I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 176 Mr. Ghost is a divine figure, Qingyang Book

Yang Fan waved his right hand and put away the slate: "Your Highness, you should believe it now, right?"

Princess Qima nodded repeatedly, her face became paler and she even stuttered when she spoke: "Yes... yes."

Prince Aung San looked at his sister and asked in a low voice: "What did you see just now?"

Princess Qima was a little distracted: "I saw a big black insect burrowing around in my head."

Prince Aung San was stunned for a moment.

It wasn't that he didn't believe what his sister said, he just thought it sounded too bizarre.

Qima paused and then said: "No wonder I haven't been able to sleep well these days and have nightmares at night."

Yang Fan explained: "This bug is constantly absorbing your soul energy, so you have frequent nightmares."

Aung San felt as if he was listening to a fantasy.

What happened in just a few seconds had a huge impact on his outlook.

Wu Dingtian asked: "Mr. Ghost, do you have any way to save the princess?"

Yang Fan nodded lightly: "Of course!"

Only then did Aung San react and quickly begged: "Mr. Ghost, please save my sister. The royal family will definitely give you a generous reward."

Yang Fan looked at the princess and said, "The treatment process may be a little painful."

Qima shivered and wanted to say, "I'm not afraid of pain."

But she had no chance to say it.

Yang Fan was too lazy to listen to nonsense and directly activated his huge life force and pointed out a finger in the air.


Qima screamed and fainted.

But an invisible force relied on her body to prevent her from falling to the ground.

Aung San and Wu Dingtian were also affected by this finger.


The two heard an illusory thunder.

Thunder does not come from outside.

But it comes from within the soul.

The next moment.

The two of them saw at the same time that Qima, who had fainted, suddenly arched up like a shrimp and opened her mouth wide.


This scene looks very scary.

A black energy emerged from Qima, condensing into a black insect shadow, twisting desperately to break free.

Yang Fan's eyes flashed and he made a "hold tight" gesture.

The image of the insect is compressed, and its size shrinks rapidly.

Two seconds passed.

A real little bug, about the same length as a knuckle, appeared in front of the two of them.

Aung San was completely dumbfounded.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, the prince would never have believed that the black air coming out of his sister's mouth turned into a real little bug.

At this moment.

The prince finally believed 100% in Mr. Ghost's words and no longer had any doubts in his heart.

Wu Dingtian was also shocked.

The chief swallowed a mouthful of saliva and couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Ghost, what kind of bug is this?"

Yang Fan replied calmly: "This bug is called the 'Nightmare Bug'. The Carmenians learned how to cultivate nightmare bugs from an extraterrestrial visitor.

"Once parasitized by the nightmare bug, the host's mind will gradually be controlled by it, and eventually it will become a complete idiot."

Aung San clenched his fists and said with anger: "Damn Kameni people!"

The prince still didn't understand. A few days ago, he met with the person in charge of a company in the Carmeni Federation, and he was secretly poisoned by a nightmare bug.

Yang Fan's heart moved again. A glass bottle appeared out of thin air and put the nightmare insect inside.

He pointed to the glass bottle and said, "Your Highness, you can take this thing back."

Aung San quickly took the glass bottle and thanked him sincerely: "Mr. Ghost, thank you very much for your treatment."

Yang Fan waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, it's just a little effort!"

He said crisply: "Now that the matter is over, I'll leave first."

Aung San was stunned for a moment, thinking about his sister, and only had time to say two words: "Signature..."

But Yang Fan has disappeared.

Aung San opened his mouth and swallowed back the words.

Just then.

A little thing fell from the sky.

Aung San had quick eyes and quick hands and caught the thing.

He picked it up and took a look and found that it was a small section of green vine. The slender vines stretched out and were woven into the word "ghost".

Two minutes later.

Qima woke up leisurely.

Aung San handed the vine over: "Take it."

Qima only glanced at it and immediately showed a look of surprise: "So beautiful!"

Although it is made of vines, it looks extremely delicate. The fonts are hollow patterns, and it is completely a handicraft.

Aung San smacked his lips and said in a slightly envious tone: "If I had known, I would have asked Mr. Ghost for an autograph."

Qima smiled happily.

She couldn't put it down and played with it for a few times, then suddenly thought of a question: "By the way, what should I do if the vines wither?"

