Mr. Ghost is Chixia.

At this moment.

Zhang Shifeng, a soldier from Daxia, was stunned for two seconds and asked tentatively: "Are you Mr. Ghost?"


After Yang Fan said this, the red clouds around him quickly dissipated, and a large area of ​​ripples emerged.

Zhang Shifeng hurriedly put down the saber and said incoherently: "I'm very sorry... I don't know... I should ask your identity first..."

Yang Fan raised his hand to interrupt the other party: "It doesn't matter!"

In the heavy truck next to him, the driver Fan Daping looked like he was fighting for his life, and he was still gritting his teeth and stepping on the accelerator.

Yang Fan was speechless and could only continue to release Jin Gang to "press" the heavy truck to the ground.

Zhang Shifeng rushed over and knocked hard on the door of the cab.

Fan Daping turned his head and took a look, then he realized that it was a misunderstanding, and quickly released the accelerator.

This guy said a few words to Zhang Shifeng and was shocked.

Fan Daping jumped out of the car in a flash, his hands trembling with excitement: "Mr. Ghost, it's such an honor to meet you."

This driver has only been here for a few days from China, and he has heard many legendary stories about Mr. Ghost.

Now that he has seen the legend himself, how can he not be excited?

Fan Daping then made a very interesting move, and actually took out a mobile phone from his trouser pocket.


This guy wants to take a photo.

Yang Fan looked a little constipated.

But he doesn't like taking photos with others.

This is not self-esteem, nor is it deliberately putting on airs, but simply not liking it.

Yang Fan glanced at Fan Daping lightly, and a very faint light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Fan Daping instantly fell into a daze.

After a moment,

The driver woke up and completely forgot about the idea of ​​taking a photo.

Zhang Shifeng noticed this scene keenly, feeling a little scared and a little amused.

Yang Fan looked at the two and said, "In an hour, a small-scale extreme cold disaster will occur here.

"You contact all the people around through the radio and evacuate from here as soon as possible."

Zhang Shifeng immediately responded, "Understood, Chief!"

Yang Fan added, "This place is interfered by the original law, and the basic rules have changed.

"Electromagnetic waves coming from the outside world or going out from here will be interfered to a certain extent.

"But electromagnetic waves will not be affected in this area."

Zhang Shifeng thought of the snowflakes shown by Fan Daping, and suddenly realized, "No wonder the snowflakes became triangular."

Yang Fan nodded, "This is the change in the basic rules."

He did not stay for long: "You two, I'm leaving first!"

As soon as the voice fell.

"Puff! "

His whole body exploded into a brilliant glow.

One second later.

The glow dimmed.

Yang Fan disappeared.

Zhang Shifeng was stunned for a moment, then rushed to the heavy truck and began to contact other people to pass on Mr. Ghost's order.


The fully loaded heavy trucks restarted and turned to the direction of the mountain outside the sky.

Fan Daping drove the vehicle for hundreds of meters, and suddenly said "Ah" with an annoyed look.

Zhang Shifeng asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

Fan Daping slapped the steering wheel with a "pop": "I forgot to take a photo with Mr. Ghost just now."

Zhang Shifeng hesitated and said perfunctorily: "There will be a chance next time."

Fan Daping shook his head: "Mr. Ghost is a big shot who is hard to find. I'm afraid it's unlikely that I will see him a second time. "

Zhang Shifeng was also silent.

He felt that he would never forget the wonderful experience he had just had.

A few seconds passed.

Zhang Shifeng suddenly slapped his thigh and cried "Aiya".

This time it was Fan Daping's turn to be surprised: "Is there any problem?"

Zhang Shifeng sighed: "I just shot Mr. Ghost, I should have picked up the bullets as a souvenir."

Fan Daping followed with an "Aiya": "What a pity!"

Those bullets failed to hurt Mr. Ghost at all, and they were still floating in the air strangely. The commemorative value is not ordinary.

Five minutes later.

Fan Daping shivered several times and swore: "I have turned on the heating, why do I still feel cold?"

Although the air-conditioning outlet was blowing warm air, and his skin felt a little warm, he just felt cold.

This is a very strange thing.

Zhang Shifeng rubbed his hands vigorously: "It's really wrong. "

He sighed and thought of an explanation: "This may be what Mr. Ghost said, 'the change of basic rules'." "

Fan Daping sighed again: "There seem to be more and more strange things."

A few seconds later.

In the bright light of the headlights, a large number of black shadows suddenly broke into the light.

Zhang Shifeng blurted out: "It seems to be a blizzard!"

Fan Daping slowed down the car in time: "The visibility is too low, I have to drive slower."

