I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 120: Enlightenment of Buddha, Gaia (1/2)

Sham Baha cooperated with the eighteen great wisdom masters in the treasure house secret sect to fight against Lian Huasheng. Their cultivation was at the early stage of the Yecheng, equivalent to the eighth level of the Yanhuang body refining technique, and the eighth-level early strongman.

Lian Huasheng's cultivation was at the peak of the Yecheng, and he was only one step away from the ninth level of the supreme level.

The battle between the two sides was about to break out.

Lian Huasheng took the lead and shot out a bead, as fast as lightning, hitting Ram Baha in the face.

Ram Baha's expression changed drastically, and he tapped his feet repeatedly to dodge quickly. At the same time, he stomped his feet and swooped down towards Lian Huasheng, like an eagle spreading its wings, as fast as thunder.

"Angry Vajra!"

Ram Baha put his hands together, and a bright Vajra seal floated out from his palms, smashing directly towards Lian Huasheng like a mountain pressing down on his head, and the strong pressure made people's blood coagulate.

But looking at Lian Huasheng's expression, he was indifferent, relaxed, unmoved, and even a little bit contemptuous and careless.

He stretched out his hand and gently grasped it, as if there was a piece of cloth covering the sky and the sun in the void. He gently spread it, and golden light suddenly appeared, forming a curtain umbrella, easily resisting Ram Baha's Vajra Seal.

Seeing that the Vajra Seal was ineffective, Lian Huasheng's heart sank, and his face became solemn: "Everyone, hurry up, no matter how powerful Lian Huasheng is, he can't stop our attacks."


One gorgeous big move after another was released continuously, and the entire palace complex was torn into pieces in the fight.

Musangweida in the palace hall was almost killed by the palace beams and pillars above his head.

"Protect the emperor, protect the emperor!"



"I don't want to die!"

For a while, all the civil and military officials in the court were in chaos, like headless flies, jumping up and down, holding their heads and running away, and showing ugly appearances.

In the end, many civil and military officials were killed, and some eunuchs, palace maids, and concubines in the harem also suffered.

Even Musangweida was frightened, but fortunately his life was saved.

He stood in an open place and looked up at the sky.

Looking at the sky, twenty people fighting, he couldn't help but murmur: "The Nine-fold Sequential Cultivation Method... is too powerful, I... I must ban it... I want to destroy the cultivation method... Otherwise, my life, and even my descendants, will not be peaceful, and will be worried all day long..."

"Pass the order down, if this king dies today, all my descendants of the Mu family need to remember that this sect can be destroyed or not, but the Nine-fold Sequential Cultivation Method must be destroyed and strictly prohibited... Otherwise, you are not worthy of ascending the throne and inheriting the throne of the Mu family."

As the old saying goes.

How can others snore beside the tiger's couch?

Especially for an emperor, who has a strong desire for control, how could he allow any uneasy factors to disturb his mind, and he could never allow anyone or any force to threaten the existence of the empire!

The Nine-fold Sequence is too strong, and the industrialized technological weapons are as weak as chicken eggs in front of it, and cannot withstand a single blow.

Chu Tiange watched silently from the side.

"From the perspective of an emperor, this Musangweida is definitely a great hero."

"He provoked the civil strife in the Zhangzhung Empire, and quickly united with the clan to quell the war. After defeating the four major families of the Qiong clan, he wanted to attack the Yongzhong clan... Tsk tsk, if Musangweida succeeded... his achievements to the Zhangzhung Empire and the Mu clan would definitely leave a strong mark in the history books, but it's a pity that the legends of Zhangzhung in later generations... are mostly legends..."

The historical description of Zhangzhung is too vague. In local mythology, the legend started 18,000 years ago, but there is a saying that it started 8,000 years ago, and another saying that it started 4,000 years ago. Among them, the saying that the Zhangzhung civilization started 4,000 years ago is the most widely accepted.

The rigorous scientific attitude of later generations only believes in iron-clad evidence. Not to mention the ancient Zhangzhung civilization in the early 18,000 years, even the Yuxia period 4,000 years ago is not recognized by the archaeological community.

People are rigorous and ignorant.

[While the host was sighing at the argument of historical materialism, Lian Huasheng and Shambaha and others fought for 300 rounds and finally decided the winner. ]

"Lian Huasheng, I advise you to admit defeat as soon as possible, so as to save your dignity."

