I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 102: Mr. Ghost's Teachings, Alien Objects

The next moment.

The evil spirit flew across a distance of tens of meters like a gust of wind and merged directly into the body of the middle-aged man with supernatural powers.


The middle-aged superhuman screamed.

He raised his hands to hold his head and made a "twisting" gesture, as if he wanted to twist his head off.

The face of the middle-aged superhuman was twisted, trying his best to fight against the evil spirits in his body.

The young superpower next to him looked horrified and quickly stepped forward to try to help his companion.

But he just took one step.

I heard Mr. Ghost's voice in my mind: "Don't move, let him carry it by himself."

The young superpower turned his head and glanced, and his heart suddenly jumped several times.

I saw strange water-like ripples all over the opponent's body. His feet were one meter above the ground, and he stood motionless in the air.

This image is exactly the same as the legendary boss in the army who is going crazy.

The young superpower secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with a worried look on his face: "But..."

Yang Fan interrupted the other party: "It's just an evil spirit. If you can't survive this, you won't have much potential in the future."

The young superpower swallowed again, not knowing what to say.

Such a powerful monster is just "just an evil spirit" in the eyes of the boss?

He didn't have the guts to go against the boss's will, so he had to stand still.

Yang Fan watched with a very subtle mood.

Because this is another acquaintance.

He saw this person in Ono Ryoko's dream.

According to the dream information, two legions of superpowers will be established in Daxia in the future.

Together with the Kyushu Legion, they became the famous three legions of Daxia.

Yang Fan feels that this is very realistic.

Because the military has been planning to form an army of superpowers, but it has not found a breakthrough.

And this middle-aged psychic possessed by an evil spirit happens to be the future commander of the military's psychic corps.

He also has a rather resounding nickname - Ju Zhurong.

Yang Fan felt that since this person had the ability to become a legion commander, he should be extremely determined in will, so he was not worried.

A few seconds passed.

The middle-aged superhuman's hands began to twist his head.

This is a sign that evil spirits are gaining the upper hand.

Yang Fan glanced at the young superpower and asked, "What's your name?"

The young superpower quickly replied: "Boss, my name is Pang Long."

Yang Fan ordered: "Pang Long, sing the national anthem!"

Pang Long was stunned: "Ah~"

Yang Fan shouted: "Sing quickly!"

Pang Long didn't dare to disobey and sang in an off-key voice: "Get up~ I don't want to do it..."

This guy sang a few words and was surprised to find that his colleague's expression changed and his hands stopped twisting.

Lao Lu is steady!

Pang Long instantly realized that the boss was right, singing the national anthem is really useful!

He held his chest high and roared at the top of his lungs, regardless of whether it sounded unpleasant or not.

"Towards the enemy..."

Ten seconds passed.

Blood suddenly flowed from the nostrils of the middle-aged superhuman.

Pang Long was startled and stopped singing.

The middle-aged superpower was sweating profusely and roared: "Get out of here!"

The next moment.

Evil spirits came out of his body.

It let out a sharp howl and rushed towards Pang Long.

Pang Long was so horrified that he couldn't help but close his eyes.

But he didn't feel possessed.

Pang Long opened his eyes and saw an astonishing scene.

I saw Mr. Ghost raising one hand and making a "choke" gesture.

The evil spirit that was so rampant just now seemed to be caught, struggling with all its limbs but unable to break free.

Yang Fan snorted: "Things that are already dead actually come out to cause trouble."

This evil spirit was the Carmenian whom he had killed before.

After the power of the original world penetrated, the remaining soul power in the underworld bizarrely transformed into an evil spirit.

When Yang Fan spoke, he made a "fist" motion with his right hand.

The evil spirit seemed to be held by an invisible hand, twisting its body and curling up into a ball.


It exploded.

Then disappeared.

Pang Long was dumbfounded.

The terrifying evil spirit that almost killed Lao Lu was killed by Mr. Ghost with just one move?

The middle-aged superhuman also looked dumbfounded.

Yang Fan looked at the middle-aged superpower and asked pleasantly, "Lu Yishan, right?"

Lu Yishan was a little flattered: "How does the boss know my name?!"

Yang Fan did not answer, but just asked: "Your mental value should be more than 15 points, right?"

Lu Yishan replied respectfully: "It is now 16.3 points."

Yang Fan nodded: "Not bad."

He stretched out a finger and pointed at the other person's forehead: "I'll give you something."

Lu Yishan was stunned for a moment, his eyes blank.

Yang Fan activated the shuttle boat and left quickly.

He hurried back just to deal with the evil spirits.

After all, he created the underworld, so he must be held responsible if anything goes wrong.

Pang Long looked left and right and muttered: "Sure enough, just like the rumors, the ghost boss always comes and goes without a trace."

After a while.

Lu Yishan suddenly said "ah" and woke up.

Pang Long asked with concern: "Lao Lu, what happened to you just now?"

Lu Yishan was still a little absent-minded: "Ghost Boss gave me a very magical thing."

