I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 129 The Call of the Ghost Boss


Minghua University, the third canteen.

Zhuang Jun was holding a lunch box and queuing up for food.


It was his turn.

The chef at the window looked at Zhuang Jun and said, "Master, what do you want to eat today?"

The chef called him "Master" because he was a superpower and was definitely a celebrity on campus.

Zhuang Jun glanced at the dishes at the window and quickly reported, "Two portions of braised pork, two portions of green vegetables, one portion of cucumber, and one portion of shredded potatoes."

Nowadays, most places no longer have a stable supply of meat, but the campus still has it, which is considered a privilege.

The chef took a big spoon and scooped a few spoonfuls of vegetables skillfully, and put them in Zhuang Jun's lunch box.

Every spoonful the chef scooped was much more than usual, showing his sincerity.

Zhuang Jun said politely, "Thank you, chef!"

The chef smiled and said, "Come over if it's not enough."

This sentence is not a courtesy, because the school has additional subsidies for superpowers, and the cost of meals is free.

Zhuang Jun walked a dozen steps with his lunch box, and suddenly heard a voice.

"Ah Jun!"

Zhuang Jun looked back and immediately saw several classmates.

Some classmates greeted him warmly, some classmates nodded lightly, and some classmates had no expression.

He immediately smiled and said hello: "Hi."

A short classmate named "He Zhifei" came over and put his arm around his shoulders, looking at the full lunch box in his hand.

He Zhifei said "Fuck", with envy on his face: "Lao Zhuang, your life is so comfortable."

Although the university has been taken care of to a certain extent, the era of abundant materials has passed after all. College students have no problem eating enough, but they have no way to eat well.

Zhuang Jun smiled: "I feel like I'm almost a glutton."

He made an excuse casually: "I didn't sleep well last night, I'm going back to sleep first."

After that.

Zhuang Jun left without hesitation.

A low voice of discussion came from behind.

He had never told his classmates about his superpowers, so no one in the school knew about his incredible hearing.

"Damn, this mink is afraid that we will go to eat for free, relying on his superpowers, he is so arrogant all day long."

It was He Zhifei's voice.

This guy vividly performed the behavior of a mean person who said one thing in front of the eyes and another behind the scenes.

The words of other classmates were not very pleasant to hear.

"If this kid hadn't awakened his superpowers, he would not be able to go to Minghua University in his next life."

"As long as you are lucky, a straw bag can become a superior person. This world is too unfair."

It was a classmate who usually didn't say a few words who said a fair word.

"Before the superpower era, the world was not so fair. On the contrary, the superpower era gave ordinary people a chance to stand out."

Zhuang Jun shook his head slightly and walked out of the cafeteria quickly.

He found it difficult to accept the malice of his classmates at first, but now he has completely figured it out.

In a word, it is not the lack of wealth that is worrying, but the inequality.

This is human nature.

Before awakening superpowers.

Zhuang Jun was just a senior high school student, his grades barely ranked in the upper reaches of the class, and the best he could do was to get into an ordinary first-class university.

He remembered very clearly that day when he slept on the desk for a while, the world suddenly changed.

There were countless sounds in his ears, which almost drove him crazy.

He held his head with both hands and shouted in the classroom in front of the whole class.

At that moment.

Zhuang Jun really thought he was going to die.

Now he understands that this is actually the moment to change his fate.

At that time.

The head teacher was terrified and quickly called an ambulance to send him to the hospital.

The doctor was experienced and suspected that this was related to the mutation, so he notified the local sharp blade special forces.

After another examination.

Zhuang Jun gloriously became a superpower.

A series of good things followed.

Because he was only 18 years old, he was considered to have great potential by the Jiuzhou Corps, so he received special care.

Minghua University, one of the top three universities in the country, admitted him through "special recruitment".

He didn't even have to take the college entrance examination.

This was something Zhuang Jun would never dare to dream of.

Not only that.

The school also gave him many preferential treatments.

Tuition, accommodation, food and other fees were all waived. Other students lived in a four-person room, and he lived in a single room.

He still had money to earn during school, and the Jiuzhou Army paid him a salary of up to 20,000 yuan per month.

There were even beautiful senior sisters from the same department who approached him intentionally or unintentionally.

But Zhuang Jun was unmoved.

He had heard enough of all kinds of rumors and had no intention of falling in love at school.

Zhuang Jun walked on the road with a lunch box, thinking about the video he saw on the intranet, and whispered: "A strong man like Mr. Ghost protected these people too well."

The so-called "intranet" is the internal forum of the Jiuzhou Army.

Zhuang Jun's biggest hobby is to watch videos on the intranet, because these are videos that are rarely seen by the outside world.

Recently, the intranet updated another video, which quickly topped the intranet's hot list.

In the video.

Mr. Ghost fell from the sky and punched a mutant leopard from a distance of more than 500 meters.


The leopard exploded instantly.

Its flesh and blood flew everywhere.

A pale, complete skeleton fell lightly to the ground, still running.

In front of the skeleton.

Several soldiers who were still in shock were completely stunned when they saw the skeleton.

They were ready to die in battle, but they didn't expect that the leopard would turn into a skeleton when it pounced in the air.