Aung San said: "General Wu said that the vitality of this vine is very strong and will not wither for at least five years. After five years, you can find a superpower to repair it."

Qima was relieved and said, "That's good."

The princess, who was a little big-hearted, then remembered the previous experience: "What happened to me just now?"

Aung San spent some time and carefully explained the sequence of events.

Qima was a little scared and a little angry: "We have to clean out some people."

This matter has something to do with some people in Shaputian. She was really scared, so she did this.

Aung San glanced at Wu Dingtian before agreeing, "It is indeed very necessary."

This was a deliberate statement to Chief Wu.

Wu Dingtian immediately said, "Your Highnesses, Daxia is willing to promise to do its best to ensure the safety of your royal family."

This is a great opportunity to place people, and he certainly won't miss it.

Aung San immediately agreed, "Thank you Daxia."

The Shapudian royal family has no ability to fight against Jiameni, this is the only choice.

Wu Dingtian looked at the two princes and felt very emotional.

The Shapudian royal family indulged some people before, obviously wanting to play both sides between the big countries and get more benefits.

And Mr. Ghost played a little operation, not only clearing out some guys who were in the way, but also pulling Shapudian into his own camp.

The headache that Daxia has been having was easily solved by Mr. Ghost.

The two sides exchanged for a while.

The two royal family members said goodbye.

A helicopter landed and took the two princes away.

Qi Ma looked down at the Tianwai Mountain that was broken in half, and sighed: "Mr. Ghost is simply a god-like figure."

Aung San nodded and said: "Daxia is already a superpower, and now with Mr. Ghost, the East Continent will definitely become Daxia's sphere of influence. Shapudian can only turn to Daxia in an all-round way. The approach of playing both sides is really not feasible."

Qima said: "At least Daxia people have a bottom line in their actions, unlike the Kameni people who are so unscrupulous. I would rather follow Daxia people to the end."

The princess rolled her eyes at her brother: "If you hadn't insisted on using the Kameni people, I wouldn't have been parasitized by a disgusting big bug and almost became an idiot."

Aung San smiled embarrassedly and apologized quickly: "Dear sister, I have deeply realized my mistake."

He paused and said: "I didn't see Mr. Ghost take action before, and I didn't understand the meaning of the strongest man on Canglan Star. Now I fully understand it."

Qima snorted: "I understood it a long time ago."

Aung San glanced at the vines that his sister treated as a treasure and smiled helplessly.

He naturally understood that his sister had completely become a die-hard fan of Mr. Ghost by taking an autograph.


In the distance.

Yang Fan sat on a stone, playing with the bone fragment, and whispered softly: "Qingyang Demon Clan?"

The race to which the demon Wanshan belongs is the Qingyang Demon Clan.

Of course.

They call themselves the Qingyang Saint Clan.

Although the bone fragment is a space equipment, the internal space does not exceed five cubic meters.

Wanshan's background is not small, and it is very likely that he is the clone of a knight.

But the space equipment obtained by such a person is so small.

Yang Fan vaguely had an idea: "There should not be many space equipment in the original world, at least not like cabbage everywhere."

For comparison.

The internal area of ​​the space bead is no less than two standard football fields, and the height is no less than ten meters.

It is more than hundreds of streets away from the bone fragment.

The items in the bone fragment are dazzling, with nearly three hundred pieces of various sizes, and the stone slab is just one of them.

Most of them were things Yang Fan had never seen before, which opened his eyes.

Among them was a strange green bone, which was longer than an arm.

According to the memory obtained by Yang Fan through spiritual communication, this was a finger bone of a primitive creature.

The body of the demon Wanshan made it into a book.

This book even has a name - "Qingyang Book".

Yang Fan had a hunch that he could get a great benefit from "Qingyang Book".

But he didn't know how to read it, let alone recognize the characters of the Qingyang demon clan.

Because this book was encrypted.

Yang Fan sighed lightly: "It seems that I still have to find a superpower to analyze the ciphertext."

He checked the database of the Jiuzhou Legion and did not find such superpowers.

Yang Fan's mind moved again.

A green figure, more than two meters tall, appeared in front of him out of thin air.

It was the second warrior of Canglan Star, Slaughter Axe - Eric.

It looked around curiously before kneeling on one knee: "Sir, do you have any instructions?"

