I can enter Hogwarts in the end of the world

Chapter 89 Transfiguration Lesson

After leaving the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Ian rushed to the location of the next class without stopping.

He had indeed not lied to Senior Tom just now. The changes in the Charms class had indeed made his class schedule a bit messy. Many courses are taken together, which always feels like a rush.

Soon we arrived at the Transfiguration classroom on the fourth floor of the castle. Unlike the gloomy Potions classroom in the basement, this place was a very good location for both lighting and ventilation, as well as for overlooking the scenery.

Ian has always looked forward to his favorite courses, and the Transfiguration course happened to be one of the best.

He loved the feeling of doing whatever he wanted and having his dreams come true so much. Every time he cast a transformation spell, every time he waved his wand, he felt like he was doing it effortlessly and freely. He was always intoxicated by it.

This is what a wizard should be like in his mind, elegant and mysterious, not the kind of turret mage who stands still and outputs output.

After finding an empty table and sitting down, Ian played with the wand in his hand somewhat boredly. As for preview textbooks? To be honest, the "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" really couldn't give him much help.

The reason why I chose to take the first-year course was because of Professor McGonagall's preference for young wizards. She always took the trouble to teach her insights and skills in transfiguration over and over again in every class. Such generous teaching content , making it difficult for Ian to let go.

While he was in a daze, Professor McGonagall's figure had appeared outside the classroom door. Unlike Snape who always arrived at the classroom five minutes early, this responsible witch was always meticulous about her work.

And unlike Professor Flitwick, she sometimes takes up class time to deal with other things. In the eyes of Professor McGonagall, nothing is more important than teaching seriously. Apart from the safety of students, of course.

Always vigorous and resolute, always heroic. After Professor McGonagall walked in with a vigorous pace and a serious look, she stood on the podium with a straight face and said nothing.

Ian is very lucky that Hogwarts has such a woman as the deputy principal, otherwise... expect Dumbledore? God knows what Hogwarts will be like, and none of the deans of the other three houses are reliable. It’s not that they are bad, but they are just a little...

"Good afternoon. Now please turn the textbook to page 156, and then take 5 minutes to read through the content of today's study. I will ask random questions... Those who can't answer will have their homework extended by three inches today."

Professor McGonagall knows how to teach. She is very aware of the living habits of these energetic little wizards, so she does not expect them to preview textbooks at all. She deliberately set aside 5 minutes before the start of each class, so that the students could at least have a little understanding of what they were going to learn today.

"Good intentions..." Ian sighed inwardly at the witch's seriousness and responsibility, while he honestly opened the textbook and read through it.

Being able to use it does not mean that he can explain the theory. He also doesn't want to be called up to ask some unfamiliar content. If his answer is unsatisfactory, it would be a small thing to do more homework, but it would be a big shame to be embarrassed, especially since he is the oldest one here. student……

In fact, the transfiguration technique in the first grade is really very simple. The teaching content throughout the school year is all about transforming dead objects into dead objects. The only difference is the size and complexity of the objects.

"Very good. I'm very pleased that you can read the book carefully. Just like what was written in the textbook just now, our content today is about turning a teapot into a clock. This lesson is very important because this is your first time to transform an object into a moving object. What's more important Yes, the content of this lesson is directly related to the future deformation of living creatures...\

,"Professor McGonagall stood on the podium and spoke with a somewhat brisk tone, and at the same time kept writing various key points on the blackboard.

"Now you can try to practice it yourself." After Professor McGonagall finished speaking, she waved her wand and let the teapot that had been prepared fall steadily on everyone's desk.

"The most exciting moment of this class has arrived..." Ian looked around expectantly.

No wonder he is interested in it, because you have no idea what kind of weird and alternative things these little wizards will conjure up...Everyone is a new surprise.

Different from Ian's curiosity, Professor McGonagall's facial muscles twitched slightly at this moment. She suppressed her anger and watched the various circus sideshows in the classroom. Suddenly she seemed to have found an outlet. She stared at Ian seriously and said:

"Mr. Titus, I think you should be practicing transfiguration right now, rather than sitting there and watching the fun..."

The moment he met Professor McGonagall's eyes, he knew he was going to suffer. The witch in charge had been suppressing her anger. Ian gave in decisively: "Okay, Professor, I'll practice right now. I was just a little distracted... "

Professor McGonagall looked at Ian's well-behaved and serious expression, which made her angry. She could only turn her head to one side, hoping to find another unlucky child.

"Hannah Abbott..."

Finally, the hard work paid off, and Professor McGonagall found a typical example... Unlike other people's transfiguration techniques, which, no matter how exaggerated they were, were related to clocks, Hannah's transfiguration item was simply a simple humanoid doll.

"Miss Hannah, I remember that the foundation of transfiguration was repeatedly emphasized at the beginning of the first class. So, stand up and tell me, what is the foundation of transfiguration?"

The little girl stood up tremblingly: "It's about focusing...Professor McGonagall."

Criticism after asking questions should be a habit of every teacher.

After hearing Hannah's answer, Professor McGonagall finally found the opportunity and heard her say sternly: "In that case, you focus on the doll? What do you think? Have you not grown up yet? ?”

Perhaps because he saw the little girl looking like she was about to cry, Professor McGonagall could only change the subject, turned to the others and said loudly:

"Beginners must abide by the Concentration Technique of Transfiguration. Now let me tell you one more thing. When transfiguring complex objects, you must start from the first impression of the object, start from this point, and then slowly complete it in your mind. The whole shape of…must be like this.”

"Excellent stuff..." Ian couldn't help but give Professor McGonagall a thumbs up in his mind. In fact, his level of transfiguration has actually surpassed the current teaching content.

He had also asked about Ivey's third-grade Transfiguration class before, and the answer was that since the third grade, Professor McGonagall no longer talks about too many techniques and insights, but more about theoretical knowledge in books and key points in exam content.

This led to his reluctance to return to third-grade classes.

Many of the basic skills and insights taught by Professor McGonagall in the lower grade Transfiguration class cannot be learned by holding a book.

"Mr. Spender, were you smiling so happily just now? Now tell me, what is your first impression of clocks... Hannah, please sit down first and listen to the lecture."

Professor McGonagall may have felt that Hannah was not a qualified target, so she could only choose another lucky person, and it was obviously the kind of lucky person with strong tolerance...

Ian was a little less interested in the next performance. After all, no matter how interesting something is, it will become boring after watching it for a long time.

At this moment, he was seriously recording in his notebook what Professor McGonagall just said - 'Transfiguration is based on the first impression of an object. ’

The second half of this class gradually came to an end with various harsh criticisms from Professor McGonagall.

Just as Ian was packing his things and about to leave the classroom, Professor McGonagall suddenly stopped him: "Ian, wait a moment..."


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