I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 197: Changes in the Original World


The scene of Yu Gong’s plan.

Now this huge project is coming to an end.

More than 160 million tons of materials from the original world have either been transported to Daxia or are on the way to be transported.

The iron peak that was originally close to one thousand meters now only has a "base" at the bottom, which is about a hundred meters high.

The top commander of the Kyushu Army, Chief Wu Dingtian, was chatting with his deputy, Colonel Ding.

"The aerospace department used the extracted spirit iron to develop an ultra-high-strength alloy. Engineers used software to simulate it. Using this alloy to make the landing gear of large aircraft, the weight is expected to be reduced by more than 80%. "

"80%? This is not a small number! I remember that a large passenger plane with more than 80 tons had a landing gear weight of 1.8 tons. This is equivalent to a reduction of more than 1.4 tons, and the passenger plane's load capacity can be increased by 1.4 tons."

"Not only the landing gear, but other parts can also use this alloy. According to preliminary calculations, if a large transport aircraft fully uses this alloy, its weight can be reduced by 12%. This is a breakthrough progress."

"One generation of materials, one generation of equipment, this sentence is really true. Daxia's industrial capabilities are already the best in the world. If this momentum continues, we will be far ahead of the world."

"The mountains beyond the sky have not even been excavated yet, and so many important results have been produced. Daxia has really obtained a treasure this time."

The two chatted for a while and then changed the topic.

Colonel Ding said: "It's really strange to say that the Carmenians were so honest this time. They just united with the countries in the Western Hemisphere to exert pressure and didn't do too many dirty tricks secretly.

"This scientific expedition group created by the Carmenians actually stayed in the open sea honestly after being refused to dock in Shaputian, and did not try to force it to dock at the port."

Chief Wu guessed: "It should be that a large number of primitive monsters appeared in Carmeni last time. The largest city, Yokni City, suffered severe damage and tens of thousands of people died. The Carmenians did not bother to interfere in Daxia anymore."

Colonel Ding had a different opinion: "I don't think so. It only took the Carmenians more than a day to kill a large number of original monsters, and all the remaining monsters escaped. They have full energy to make Daxia a stumbling block."

Chief Wu thought about it and felt that what his colleague said made sense: "There may have been other changes in the Carmeni Federation."

Colonel Ding was very surprised: "From the intelligence collected, it seems that nothing particularly big happened in Kameni."

Commander Wu was more arrogant and said in a nonchalant tone: "Never mind it, this is a good thing for Daxia anyway."

The two of them didn't know that the main contributor to this incident was Yang Fan.

To be more specific, one of Yang Fan's clones killed the demon Wan Shan, an extraterrestrial visitor from the Carmeni Federation.

The Kameni people lost their biggest trump card and knew they were unable to fight against the ghost of Daxia, so they stayed honest.

After all, no one is stupid.

The Carmenians know very well that the strengths of the two sides are completely unequal. If they make trouble rashly, they will most likely shoot themselves in the foot.

on the other hand.

This kind of thing is relatively sensitive, and if word spreads about it, it will definitely affect Daxia.

In addition, Yang Fan did not intend to disclose his clone ability, so he remained silent about it and did not inform Daxia.

A few words by the way.

The so-called "pressure" is a big news that has caused a sensation all over the world recently.

Under the leadership of some people, more than 70% of the 398 subjects in Canglan Star unanimously protested against the behavior of "Da Xia monopolizing the Mountain Beyond the Sky".

But this is of no use.

People in Daxia just pretended not to hear.

And this group of people can't come up with any better solution besides protesting.

Nowadays, disasters occur frequently, many places around the world are in chaos, and industrial production capacity has been severely damaged.

Only Daxia has remained stable and industrial production has not been greatly affected.

Under such circumstances, the whole world is naturally highly dependent on the industrial products supplied by Daxia.

Take the simplest example - mobile phones.

Now, except for Daxia, no country has the ability to produce fifth-generation smartphones.

If Daxia bans the export of mobile phones to a certain country, then people in this country will not be able to buy new mobile phones.

Even if Daxia doesn't bother other countries, which country would dare to deal with Daxia casually?

A few seconds passed.

