I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 132 Preparation for promotion to a warrior, the future of Canglan Star lies in the Eastern G

Command center.

When Zhuang Jun saw the monster, the military discovered the movement of the rift a few seconds in advance.

"The spiritual wave radar has detected that the super spiritual power fluctuations in the rift are rising rapidly!"

"The monster is coming out soon!"

The top commander of the base, Commander Yang, personally issued the order: "Prepare to fight!"


Chief Yang nodded again: "It seems that the spiritual wave radar has a certain effect."

A researcher next to him couldn't help but said: "This spiritual wave radar is only the first generation product, and we will continue to improve it."

The so-called "spiritual wave radar" is the latest achievement developed by the Daxia Superpower Research Institute.

These researchers followed the mermaid's instructions and combined it with Daxia's world-leading radar technology to come up with such a scientifically combined superpower.

Originally, the military didn't think much of it because the maximum detection range of this thing was only 1.5 kilometers.

This is simply a funny statistic.

On a real battlefield, a mere 1.5 kilometers can almost be considered to have no actual combat value.

But the ghost boss gave the exact location where the monster appeared, and the spiritual wave radar barely played a role.

Chief Yang only said "it has a certain effect" because he took care of the face of the Superpower Research Institute.

One minute later.

The flying sandfly emerged from the crack.

This moment.

It seemed a little dazed, fluttering its wings and staying in the air, as if observing this new world.

at the same time.

The anti-aircraft firepower deployed by Daxia's military in advance exploded.

"Ta! Ta!"

More than ten vehicles loaded with anti-aircraft guns instantly erupted into a terrifying metal storm.

More than ten anti-aircraft missiles soared into the sky, leaving trails in the air and grazing at the flying sandfly from different directions.

The flying sandfly instinctively sensed the threat, vibrated its three pairs of wings and turned into an afterimage.

With incredible flexibility, it avoided the metal storm.

But the monster was also forced to flee.

Chief Yang watched this scene and nodded: "There is a huge difference between being prepared and not being prepared."

Commander Zhang next to him was convinced: "The Blue Lion Kingdom was unprepared and was beaten too badly. Fortunately, we have Mr. Ghost."

While talking.

The flying sandfly may have been suddenly attacked. It may have felt that the ground was full of dangers, so it raised its altitude and flew high into the sky.

For monsters, when they suddenly come to a strange place and don't know what dangerous creatures are on the ground, staying away from the ground is a wise choice.


This just fell into the military's calculation.

Above the clouds.

Several bombers and a dozen fighter jets decisively launched a batch of missiles.


Accompanied by a large roar.

The missile penetrated through the clouds and pounced on the monster like a divine weapon descending from the sky.

Only then did Fei Sha Ting realize that he was in an embarrassing situation.

It was too far away from the ground and had no time to fly to the ground and use obstacles on the ground to avoid it.

However, it smelled danger from the missiles, and it was not sure that it could avoid multiple missiles.

But the flying sandfly had no choice but to dive downwards to increase its speed while desperately making various maneuvers.

This is a very simple tactic.

But it's also a very effective tactic.

Five seconds later.

"Boom! Boom!"

Missiles exploded one after another.

Beautiful fireworks bloomed in the sky.

The command center suddenly burst into cheers.

"The monster is injured."

"The speed of the flying sandfly has decreased."

"The monster's wings seem to be injured."

Through the drone footage, it can be clearly seen that the flying attitude of the flying sandfly has changed, and its speed and flexibility have significantly decreased.

This time.

The flying sandfly seemed to be driven crazy by the stimulation, and actually rushed towards the anti-aircraft vehicle below.

It seems to sense that there are enemies in the car.

It's a pity that this is to die.

"Ta! Ta!"

The metal storm strikes again.

This time, the flying sandfly failed to escape and was hit by shrapnel one after another, spinning and falling from the sky.

Two more missiles collided rapidly.


Thunder rang out.

The monster's limbs were blown to pieces and fell rapidly downwards.


The flying sandfly was killed.

The command center instantly turned into a sea of ​​joy.


other side.

Inside the small villa.

Yang Fan completely watched the battle process through the sight of the spiritual bird, and nodded slightly: "The military is making rapid progress!"

Originally, he was ready to attack, but from beginning to end, the monster was clearly arranged, and there was no need for him to take action.

Not long after.

The soul-stealing cicada is back.

5.8 spiritual source points were recorded, which is much more than expected.

The accumulated spiritual source value then reached 79.8 points.

Unfortunately, the soul-stealing cicada did not draw out its superpower.

Yang Fan smiled: "It's almost time to be promoted to warrior."

After reading "Secret Book of Superpowers".

Only then did he realize that he seemed to have taken an unusual path.

According to the knowledge imparted by the mermaid, there are two major thresholds for promotion to a warrior.

The first threshold is 100 physical points, and the second threshold is tempering strength to form life force.

The "Secret Book" also specifically states that only 100 points of physical fitness are the basis for the birth of life force.

