After all, Dumbledore was in control of the overall situation, so when Ian chose to follow the large army and prepare to return to the Ravenclaw dormitory, he felt a momentary throbbing in his heart, which made him a little uneasy.

"I always feel a little palpitated, so I might as well go for a run."

When Ian thought of this, he immediately chose a relatively inconspicuous corner, and then quickly cast a disillusionment spell on himself. Fortunately, the hall was still a little noisy at the moment, so no one noticed him leaving behind.

Like egg white poured into the palm of your hand, a cold feeling suddenly enveloped your whole body, and at the same time, Ian's figure disappeared from the place like a chameleon.

With the unabridged version of "Standard Spells" presented by Dumbledore, as well as double the learning time and magical talent, Ian is very confident that his mastery of magic spells is now beyond the imagination of young wizards.

In fact, Ian didn't plan to go at first. He still believed in Dumbledore's plan, and to be on the safe side, he gave Hermione an obsidian pendant that could automatically release the Iron Armor Curse.

But the sudden heartbeat made him unable to choose to turn a blind eye. After all, the wizard's sixth sense had never deceived him. And Dumbledore once made a fatal mistake, which directly led to the sacrifice of Harry's parents.

So after much thought, Ian decided to take a trip. After all, there are countless magical potions in the magic world, but there is no regret potion. If everything remains as usual, he does not plan to show up.

"Show me the way!" (Poine Me)

Leaving the noisy auditorium hall, Ian came to a quiet corridor, then gently inserted the wand on the ground, used the pathfinding spell to find Hermione's position, and after determining the approximate position, he moved forward in the direction pointed by the wand.

In about a few minutes, Ian just came out of the corridor and turned a corner, and a stench suddenly hit his nostrils. If I had to describe it, it was the smell of smelly summer socks mixed with the smell of the feces fermentation tank.

Even Ian was almost suffocated by the smell. He cast a head-soaking spell on himself as quickly as possible, and now he could breathe out. Then there was a deep sound in his ears, like a boulder dragging on the floor, and it was obvious that the troll was nearby.

Ian stared at the giant monster in front of him calmly. He visually judged that this species should be a mountain monster. It was a huge monster about twelve feet tall. Its skin was dull and dull, showing a sickly gray-white color like a cement floor. It was as rough as if it had grown long. Ringworm-covered soles of the feet.

The two short legs of the lower limbs are as thick as short tree stumps. The monster's plump waist is like a huge bucket made of dilapidated ancient trees, and there is still an ugly layer of moss growing on it. The little head at the top is no bigger than 7-7 at most. The head of an 8-year-old child is a little bit bigger, and combined with this burly and huge body, it always looks a bit absurd.

The most important thing is that it is holding a thick wooden stick in its hand. The long wooden stick drags on the floor, making bursts of sharp and ear-piercing sounds.

In short, this situation would make ordinary young wizards feel intimidated when they look at it from a distance.

"Harry is truly a Gryffindor."

Before, I had only looked up information in books, but those were just books. When Ian saw the giant monster, he suddenly felt that a little boy of at least 12 years old could face this monster head-on. No matter what the record was, this courage alone was extremely valuable.

Wearing the Disillusionment Curse, he followed the troll all the way to the girls' bathroom. Unlike in the original book where Hermione was crying with rain and pear blossoms, Hermione's eyes were just a little red at this moment.

"It seems that during the dinner just now, Hermione and Ron had conflicts and conflicts again." Ian thought silently in his heart.

The difference is that today's Hermione does not only have two friends, Harry and Ron, in the original book, so even if she quarrels and breaks up with Ron, she will not be particularly sad, just some incomprehensible grievances and sadness.

"Armor protection!"

Although Ian noticed that the other party was wearing an alchemy necklace, he still quietly cast a silent iron armor spell on Hermione, which was considered to be prepared. As for Harry and Ron, Ian said sorry. He was not a nanny. Besides, Harry had quite a few male mothers at Hogwarts...

After doing all this, Ian did not leave, but continued to stand aside under the Illusion Body Curse. It was not because he had nothing to do and wanted to watch the fun, but mainly because he wanted to know what was the reason that made his heart palpitate just now. .

However, everything was peaceful, and the troll and the savior arrived at the same time as promised.

Ian selectively ignored Harry and Ron's monkey-like jumping and rolling, as well as a series of dangerous operations such as poking their nostrils with their wands. In his opinion, these were just warm-up exercises for Harry. After all, Dumbledore would not sit back and ignore Harry's safety.

"Yingardim Leviosa!" Ron finally chanted the spell, and at the same time announced the end of this farce.

"It's time to leave!" Ian had already vaguely felt that a professor was coming here. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he chose to leave first.

There was just one thing that he completely ignored, which was that during the fight just now, the troll smashed the water pipe in the bathroom with a stick, so that the ground was now covered with standing water.

Although Ian was under the Disillusionment Curse, every step he took would break open water. Although it was very slight, it was clearly visible to Hermione who happened to fall to the ground. However, Hermione did not choose to say anything. , just watching the footprints drifting away thoughtfully.

"That's probably not the case. Just wait and see. You can't avoid what's coming. All the fear comes from the lack of firepower."

As Ian walked towards the dormitory, he thought about the scene in his mind. He was now sure that the momentary throbbing in his heart was not a troll incident, but he couldn't guess what it was for a while, so he could only choose soldiers to block it. The water comes and the earth covers it.


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