Pang Long asked with a little envy: "What is it?"

Lu Yishan thought about it and shook his head: "I can't say it. If I have to say it, it's a bit like a beam of light."

Pang Long was confused: "A beam of light?"

How to give light?

This was a bit beyond his imagination.

Pang Long asked again: "What is the use of this beam of light?"

Lu Yishan shook his head: "I don't know."

Pang Long stopped asking and smacked his lips: "Old Lu, Ghost Boss probably took a fancy to you."

Lu Yishan smiled and said nothing.

He looked at Pang Long and said seriously: "Xiao Pang, thank you for singing the national anthem just now."

Pang Long waved his hand: "Don't thank me, Ghost Boss asked me to sing it."

The guy paused and sighed: "I only know today that the national anthem is really powerful."

Lu Yishan corrected: "The national anthem is powerful only for people with faith."

He changed the subject: "Such a big change has happened in the underworld, and the world rift is probably open. We may soon face mutant creatures."

Pang Long looked confident: "It doesn't matter, we have Ghost Boss."

Just now, this guy witnessed Mr. Ghost killing the evil spirit with one move, and instantly became a brain-dead fan.

Lu Yishan shook his head and smiled.

There are so many rifts, and Mr. Ghost is only one, how can he take care of so many places?

Death is probably inevitable.


Plant Airport.

In a conference room.

Chief Zhang has been waiting here for a long time.

The soldiers in the office opposite quietly observed the chief, and their expressions were a little strange.

They all knew that the chief had flown from the capital of Daxia on a special plane with a valuable cargo.

It was hard not to be curious.

What kind of things require a chief to be a "courier"?

What kind of people are qualified to have a chief deliver the goods in person?

A minute later.

A voice suddenly sounded: "Chief Zhang, nice to meet you!"

Along with this voice.

Yang Fan's figure appeared out of thin air.

Several soldiers on the opposite side were startled.

Chief Zhang was well prepared, but his eyebrows trembled and showed a strange color.

The chief smiled and said: "Mr. Ghost, nice to meet you!"

After that.

Chief Zhang closed the door and blocked the eyes of others.

He pointed to a metal box next to him: "This is what you ordered."

Yang Fan nodded and said politely: "Trouble!"

The things in the box were the spiritual rice he bought through Daxia Shangtong.

He didn't expect that it would be delivered so quickly, thousands of kilometers away, or abroad.

Yang Fan waved his hand and put the metal box into the Space Pearl.

He had already demonstrated this ability publicly, so he used it without hesitation.

Chief Zhang's expression became serious: "Mr. Ghost, for this matter, Daxia has mobilized 15 divisions and a huge transportation capacity.

"On behalf of the military and Daxia, I want to confirm with you in person, will that thing appear in Gonglat Province?"

If the 15 divisions mobilized previously are counted, Daxia has mobilized a total of 30 divisions.

This is definitely a huge force.

Yang Fan nodded: "Of course!"

He emphasized: "For Daxia, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Chief Zhang nodded heavily: "I understand."

The chief revealed a little information: "We will try to drive the power of the Golden Peacock out of Shapudian."

Yang Fan smiled: "It should have been done a long time ago. "

He naturally understood that the other party's words were actually a subtle hint that he was hoping to help.

He said readily: "I will settle the grudge with the Golden Peacock people for the last arrow."

Chief Zhang flattered him a little: "With a strong man like you in charge, this operation will definitely be foolproof."

He also said tactfully: "Of course, Daxia will never let you work in vain."

Yang Fan didn't care much about this aspect: "It doesn't matter. ”

Recently, he had another dream.

Like Sayoyoshi's dream, this dream did not have him, nor did it bring about a series of changes.

It was like a parallel time and space.

In the dream.

An alien object from the original world landed in the Gonglat Province.

Including Daxia, various countries have sent psychics to investigate.

After some research, various countries have extracted some special substances from it.

And these substances have extremely strange properties. When the common substances on Canglan Star are mixed with them, the performance of the former has undergone a magical transformation.

At this time.

Everyone realized that the alien object is definitely a huge treasure.


There was a fierce scramble among the countries around the alien object.

Although Shapudian is a neighbor of Daxia, the alien object is not far from Daxia.

But facing a group of countries headed by the Jameni Federation, Daxia could not withstand the huge pressure of the union of various countries.

In the end, Daxia only got less than one-eighth of the share.

To be honest.

For the ending in the dream.

Yang Fan felt too aggrieved.

It was obviously a good thing that fell at the doorstep, but most of it was snatched away by others.

What the hell is going on? !

Five minutes later.


The needle eye of the peregrine falcon turned into a sharp arrow and quickly rushed into the sky.

Yang Fan looked down at the increasingly smaller base, feeling quite satisfied.

Under his "instigation", the top leaders of Daxia finally made up their minds to dominate the alien objects.

The Golden Peacocks were eyeing Gonglat Province covetously, and they had to drive these shameless guys away first.

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