"Cha! Cha!"

Accompanied by several crisp cries.

A beautiful magpie fluttered its wings and flew over.

It is the spiritual bird - Magpie Three.

The two stopped chatting and turned to look at the spirit bird.

When the distance was reduced to ten meters.

Que San spread his wings and glided towards the two of them.


A cyclone was born out of thin air, lingering around this spiritual bird.

Que San opened his wings slightly and floated in front of the two of them in a "hovering" posture.

Commander Wu took the lead in greeting: "Ms. Quesan, good morning!"

Que San politely replied: "Good morning!"

Colonel Ding looked surprised: "Ms. Quesan, have you awakened your second power?"

When Commander Wu came back to his senses, a look of surprise appeared on his old face.

Only after breaking the first barrier can you master the second ability. This is the "iron law" recorded in the "Secret Code".

When the two of them suddenly saw that Que San could control the power of the wind, they naturally had a feeling that subverted their cognition.

Que San's tone was full of smiles: "You two, this is not the second superpower."

Colonel Ding looked puzzled: "What is it?"

Que San explained: "This is the superpower trait given by the master."

Captain Wu said "Oh" in a daze: "So that's it."

Colonel Ding suddenly remembered the new version of the "Secret Book" and asked tentatively: "Soul implantation?"

Que San nodded happily: "Almost!"

Colonel Ding was shocked.

Captain Wu realized it after a second and almost dropped his jaw.

This chief has read the "Secret Book" and remembered that the update clearly stated that only knights can perform soul implantation.

Colonel Ding moved his lips and wanted to ask something.

Que San cleverly guessed what the other party said and said first: "The master is not a knight, the master just has some special abilities."

Colonel Ding was still a little unbelievable.

Que San then explained his purpose: "Master heard the howling of the cold wind this morning, and a large-scale cold wave is coming!"

Chief Wu was stunned for a moment and asked: "How large is the range of the cold wave?"

Que San replied: "The entire Canglan Star."

Chief Wu asked: "Will a cold wave also break out in a tropical area like Shapudian?"

A few months ago, the climate of Canglan Star changed dramatically, and heavy snow fell in the northern hemisphere where Daxia was located in the midsummer.

The tropical areas were not greatly affected, but the average temperature dropped by 5-6 degrees, which seemed to be two different worlds from the northern hemisphere.

Que San replied: "Yes, Shapudian will also become very cold."

It immediately said: "The Death Black Sand Sea of ​​the Original World has moved away from Canglan Star, and another place is approaching Canglan Star, and its power will penetrate the entire Canglan Star."

The so-called "another place" refers to the Tianzhu Icefield.

Chief Wu then asked, "How long will it take for the cold wave to start?"

Que San replied, "Snowflakes will start to fall over Shapudian tomorrow at the earliest and the day after tomorrow at the latest."

Chief Wu's face changed, "So soon?"

Que San replied, "The master said that he did not expect this, but according to his observation, the original world seemed to have suddenly undergone some kind of change."

Chief Wu's expression was a little solemn, "It seems that we have to start preparing immediately to avoid affecting the progress of the Yugong Plan."

Colonel Ding was worried about other things, "Shapudian and the surrounding countries are generally poor. I am afraid that this cold wave will freeze many people to death."

Chief Wu sighed, "This is not something we should worry about."


More than a hundred kilometers away.

Yang Fan stood on the beach, staring at the sky.

In his mind, a trace of astrology exuded a faint light.

A strange picture appeared in Yang Fan's eyes.

I saw huge illusory ice pillars standing high in the sky, and strands of cold currents hung down from the sky.

Just five minutes ago.

He suddenly observed this abnormal phenomenon.

In the past, when the original world affected Canglan Star, he usually foresaw it in his dreams.

This time, it didn't happen.

Yang Fan had a vague intuition that something must have happened in the original world.

He whispered softly: "The root cause of the change is probably beyond the level of dream prediction, so I didn't dream about it."

This is not surprising, after all, dreams cannot be omnipotent.

Yang Fan's thoughts diverged a little: "The mermaid overcame many obstacles to come to Canglan Star, maybe it is related to this change."

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