Yang Fan did not answer, but asked a question: "Do you want to kill the Gameni people?"

Eric suddenly became excited: "My battle axe is always eager for the flesh and blood of the Gameni people."

This guy is a Gameni, but he likes to kill Gameni people the most. This is indeed a very interesting thing.

Yang Fan waved his hand: "Go, Que San will provide you with guidance."


Eric responded respectfully.


Five hundred kilometers away.


This city with a population of three million is the capital of Shaoudian and the most populous city in the country.

The Blood Flag Corps of the Daxia military, a subordinate team, is waiting for the arrival of reinforcements.

As it is the latest establishment of the superpower organization, the Blood Flag Corps currently has only more than a thousand superpowers.

Half of the members are still Shapudians.

Of course.

The word "original" should be added before "Shapudian".

This group of people, along with their entire families, all received Daxia citizenship certificates.

Compared to the Jiuzhou Legion, which has a total of more than 20,000 people, the Blood Flag Legion is much more shabby.

It was precisely because of this that this team remembered to apply for reinforcements from their superiors.

Captain Gong Yonghui looked around at his six psychics and more than twenty special forces.

He looked at his watch and said, "Reinforcements should arrive within five minutes. Then we will start to act and kill the monster created by the Gameni people!"


Everyone responded together.

Just then.

A rough voice came from outside the gate: "Blood flags are burning!"

This is the code for contact.

Gong Yonghui's face was full of joy: "Reinforcements are coming!"

He immediately responded: "Great Xia will win!"

Gong Yonghui gestured to his subordinates: "Open the door."

Two soldiers immediately opened the door.

The scene they saw made the group of people stunned for a moment.

A giant with a green body and a bird standing on his right shoulder appeared outside the gate.

The giant's eyes could not be seen, and his face was wrapped with vines, looking like a faceless man.

Gong Yonghui was a little confused.

Is this reinforcement?

Didn't the superiors say that the one coming was a very powerful spirit beast?

The giant said again: "Hello, Captain Gong, I don't have a name, you can call me Slaughter Axe!"

Gong Yonghui responded quickly: "I'll call you Mr. Axe."

The giant said in a nonchalant tone: "You can call it whatever you want."

Que San interrupted: "You can call it 'Big Guy', it seems to like this name."

Gong Yonghui would not do this, after all, it is not a particularly polite title.

Que San is Mr. Ling Ya's spirit beast, he can call it that, but the captain doesn't have the courage to call it that.

Gong Yonghui asked cautiously: "Mr. Axe, what are you good at?"

The giant's answer was very simple: "Killing people!"

At the same time.

It burst out with a strong momentum all over its body, and a strong wind blew around it.

Gong Yonghui was stunned for a moment, his voice trembling a little: "Mr. Axe, you are not a warrior, right?"

This captain is a physical ability user, the level is quite good, and he can control his strength freely.

When the giant burst out with momentum just now, he felt very clearly that this is a power that is one level higher than strength.

So the answer is self-evident.

Que San answered the question in a brisk tone: "Yes! The big guy is the second warrior of Daxia."

Including Gong Yonghui, everyone was stunned.

When did Daxia have a second warrior?

In addition to being shocked, Gong Yonghui also felt extremely absurd.

We found the traces of the suspected punisher in Dulinte, so we asked for reinforcements from the superiors.

The superiors quietly threw a top warrior?

Isn't this too extravagant? !

The giant asked again: "When will we go to kill people?"

It has been thinking about killing the Gameni people, so it is a little anxious.

Gong Yonghui said "Uh": "Mr. Battle Axe, please allow me to contact the superiors first."

The giant urged: "Then hurry up."

Gong Yonghui's attitude can be described as nodding and bowing: "Understood."


Five minutes later.

Plant Airport.

The second commander of the Blood Flag Corps, Chief Ma, listened to the voice on the phone with a dazed expression.

We asked Mr. Ling Ya for support, and this big guy threw a warrior over without saying a word?

What kind of god is Mr. Ling Ya, who quietly cultivated a warrior?

So Da Xia suddenly has another warrior?

Chief Ma couldn't sit still any longer: "Contact the capital immediately, I have something very important to report."

The second warrior of Canglan Star was born in Dongfang Da Xia, which is definitely a very important matter.

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