I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 172 High-level warriors' shock

With a loud "boom".

Yang Fan's challenge to a high-level warrior officially kicked off.

The alien from the Jameni Federation, who is also a high-level warrior, got the first and second big mushrooms in his demon career.

At this moment.

Wanshan was confused.

Where did the bomb come from?

This demon has been in Jameni for so long, of course he knows what a bomb is.

Just now, it sensed very clearly that the vine figure disguised as a destroyer was just a pile of vines, nothing else.

In an instant.

Thousands of degrees of terrifying high temperature and violent shock waves surrounded the demon.

At the same time.

Wanshan's body erupted with unprecedented strong Jing Gang.

"Pop! Pop!"

The sound of explosions like popping beans sounded densely.

A large number of vortexes formed by Jing Gang appeared around out of thin air.

All the vortexes formed a sphere, and the demon was at the core of the sphere.

From a microscopic perspective, each vortex is divided into more than a dozen layers, and the strength of each layer is different.

The first layer of strength absorbs part of the high temperature.

The next layer of strength reflects part of the high temperature.

The third layer of strength uses the impact of the shock wave to push the demon a little further in turn

Absorption, reflection, and boost, and so on, the cycle is repeated, which minimizes the damage of the high temperature shock.


A violent airflow swept across the sky.

This demon was thrown a full kilometer away in an instant like a cannonball, out of the core area of ​​the thermobaric bomb explosion.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to go so far.

This is the boosting effect of layered strength, and it is also a clever way to use strength.


The flames continued to spread and quickly caught up with the thrown demon.

But this is the outer flame.

The temperature has been reduced by more than half, and the damage has also been reduced by more than half.

But Wanshan is not doing well.

It was black all over, and there were traces of carbonization in some parts, as if it had just come down from the barbecue grill.

The darkness that enveloped this guy dissipated for the first time, and he also revealed his true appearance for the first time.

This guy was covered with black triangular scales and had a pair of horns on his head.

There was also a long tail behind him, the end of which was like a gun head, looking like a whip.

This was obviously not only a tail, but also a weapon.


The demon couldn't help but roar.

It was filled with great humiliation.

A mere destroyer was just an ant-like existence to it, and it could kill it at will.

Today, it was so embarrassed by an ant that it even suffered a little skin injury.


On the other side.

Yang Fan witnessed Mr. Demon's wonderful performance in full.

He saw the demon escape from the core area of ​​the explosion in an instant, and couldn't help but show admiration: "It really deserves to be a high-level warrior."

According to the records of the "Secret Book of Superpowers".

Soldiers of different levels have different levels of mastery of Jinggang.

The use of Jinggang by beginner warriors remains at a low level, and they only use it to amplify their strength.

Intermediate-level warriors are more skilled in the use of Jin Gang and have mastered the technique of "Jing Gang layering".

High-level warriors have gone a step further and mastered the technique of "Jing Gang transformation".

The demon just condensed the Jin Gang into a spherical body, which is a common Jin Gang transformation.

This move has a name - Shield Gang.

This is also a high-end defensive technique with no blind spots.

Of course.

The above is not absolute.

Some warriors with outstanding talents can still master the technique of Jin Gang layering at the initial stage of 250 points of physical strength.

Yang Fan touched his chin and muttered: "Maybe I should study the application skills of Jin Gang."

He communicated with the spirit tree space with his consciousness and ordered: "Eric, give Mr. Demon another shot."


Eric responded.

Yang Fan's mind moved.

The Space Ring immediately opened a space channel.

Eric raised his arms high, and thousands of vines entangled two tons of thermobaric bombs.

It shouted softly, swung its arms vigorously, activated its Jin Gang, and threw two thermobaric bombs easily.


In the sky.

Wanshan suddenly had a premonition and turned his head to the right.

He saw two black things appearing out of thin air in the air and flying straight towards it.

It was shocked, and its two vertical pupil-shaped eyeballs immediately showed an incredible look.

This demon released Jin Gang and used it as a medium to sense the surroundings with all its strength, but it didn't find how the two bombs appeared.


Wanshan shook his tail vigorously and let out an extremely sharp whistle.

The short swords condensed by the two Jin Gang rushed towards the two thermobaric bombs at lightning speed.

This is another skill of Jin Gang transformation.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The thermobaric bomb had already flown within a hundred meters, and the demon was still in the explosion range.


Another thunderous thunder.

Two thermobaric bombs exploded, and the high-temperature flames engulfed the demon again.

Just now, it used up too much energy to transform, and it couldn't recover for the time being.

The shield that Wanshan urgently used was half as weak as the first time.

After the violent impact.

The demon was obviously roasted more, and more than half of its body was charred.

Its body received a strong impact, and there was a trace of stagnation in the movement of Jin Gang.

A second passed.

Wan Shan looked at the ground, his vertical pupils showing fear for the first time.

This monster saw two bombs appear on the ground inexplicably.

It suddenly understood that it had fallen into the enemy's trap from the moment it left the transport plane.

It originally thought that it could walk sideways when it came to the weak civilized world of Canglan Star.

Now he finally realizes that he was totally wrong.


The thunder exploded for the third time.

Mushroom clouds rose from the ground.

The demon was thrown into the sky by the violent shock wave like a rag doll.


other side.

Yang Fan showed a satisfied look: "Sure enough, as I expected, Mr. Demon came to Canglan Star and suffered serious injuries, and he has not recovered yet.

"So its energy recovery speed is relatively slow and it cannot withstand continuous violent explosions. This is its biggest weakness."

He immediately ordered: "Eric, do it!"


Eric raised his right hand high, and his right arm turned into a battle ax again.


Another space channel opened.

Eric suddenly appeared near Wanshan and slashed at it with all his strength.


Jin Gang tore the air, making a sharp whistle.

at the same time.

The demon turned its head and glanced, with an expression full of extreme shock.

Wan Shan could naturally sense that this figure carried the aura of a destroyer.

The attack it slashed over was clearly a Jin Gang attack.

The destroyer was promoted to warrior!

But the problem is that the transformation ritual has exhausted the experimental subject's potential.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for a destroyer to break through the first barrier, and will only stay at the current level for life.

The reality gave the demon a huge psychological impact.

How is this possible? !

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