To speculate a direction and a possibility, bold experiments and attempts are needed.

He used his heart to feel the so-called heart feeling.

People divide the world into consciousness, that is, subjective and objective, divide the form into idealism and materialism, and divide the world into matter and spirit...but people also ignore a lot of things.

Where there is matter, there is antimatter.

Where there is spirituality, there is energy.

Quantum cannot be simply regarded as the smallest indivisible matter, nor can it be simply regarded as the basic component unit of energy matter.

The field where quantum is located is not idealism and materialism, but subjective and objective. If you think it exists, it exists, and if you don’t think it, it may not exist.

Recognizing the essence of the world, he felt the subtle world, floating in the interlayer of energy and matter, like a small fish, which spends most of its life swimming in the water, occasionally floating up to breathe, and occasionally diving to rest.

When floating up, energy erupts like a volcano, and when diving, matter settles like gravel.

The void and stone formed the prototype of the entire macroscopic world, but such a world has no "soul", just like an empty shell.

So, those regular substances appeared, and different rules formed a complete and perfect world, making the world full of vitality, hope and beauty, as well as death, sadness and despair.

In this way, the microscopic world is constantly filled, and such a world is full.

When his spiritual power reaches the sky and the earth, those rules and regulations belonging to the world appear.

"The door to all wonders, mysterious and mysterious."

"The micro and macro have actually been reflected in Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching. Rules... Tao Te Ching is the rules, which are the laws of operation of all things."

"God is Tao, Taoism is like Tathagata, incredible."

"The essence of rules is the basic driving force attached to the quantum string."

Since the three trees are regular, they can be changed!

Chu Tiange suddenly opened his eyes, opened his arms and reached out to embrace them. The three sacred trees instantly leaned together, emitting dazzling light.

The violent vibration surprised Yuan Feng from his sleep, and his feet were empty, and he almost fell from the tree.

The sudden scene scared Yuan Feng silly.

He flapped his wings and flew into the air.

"Fuck, my sacred tree!!!"

Yuan Feng's eyes were spitting fire, because he saw that the sacred tree was shrinking, and the branches and leaves of the sacred tree were shrinking.

It was almost three bare branches.

"Who! Who the hell destroyed my sacred tree!!!"

Yuan Feng flapped his wings and dived down.



Yuan Feng hit the ball of light and was directly bounced back.

Yuan Feng was stunned, how could it be possible?

It is the ninth level of the broken star. Who in this world can stop it?

In the human camp, or even in the several major forces of the Immortal Court, he has never heard of anyone breaking through the ninth level of the broken star.

Even those rampant plant parasites outside did not dare to step into the Four Mountains Scenic Area because of the sacred tree.

Although the vegetative parasites are terrible, their own attack power is limited. They just inherited the original martial arts cultivation of the host. Their strength lies in bewitching people, blinding human nature and spreading polluted seeds.

Yuan Feng's heart skipped a beat. What's going on? Why did the three sacred trees change their appearance?

Under its gaze, the three sacred trees turned into three saplings. The mysterious power seemed to be trying to merge the three saplings.

At the same time.

Vegetative parasites have appeared around the Sishan Scenic Area.

That's right, they sensed that the protection power of the three sacred trees has disappeared.

So, they invaded.

Yuan Feng shuddered.

It can't stand these weird pollutions.

Without the protection of the three sacred trees, it has only two choices, either destroy the blue star with one blow or leave the blue star.

Yuan Feng looked at the direction of the three big trees with nostalgia, shook his head, and without hesitation for a moment, flapped his wings high, jumped away, and fled into space.

"This coward really didn't hesitate at all."

Chu Tiange shook his head and smiled.

"Where did this guy go?"

No matter where Yuan Feng went, it was his little pet after all, so he had to pay attention to his whereabouts.

[It wandered around in the Milky Way and finally became a curtain beast that liked to cause trouble. It was not until it encountered the warships of the Olympus civilization that it was forced to take refuge in the Triangle Galaxy! ]

Chu Tiange was stunned.

"I seem to have some memory of this scene."

"There was a copy before, it was Anu or Atlas, they encountered a battle between the curtain beast and the fifth-level civilization. It seems that all the predetermined time and space events will eventually happen, but the time has changed... or the order of things moving."

Then, he looked at the three saplings in front of him that could not be fused.

"How can we make them merge?"

"I always feel that only when they merge can they be their true selves!"

"Life, soul and wisdom... without matter!"

Chu Tiange took out a material scepter and placed it in front of the three saplings.


The three trees and the scepter were surrounded by a bright light, accompanied by a strange buzzing sound, as if the whole world had stopped moving and everything had slowed down.

It was as if the wind had been frozen.

The faint light spread in circles around like water waves.

The light wave spread wider and wider.

The first wave of vegetative parasites that had just entered the Sishan Scenic Area were swept across by light waves that penetrated their bodies. They all hugged each other and cried, rolling on the ground, whistling strange roars in their mouths, and emitting ear-piercing ghost cries and wolf howls.

After a moment, everyone froze on the spot.

"I...why am I here?"

"Oh my God, what happened?"

"Shouldn't I be cooking?"

"It's over. It's already past ten o'clock. I'm seriously late for work."

"Mom, I'm scared!!!"

That light wave is like a good medicine, reviving "dead" people and killing active parasites.

The speed of the light wave did not slow down, and it continued to spread, and its scope became wider and wider. Annan City, Jiangnan Province, Zhongzhou... Kyushu, in less than an hour, the whole world felt as if it had been washed by water and looked brand new!

Finally, the light wave stopped at the Antarctic palace complex.

"The power of rules."

[Due to the intervention of the host, Blue Star has returned to its original appearance, but if the source is not solved, this civilization will eventually perish! 】

Chu Tiange lowered his head and glanced at the dead branch as thick as his thumb.

"Don't worry about solving the strange source of the Antarctic palace complex. Please tell me first what this dead branch is? What kind of dead branch can give birth to the three sacred trees... It's unbelievable."

[According to the analysis of pheromones on the dead is the World Tree! 】


"You are a system, how come your voice is choked and trembling?"

[Host, dead branches are very important to the system, please donate the dead branches to the system. 】

The sparkle in Chu Tiange's eyes soared.

"System, I think I already know your origin!"

No one is a fool, and a little speculation will show up.

[This...probably, the system doesn't know either. 】

"This is not important. First, tell me what the World Tree is? What kind of existence is it?"

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