Zhuang Jun had watched the video over and over again, but when he recalled it now, he still felt fascinated.

So handsome!

He is worthy of being the famous ghost boss!

He secretly made a decision: "Study at Minghua University for two years, get a diploma as soon as possible, and then fight for Daxia like Mr. Ghost."

With such a big man like Mr. Ghost and so many soldiers, all of them were born and died on the front line, he didn't think he should shrink back.

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhuang Jun stepped into the classroom on time and sat alone in the corner.

As expected, he heard comments such as "aloof" and "looking down on people".

But Zhuang Jun didn't care at all.

This class was advanced mathematics, which was also a famous headache course.

Zhuang Jun felt very relaxed.

He felt that a score of 90 on the final exam was a sure thing, and even 100 would not be difficult.

Ten minutes later.

While the teacher was speaking eloquently.

Zhuang Jun suddenly heard a different sound coming from the distant sky.


It sounded like the whistling of a propeller.

Zhuang Jun didn't take it seriously, he thought it was a passing helicopter.

A few seconds later.

The whistling sound became louder and louder.

The helicopter was obviously flying towards the school.

After a while.

The teaching building was in an uproar.

Because the helicopter landed in the open space next to the teaching building.

The students began to whisper to each other and were no longer interested in listening.

The teacher also looked out frequently.

After a while.

Zhuang Jun heard two different footsteps coming from the corridor outside the door.

The two footsteps were particularly powerful, and you could tell at a glance that they were strictly trained soldiers.

Zhuang Jun looked at the door.

He already had a premonition in his heart.

A few seconds later.

Two officers appeared at the door.

The teacher stopped teaching.

All the students' eyes were focused on him.

A captain saluted: "Who is Zhuang Jun? We have been ordered to take you to Beijing."

All the eyes were locked on Zhuang Jun.

Zhuang Jun stood up quickly: "I am."

The captain looked at him carefully and gestured: "Student, please follow me."

The officer was more careful and said to the teacher: "Sorry, the country has a mission, I am afraid that Zhuang will miss your class."

The teacher said quickly: "It doesn't matter."

Who dares to stop the country's mission?

Zhuang Jun walked quickly to the door.

Facing the eyes of many classmates, he felt proud for the first time.


Zhuang Jun disappeared.


The sound of the propeller became louder again, and then quickly went away.

The classroom returned to order.

But the students' mood was not calm at all.

He Zhifei sat in the back row and cursed softly: "Pretentious!"

In fact, he was jealous.

We are all college students. Why is Zhuang Jun a superpower and enjoys so many benefits? Someone even uses a helicopter to pick him up?

A classmate next to him glanced at He Zhifei and laughed: "Zhuang Jun has contributed to the country. Isn't he a hundred times better than you?"

He Zhifei was speechless.


Three hours later.


Zhuang Jun came to the headquarters of the Jiuzhou Legion again.

The last time he came here was when he awakened as a superpower.

A major received him and asked with a smile: "Student Zhuang, you should know Ghost Boss, right?"

Zhuang Jun was refreshed when he heard it.

Could the mission be related to Ghost Boss?

He quickly replied: "The world's strongest man, how could I not know?"

The major smiled again: "Now there is an opportunity to study with Ghost Boss, are you willing to participate?

"According to our evaluation, you have a very high talent in perception and fully meet the conditions for this study.

"But I must first state that there may be certain dangers in the learning process, but no one knows what the specific dangers are."

When Zhuang Jun heard the word "danger", he hesitated: "Learn what?"

The major shook his head and said: "We won't tell you unless you agree."

The officer paused and revealed a little more information: "This is the request made by the ghost boss. We spent half a day screening all the superpowers in the country.

"The Jiuzhou Legion has selected a total of 26 candidates, and you are just one of them."

Zhuang Jun instantly understood the meaning of the words.

This is a very rare opportunity, otherwise the Jiuzhou Legion would not conduct a nationwide screening.

On the other hand.

He still had a lot of feelings in his heart.

The boss said a few words casually, and the Jiuzhou Legion immediately conducted a nationwide screening.


Zhuang Jun did not hesitate any more: "I am willing to participate."

Anyway, there will be dangers on the battlefield in the future, so what is this little danger?

The major laughed: "Then you get ready, we will first confer you a military rank."

Zhuang Jun said "ah" and asked puzzledly: "Why do we need to confer a rank? "

The major said casually: "Shapudian is a battlefield. We will not allow civilians to go to the battlefield. Of course, we have to award you a rank first."

Zhuang Jun was startled when he heard this.

He thought of many videos in the intranet, especially some bloody videos, and his expression became firm.

I am a Daxia person!

Daxia people are not afraid!

The major said again: "After you are awarded the rank, have a dinner, and then take a fighter jet to Shapudian."

Zhuang Jun's eyes immediately shone: "Can I take a fighter jet?!"

The major laughed and said: "You will soon be an officer of the Jiuzhou Corps. What's so strange about taking a fighter jet on a business trip?"

Another hour passed.

Zhuang Jun was wearing a flight suit, looking at the fighter jet next to him, and had a strong urge to post on WeChat Moments.

Unfortunately, this was not allowed, so he could only endure it.

Zhuang Jun could only sigh: "Walking at night in a gorgeous dress!"

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