I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 12 Obtaining the Second Superpower

Inside the noodle shop.

Yang Fan watched the whole process of hunting mutant wild dogs from the perspective of a crow.

After the wild dog rushed out of the woods, it seemed to be affected by the concussive bomb and was in a dazed state, running in a crooked curve.

However, its physique seemed to have been strengthened, and its recovery ability was astonishingly strong. It returned to normal in just two seconds.

The two drones circled in a circle and approached the wild dogs again.

The wild dog looked up, made a threatening expression with bared teeth, turned around and ran to the other side, trying to avoid the unmanned attack.

Yang Fan shook his head slightly: "Beasts are beasts after all. Even if they have acquired superpowers, their intelligence is still a little weaker."

The two drones have already dropped bombs and are in an unloaded state, posing no threat to wild dogs.

The wild dog was so frightened that it turned around and ran headlong into the human circle.

View from the sky.

More than ten soldiers raised their firearms, waiting for the wild dogs to fall into the trap.

A few seconds later.

The wild dog jumped up, flew nearly twenty meters in the air, and easily jumped over a wall more than two meters high.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two explosions.

Two catching nets were deployed in the air and pounced on the falling wild dogs.

Yang Fan's mouth twitched when he saw it, and he said to himself: "Stupid!"

He could see very clearly that the wild dog's paws were black.

This is obviously one of the results of mutation.

He didn't think that the mutated claws of this beast were just for manicure.

Sure enough.

The wild dog suddenly waved its right front paw, tearing a large hole in a catching net.

Then it showed extraordinary flexibility and got through the crack.

Yang Fan sighed secretly: "I missed a great opportunity!"

If the soldiers opened fire at the same time, they would definitely kill the wild dogs with random shots.

He felt in his heart that this should be because the mutated creatures had just appeared, and the soldiers lacked experience in dealing with them and still had the same old thinking.

He also had a bad premonition that there might be casualties in this operation.

At this time.

After the wild dog landed, it jumped up faster and accurately hit a soldier.

This moment.

The wild dog waved its front paws again and accurately passed over the soldier's neck, leaving a shockingly large wound.

A large amount of blood immediately spurted out like a fountain.

The soldier fell on his back without saying a word.

His carotid artery was severed.

And this blow fully illustrates how dangerous mutant creatures are.

"Big dragon!"


This is the cry of the soldiers.

Yang Fan sighed "Alas".

The noodle shop owner next to him felt his heart tighten when he heard this, and quickly advised, "Brother, there is no obstacle in life that you cannot overcome."

Yang Fan's mouth twitched.

He was not in a good mood and was too lazy to talk to the shop owner, so he just picked up another noodle.

In Crow's Vision.

The mutated wild dog moved its four legs desperately and rushed to another forest on the right, and its speed actually accelerated a little.

"Bang! Bang!"

Several soldiers pulled the trigger one after another.

But the speed of the beast was too fast, and all the bullets missed.

Half a second passed.

The wild dog approached the woods and was about to run into it.

This critical moment.

I saw a black shadow rushing down from the crown of a tree.

The wild dog was startled, and subconsciously made an emergency stop motion of "braking", and its speed suddenly dropped a lot.


A crow sounded.

The black shadow flapped its wings vigorously, and successfully pulled it up at a height of one meter away from the wild dog, avoiding it from being sent to the wild dog's mouth.

It was Dahei.

Yang Fan made arrangements in advance and arranged for three crows to hide in the nearby woods.

Originally, he just arranged a few living "cameras" just in case, but who knew it would work wonders.

More than ten meters away.

A soldier squinted his eyes slightly and calmly pulled the trigger.

This person had been aiming for a while, but the wild dog moved too fast, and he had no chance to shoot.

Now the wild dog suddenly slowed down and the soldier finally took his chance.


A stream of flame burst from the barrel of the gun.

The bullet instantly crossed a distance of more than ten meters, broke the wild dog's neck, hit the neck bone of the wild dog, and the bullet flipped over again, tearing half of the wild dog's neck.


The wild dog whined.

It used up its last strength and managed to run a few more meters before falling to the ground.

Although it is a mutated creature, it does not mutate for a long time, and it does not have a defensive ability. Naturally, it cannot withstand larger-caliber rifle bullets.

Yang Fan watched this scene and breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally done!"

His heart immediately rose, and he urged through the spiritual link: "Erhei, hurry up!"


Erhei responded positively.

In the bird's eye view.

A crow swooped down from the sky and landed in the woods with flapping wings, almost six meters away from the wild dog.

The next moment.

An invisible shadow, shaped like a cicada, shot out of the crow's companion and penetrated into the wild dog's body.