Yang Fan turned around.

He fused the power of adamantium and iron bones, and when his physical value was only 40 points, he naturally produced life force.

He has a lot of doubts about the "Secret Code", and this is one of the reasons.


The current physical value is 61.6 points. Adding points to 100 points in one breath would put too much strain on the body if the improvement is too rapid.

Yang Fan made a decision in his mind: "Add 10 points of physical fitness every day, and be promoted to warrior after 4 days."

He moved his left hand, and the Space Pearl quietly came out, floating motionless in front of his eyes.

Yang Fan smiled: "I didn't expect that putting the spiritual fruit into the Space Pearl would cause such a change."

The six spiritual fruits that Daxia rewarded last time were not eaten by him.

After the spirit fruit was included in the Space Pearl, a small piece of the Strange Object Space was spontaneously separated.

Yang Fan stared at the spirit fruit and could sense that the separated space was filled with rich vitality.

There is no doubt about it.

The Pearl of Space is about to undergo its second transformation.


Blue Lion Kingdom.

The country's top military officials are undergoing a special inquiry.

"Sir McMaraman, I want to ask you to watch a video."

Deputy Speaker Bridges stared at the number one figure in the military with a hawk-like gaze.

McMalaman secretly cursed "those politicians" and tried his best to smile: "Of course, Mr. Bridges."

this recent period.

In the process of slaying two flying sandflies, McMalaman had had enough of these scoundrels.

These guys neither respect facts nor military laws and only like to show off in front of the camera.

Bridges raised his head slightly arrogantly: "The video comes from Eastern Daxia and was recorded yesterday."

When McMalaman heard the word "Great Xia", his heart sank slightly, and he had a bad premonition.

Bridges nodded to the side: "Let's get started."


The video starts playing.

It is the complete video of the Daxia military hunting primitive creatures.

The first second McMaraman saw the monster, he shouted in surprise: "Flying Sandfly!"

As the military's top person in charge of hunting flying sandflies, he knows better than anyone how difficult this monster is to deal with.

The two flying sandflies that came to the Blue Lion Kingdom have completely adapted to the environment of Canglan Star, and the military has to spend a lot of effort to even find their whereabouts.

The video is only thirty seconds long.

At the end of the shot, there is a close-up of the corpse of the flying sandfly, with cheers from Daxia soldiers.

McMalaman looked shocked.

Did the Flying Sandfly die so quickly?

How did the Daxia people do it?

Bridges leaned forward slightly and officially started to attack: "Mr. McMalaman, we need an explanation."

McMalaman came back to his senses and was a little confused: "What explanation?"

Bridges suddenly raised his tone and asked aggressively: "Judging from the Daxia people's videos, the Flying Sandfly is obviously not a very powerful primitive creature.

"Why did our army spend so much time, consume countless ammunition and supplies, and kill more than 4,000 people, but there is nothing we can do about a mere two flying sandflies?"

McMalaman's mind was racing, thinking about how to answer.

Bridges waved his arms and said louder and louder: "The military's incompetence is really shocking!"

Several congressmen followed suit.

"It's really incompetent."

"This is a shame to the Blue Lion Kingdom!"

McMalaman had a brain hemorrhage.

Without the sacrifice of the Blue Lion people, how could the Daxia people sum up their experience in dealing with flying sand flies?

These people are like dogs, they don't understand military affairs at all, and they only know how to command experts from outsiders all day long.

You are the shame of the Blue Lion Kingdom!

Bridges shouted again: "Mr. McMalaman, please answer my question."

McMalaman suddenly felt a little exhausted.

He knew very well that no matter how he explained it, he would never be able to pass this level.

The military's performance is indeed not very good, and the Blue Lions have too much anger in their hearts.

So everyone up and down needs a scapegoat.

The Daxia people’s video was the trigger, giving the scoundrels an excuse to launch an attack.

McMalaman reached out and took off his hat and stood up slowly: "I will resign from all positions in the military."

The hall fell silent instantly.

Bridges closed his mouth.

Now that his goal has been achieved, he doesn't intend to go too far.

Under the gaze of everyone.

McMalaman turned toward the door.

He walked a few steps, suddenly stopped and looked back.

Bridges asked: "McMalaman, are you okay?"

McMalaman ignored this guy and said, "The people of Daxia have a way of knowing the whereabouts of flying sandflies, so as soon as the monster appeared, they were hit head-on.

"This is the fundamental reason why Daxia has the ability to kill monsters easily."

No one spoke.

McMalaman continued: "If my guess is correct, that terrible Great Summer ghost must have played a key role in it.

"The biggest difference between the Blue Lion Kingdom and Daxia is that Daxia has Mr. Ghost and a united country, while we only have a bunch of idiots."

This is openly swearing.

Bridges' old face fell.

McMalaman seems to have given up: "The future of Canglan Star lies in Eastern Great Xia. I don't think the Blue Lion Kingdom has a future."

He immediately turned his head and walked towards the door.

The hall was silent.

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