I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 174: Fusion of superpowers, leap in strength

"The demonic devouring ability and the gluttonous eating ability can be fused. The fusion requires 154 spiritual source points. There are currently enough spiritual source points. Do you want to fuse them?"


"The Inch Light power and the Diamond Iron Bone power can be fused. The fusion requires 56 spiritual source points. There are currently enough spiritual source points. Do you want to fuse?"


I just received a large amount of spiritual source points, and the accumulated spiritual source points reached a high of 217.5 points.

But after two consecutive fusions, the spiritual source point dropped to the bottom of 7.5 points.

Come quickly!

Go faster!

Two lines of illusory text emerged, showing the newly fused abilities.

〖Everything Devours〗: Activated, mid-level physical ability, current evolution level is 3%.

This is the superpower that comes from the fusion of Demon Devour and Gluttony.

It is also Yang Fan's fifth mid-level ability.

He quietly activated Devouring Everything and tentatively touched a small tree next to him.

A black mist surged from the fingertips and instantly enveloped the entire small tree.

The small tree withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and after just a few breaths, it completely lost its vitality.

The black mist flowed quickly and retracted from the fingertips.


The cold night wind blew.

The small trees turned into dust and carried by the wind.

Yang Fan touched his belly and immediately felt a sense of fullness.

The powerful effect of the supernatural power made him a little shocked: "It is indeed a bit abnormal!"

Although the gluttony power is also good, as eating can improve attributes, it requires constant chewing, which is a bit taxing.

In comparison, Wanxiang Swallowing is much less worrying.

What's more, it looks even more cool.

Yang Fan chuckled: "If it were placed in a martial arts novel, he could have the title of Demon Lord."

He looked at another line of illusory text.

〖Diamond Iron Bone〗: Activated, middle-grade physical ability, current evolution level is 32%.

The name has not changed.

The degree of evolution has increased from 18% to 32%.

Yang Fan felt it carefully and murmured softly: "It seems that there is an extra layer of change in strength."

Originally there was only one change - the word "Zhen".

Back then, as Mr. Ghost, he used the "shock" technique to collapse a building with one foot and kill a primitive bug with one punch, which really shocked many people.

Various countries recognized Mr. Ghost as the strongest person on Canglan Star, which is inseparable from the word "Zhen".

Now there is an additional change - the word "explosion".

This is exactly the change that stems from Cun Mang's special ability.

Yang Fan checked the attributes again.


Physical value: 202

Spirit value: 226

Life force: 2489

With the improvement of abilities, the three attributes were increased by 64 points, 26 points, and 485 points respectively.

Another leap in strength occurred.



so far.

The "Foolish Old Man Plan" has been implemented for two days and one night.

After many special abilities were mined day and night, the height of this nearly 1,000-meter iron peak has been reduced by nearly 400 meters.


Since the shape of the mountain is thin at the top and thick at the bottom, the progress of mining will naturally become slower and slower the further you go down.

At the end of the conveyor belt.

A conveyor belt for transporting scrap iron has been set up.

More than two thousand heavy-duty trucks are lining up on both sides of the conveyor belt, waiting to load scrap metal.

More heavy trucks are driving on the road, transporting extraterrestrial materials day and night.

At the beginning of the conveyor belt.

Thousands of large construction machines are crushing larger iron blocks and sending them to the conveyor belt.

There are tens of thousands of workers, either using simple tools to break the iron or carrying the broken iron with their bare hands.

There was no one to supervise, and no one to urge, the workers were all sweating and fighting hard.

Because everyone has a feeling of "I am a foolish old man and I am proud".

This is the simplest patriotic feeling.


A worker who was over 40 years old threw a piece of scrap metal the size of a football heavily on the ground.

He took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Made, I have never been so tired in my life."

Another worker, who was dark and strong, smiled and said: "Old Liu, if you are too tired to work anymore, go and take a rest."

Old Liu shook his head: "Forget it, no matter how hard and tiring it is, it only lasts a few days. There are a group of hungry wolves outside who want to rob our family of Tianwai Mountain. We must move these treasures back to the country as soon as possible."

He paused and then said: "I just heard the news. Our Daxia scientists isolated a special substance called 'spiritual iron' from the iron blocks in Tianwai Mountain.

"Scientists fused a small amount of spiritual iron with steel to create a special alloy with ultra-high wear resistance, code-named Super Wear-Resistant No. 1, or CNM01 for short.

"The lifespan of high-speed rail wheels made with Super Wear-resistant No. 1 has increased by more than ten times. In the past, wheels were replaced after 2.4 million kilometers, but now there is no need to consider replacement after 30 million kilometers."

Old Liu's tone was full of pride: "When I get home, I will tell my son that the batch of spiritual iron that Daxia obtained was brought back by me with both hands."

The black and strong worker let out an "ah" sound: "Old Liu, you are so shameless. The mountain outside the sky weighs 200 million tons. You have only moved a few pieces with your small body, so you have the nerve to claim to move it back to the country with both hands?"

Old Liu asked with a look of contempt: "Xiao Ma, have you ever been to elementary school? Do you know what rhetoric is?"

The guy snorted: "I'm going to work, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, an illiterate."

Xiao Ma said "Yo", "According to what you said, didn't I drive a mountain from the sky back to Daxia on a three-wheeled vehicle?"