Despite the headlights, the snowflakes were too dense and the road surface fifteen meters away was almost invisible.

Zhang Shifeng watched the road quickly covered with a layer of snow, and marveled: "The snow in the tropics is heavier than in the north. Today is really long..."

Before he could say the word "experience", the corporal was suddenly stuck.

Zhang Shifeng said "Huh": "There seems to be something in front."

Fan Daping stepped on the brake decisively: "What is it?"

Zhang Shifeng squinted his eyes and stared at the front, holding the assault rifle with both hands: "Something seems to be moving in the snow."

As soon as the voice fell.

The two saw that a large area of ​​snow on the right side of the road ahead began to wriggle strangely.

A strange-looking thing, which seemed to have four legs and was about one meter tall, came out of the snow.

Fan Daping was so shocked that he shouted involuntarily: "Fuck, what the hell is this?"

Zhang Shifeng raised his gun directly, ready to shoot at any time.

The corporal had a strange intuition that this thing would not be kind to them.

The next moment.

His guess was confirmed.

The snow monster suddenly raised its two front legs, sprayed out an ice ball, and rushed over quickly.


The ice ball hit the windshield, smashed it directly, and hit the upper right corner of the cab.

The ice ball then exploded, turning into a large amount of ice chips, falling all over the heads and faces of the two people.

Zhang Shifeng was startled and prepared to pull the trigger to shoot.

But he didn't have time to shoot.

Fan Daping cursed "Go to hell", stepped on the accelerator directly, and the heavy truck accelerated suddenly.

He also turned the steering wheel slightly, and the right wheel ran over the snow monster.

Because the snow monster is made of snow, its body is relatively fragile.

After the heavy truck ran over it, it turned directly into a pile of snow.

Fan Daping saw the crushed snow squirming a few times through the rearview mirror, and finally did not stand up again.

The driver was relieved: "The snow monster seems to be dead."

Zhang Shifeng gave him a thumbs up: "You pressed it accurately."

The corporal knew very well that the snow monster was not a human being, and it would be difficult to kill it with a gun. The best way was to crush it with a heavy truck.

Fan Daping grinned.

The driver was still a little frightened: "This place is really weird. Snow can turn into a monster. No wonder even the famous Mr. Ghost came here."

Zhang Shifeng echoed: "It's really weird."

He immediately said: "I have to notify the other people in the transport team and tell them to be careful of the snow monster."

Fan Daping took another look at the hole in the glass: "After you notify, use tape to stick the hole. The wind is too cold."

Zhang Shifeng nodded: "Okay!"


More than ten kilometers away.

Yang Fan also encountered a snow monster.

This snow monster was larger and more ferocious. It rushed over when it saw him.

Yang Fan blew a breath, and a touch of red flowed over and hit the snow monster.

The snow monster quickly melted into a pool of water, and then evaporated.

The Soul-stealing Cicada flashed and absorbed 0.2 points of spiritual source points.

Yang Fan carefully sensed for a moment, and whispered softly: "The law of the Tianzhu Icefield is indeed much stronger than the Death Black Sand Sea. It can actually turn snow into monsters."

He also had a hunch that if it was studied thoroughly, the frost ability would definitely be greatly improved.


An illusory bird cry came through the link.

Yang Fan's mind moved, and he connected to a spirit bird through the spirit beast.

With the help of the spirit bird's eyes, he immediately saw a dark crowd.

Yang Fan also heard the shouting of this group of people.

"The Mountain Beyond the Sky is a gift from the gods to Shapudian!"

"The people of Daxia don't want to pay a penny, but want to rob our wealth!"

"Let's go! Let's take back the wealth that belongs to Shapudian together."

Judging from their skin color, they are all natives of Shapudian.

And in the middle of the night, so many Shapudian people gathered together, which was obviously problematic.

Yang Fan snorted coldly: "I just saw so many cars stuck on the road, and I felt something was wrong. It turned out that someone was making trouble in secret."

He didn't need to investigate to know that someone must have managed to destroy the road and hired a large number of Shapudian people to try to cause some trouble for Daxia.

Some people didn't dare to confront Daxia head-on, so they thought of such a roundabout strategy to instigate local people to make trouble.

These people are naturally not good birds. They have only one purpose - to grab the broken iron from the sky.

As the saying goes, "People die for money, and birds die for food."

Nowadays, all countries are very greedy for the broken iron from the sky. As long as these people grab some broken iron from the sky, they can definitely sell it for a lot of money.

Under the stimulation of wealth, of course, some people will take risks.

For Daxia, how to deal with the locals is obviously a headache.

If they don't kill them, more people will make trouble next.

If they kill them, it will worsen the relationship with Shapudian.

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