The wild dog had only one breath left and was dying.

It seemed to be sensing something, but unfortunately it was unable to resist at all. It could only open its mouth and make a weak "Woo" sound.


The wild dog's pupils were frozen.

It's dead.

Yang Fan sensed that the aura of the Soul-stealing Cicada was increasing, and his heart was filled with joy: "Success!"

Earlier, he suddenly had an idea, whether he could use the crow partner as a vehicle to transport the Soul-stealing Cicada to the vicinity of the target and extract the target's energy.

Now he tried it and successfully absorbed the wild dog's ability.

From now on, he no longer has to take risks to approach monsters, which greatly improves safety.

Yang Fan put down his chopsticks and stood up: "Boss, your noodles are good."

The boss forced a smile: "Brother, this bowl of noodles is my treat, no money!"

Yang Fan glanced at the boss and always felt that this guy was very strange. He gave cigarettes and free bills for no reason.

He thought about it and asked: "Do you have children?"

The boss was a little puzzled, but still answered: "Two children, the older one is 8 years old and the younger one is 4 years old."

Yang Fan nodded and strode to the door.

The boss chased him one step behind: "Brother, I didn't take your cigarettes."

Yang Fan didn't even turn his head: "I don't smoke."

The boss watched him go out, looking relieved: "Finally, I sent this plague away. Fortunately, my attitude was good enough."

This guy returned to the noodle shop and suddenly found that a small bag of soft candy had been added to the table.

At the current market price, the price of this bag of soft candy is enough to buy two or three bowls of noodles.

The boss said "Oh my God": "I seem to have misunderstood this brother."

He chased him out and found that the other party had disappeared.

The boss whispered: "Could this brother be doing underground transactions? I have to help my big brother hide it."

He secretly decided to keep this matter to himself and not tell anyone, just pretend that Yang Fan had never been here.

A bowl of noodles is missing?

Can't I eat it myself?


In the park.

The soldiers collected the bodies of their comrades with heavy faces and packed up the bodies of the wild dogs.

Dahei stood on a branch and called out, "Quack!"

A soldier with the rank of lieutenant, the commander of this team, strode to the crow.

The lieutenant took the initiative to introduce himself: "Sir, we are the Blade Special Forces of the Jiuzhou Legion. Thank you very much for your help."


The crow replied.

The lieutenant said again: "Sir, if you hadn't acted in time, I'm afraid our casualties would be greater. The Blade is willing to pay you a certain amount of compensation."


The crow shook his head.

Yang Fan knew very well that another purpose of the other party's payment was to clarify his identity.

But he didn't want to show up, so he controlled the crow and decisively refused.

The lieutenant looked disappointed, but did not insist: "Sir, our mission is completed, and I hope to see you again in the future."

He saluted the crow and waved to his subordinates, saying: "Collect the team!"

As soon as the voice fell.

The crow flapped its wings and landed on the snow, stepping on its two claws.

The lieutenant's footsteps stopped suddenly.

Other soldiers also looked over.

Not long after.

A line of scribbled words appeared on the snow: "If you need help in the future, you can go to Dongling Park to find crows."

The lieutenant nodded and asked, "Sir, how should we call you?"

Another line of words appeared: "Call me Mr. Ling Ya."

Yang Fan needs to obtain energy, and the soldiers need the help of the superpowers. This is a win-win situation.

As for Dongling Park, it is just a trick to divert the other party's attention.

The lieutenant nodded: "I understand, Mr. Ling Ya."

He saluted again and left with his subordinates.


An hour later.

Yang Fan left the subway station and walked towards Yuewan Community on the snow.


The sound of crows came.

A crow quickly flew over.

Yang Fan looked up and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The Soul-stealing Cicada fell from the sky and returned to his body with a full harvest.

He thought and saw the attribute panel again.



Physical value: 6.3

Spirit value: 7.9


Spirit language: Activated, low-grade spiritual power, currently evolving at 1%.

Lightness: Not activated, low-grade physical power, activation requires 1 spiritual source value.


Spirit source value: 1.8


Yang Fan smiled slightly: "So this power is called 'lightness'."

He glanced at the spiritual source value and was a little surprised: "I didn't expect the energy provided by the wild dog to be much stronger than that of the yellow-haired one!"

Previously, 0.2 spiritual source value was saved, and now 1.8 spiritual source value is accumulated. Based on this calculation, the Soul-stealing Cicada has absorbed 1.6 spiritual source value from the wild dog.

In contrast, the yellow-haired one only provided 1.2 spiritual source value.

Yang Fan smacked his lips and muttered in a low voice: "The yellow-haired one is not even as good as a dog!"

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