Old Liu got on the three-wheeled vehicle and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, drive faster."

He pointed in the direction again: "I remember that there has been no search there."

Xiao Ma replied "Okay", and drove the three-wheeled vehicle shakily forward.

Many scattered pieces of broken iron were found by many workers visually, and then pulled to the conveyor belt by three-wheeled vehicles.

This ant-moving transportation method can ensure that no broken iron is left in Shapudian.

By the way.

The three-wheeled vehicles made in Daxia are quite easy to use and of excellent quality.

Despite the extremely poor road conditions, they can still run around with pieces of scrap metal.


Xiao Ma drove a three-wheeled motorcycle and approached the Tianwai Mine.

The so-called "Tianwai Mine" is the name given by the workers to the area where the Tianwai Mountain fell.

With the falling point as the core, the area within a radius of one kilometer is the Tianwai Mine.

A large number of soldiers with live ammunition surrounded the mine with three layers inside and three layers outside, and strictly prohibited any outsiders from entering.


Xiao Ma was "rejected".

The entrance and exit of the mine was actually blocked.

A second lieutenant led a group of soldiers and carried some roadblocks to block the road.

More than a dozen three-wheeled motorcycles and some workers who were responsible for ant moving to find scrap metal gathered outside the roadblock.

Old Liu jumped out of the car quickly, walked over and asked, "Brother, why are we not allowed to enter here?"

The worker who was asked said excitedly, "Just now the soldiers said that Mr. Ghost is about to use a special skill to help dig the Mountain Beyond Heaven, and the military has temporarily evacuated everyone."

Old Liu's eyes lit up when he heard it: "Is it Mr. Ghost, the strongest man on Canglan Star?"

The worker laughed and said, "Besides this Mr. Ghost, is there anyone else who dares to call himself Mr. Ghost?"

Old Liu nodded, "That's right."

A group of people gathered outside the roadblock and waited patiently.

It's daytime now.

Although the construction machinery came and went, bringing up a lot of dust, the dark Mountain Beyond Heaven can still be seen.

The construction machinery seemed to have received the order and began to evacuate from the foot of the mountain.

This is obviously a clearing of the field.

Old Liu was a little puzzled: "Does everyone have to evacuate? Can Mr. Ghost break this mountain with one punch?"

Xiao Ma shook his head: "It is definitely impossible to break an iron mountain with one punch. The military should be doing this for everyone's safety."

Old Liu was still puzzled: "It's okay for us. The engineering machinery is all made of iron. It's okay to be hit by a few pieces of broken iron."

Xiao Ma asked back: "What if it is broken?"

Old Liu didn't say anything.

It's not that he didn't know how to refute, but he was too lazy to argue with this nitpicker.

Old Liu felt that the time of the Yugong Plan was so tight that everyone was working against the clock.

But the military spent a lot of time to clear the field, and he always felt that this was a very contradictory approach.

Five minutes later.

The clearing was over.

All personnel, including the superpowers, evacuated outside the Tianwai mining area.

Most of the engineering machinery was also evacuated, and only a small number remained at the edge of the mining area.

Old Liu muttered, "Should it start?!"

Xiao Ma's eyes were sharp, and he pointed to the top of the mountain outside the sky: "It seems that a figure has fallen."

The workers all looked up.

A variety of voices followed.

"I saw it too."

"This should be Mr. Ghost."

"It's good to be a superpower. You can fly in the sky and never worry about traffic jams when you go out."

"You think too much. There are so many superpowers in the mining area. How many superpowers have you seen fly?"

Just then.

The figure that fell from the sky suddenly accelerated a lot.

As if someone pressed a mute button, the workers closed their mouths at the same time.

Two seconds later.

The figure fell to the top of the iron mountain.


Everyone heard a light sound.

This sound was very strange.

It seemed to come from a distance, and it seemed to surge from the ground, and it also seemed to sound in the head.

The next moment.

The workers shouted in unison.



"What's going on?"

Everyone had a strange feeling of boiling blood for no reason, and their faces instantly turned red like Guan Gong.

Old Liu felt particularly strong, his head was a little dizzy, and his feet staggered a few times.

Fortunately, the argumentative Xiao Liu helped and supported his companion in time: "Old Liu, are you okay?"

Old Liu exhaled: "No."

As soon as the voice fell.





A series of muffled sounds came from the inside of the mountain outside the sky.

Not only that, even the ground began to tremble.

This inevitably gave people a feeling-this mountain is about to collapse.

Old Liu felt his bladder tighten, and he felt a sense of falling, and he had an urge to run away.

But he turned his head and looked at the soldier standing upright next to him, and he suppressed his impulse.

After a while.

A huge vision occurred.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the mountain hundreds of meters high.

As time went by, the cracks became longer and longer, the gaps became larger and larger, and the number increased.

Pieces of broken iron peeled off the surface of the mountain and rolled down along the mountain, making a muffled "bang bang" sound.

After a few seconds.

The mountain trembled more violently.

A huge crack appeared in the center of the mountain and expanded rapidly, eventually tearing the mountain apart.

This mountain was actually split in half!!

Old Liu witnessed this scene with his own eyes, and his mouth opened so wide that a big duck egg could fit in it.

My dear mother!!

Mr. Ghost punched the mountain in half? !

Old Liu just guessed casually that "a punch can break an iron mountain", and he never expected that his casual words would become a reality.

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