"You are indeed very strong, but at this moment... hehe, the Baiben lineage is gone, why do you have to fight back?"

Rambaha smiled contemptuously.

Lian Huasheng was stunned when he heard this, and his heart skipped a beat. He couldn't help but get angry and pointed at Rambaha and asked: "What do you mean? What do you mean my Baiben is gone... explain it to me clearly..."

"Lian Huasheng, you should understand what I am talking about."

Lian Huasheng's face was extremely ugly. He had guessed it in his heart, but he couldn't accept it.

Ram Baha looked at Lian Huasheng deeply: "That's right, when you were fighting with us, your Jokhang Temple and other temples of the Baiben lineage were all destroyed by us!"

"No temple gave birth, and all the Baiben lineage members were either killed or imprisoned."


Lian Huasheng spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and his anger almost made him choke.

"You...you...you...are simply not a son!!! We are all from the Yongzhongben lineage, why are you like this? Why do you want to kill us all!"

Ram Baha sneered: "Lian Huasheng, can you stop being so naive? Although we are from the same family, we belong to different factions, and what time is it now? Now is a critical moment of life and death, a cold-blooded war of life and death. Why did you, who are so kind, get involved in a dispute over the hegemony of the royal family?"

"Forget it, Lian Huasheng, I respect you as a great master of my Yongzhong sect, you can end your life by yourself, leaving you with a decent and last dignity."

Lian Huasheng closed his eyes, a painful expression on his face: "My 250,000 disciples of Baiben... all died..."

"Yes, all died, oh no, not absolutely, some of them were weak and knelt down to beg for mercy, we gave them a chance to convert to the Treasure House Tantric Buddhism, but no one in your Jokhang Vajra Temple could survive... their bones were too hard, I couldn't do anything."

Hearing Shambha's weird voice, Lian Huasheng roared, and his anger could no longer be suppressed: "Rambaha, die for me!"

His cultivation broke through the ninth level in an instant and entered the realm of supreme cultivation.

The powerful pressure instantly covered the entire Qionglong Silver City.

Countless people raised their heads and looked in the direction of the palace.


Lian Huasheng's angry palm hit Rambaha's chest squarely.


Ram Baha died in despair, his eyes full of regret. Damn, I have nothing to do, why did I squeeze him?

Yes, he got carried away.

Forgot that this gentleman is the first in Yongzhongben.

Damn it!

But unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Ram Baha had just been the leader for a month, and he died before he could even sit still.


Lian Huasheng killed a Yecheng Realm expert in each hand.

Killed 18 people in a row.

He turned and came to Musangweida.

Musangweida was shocked.

He retreated again and again.

Finally, he sat on the ground with his buttocks, and his imperial demeanor disappeared. When a person's life is threatened, some body instincts are simply difficult to control.

Moreover, the pressure from the supreme expert, which penetrated into the soul, directly froze Musangweida's soul and blood.

"You, you, you... I..."

Lian Huasheng's face was very cold, very cold, there was no emotion in his eyes, only murderous intent, unconcealed murderous intent, as if it were real.

"Mu, Sang, Wei, Da!"

"My Baiben lineage is extinct, your Mu lineage should be buried with my Baiben children!"

"No, no, no, Master Lian Huasheng, don't blame me for this, you really can't blame me for this. I promised you at the beginning to make Baiben the national lineage, but Ram Baha of the treasure house lineage threatened me that if the treasure house did not become the orthodox of this sect, he would destroy my Mu lineage... I was threatened, I was forced..."

Mu Sang Wei Da tried his best to explain.

"Oh, shut up, stop quibbling!"

"It's already this time, what's the point of arguing?"

"What happened yesterday, what happened today."

"Musangweida, prepare to die!"

"No, you can't kill..."

The hero is at the end of his rope. Even though he was an emperor, he had no integrity, no backbone, and even said one thing in public and another in private, which seemed like a mean man's behavior, but he did defeat the Qiong family who had ruled the Zhangzhung Empire for three thousand years, consolidated and collected the power that originally belonged to the royal family, and completed the groundbreaking achievements in the history of Zhangzhung.

The treacherous hero can still bear it.

[After Musangweida died, Lian Huasheng's anger gradually subsided. ]

[But fortunately, Lian Huasheng took into account the development of the Zhangzhung Empire and the stable life of the people, so he did not kill the Mu family, but selected a wise prince from the Mu family to ascend the throne. 】

【Later, Lian Huasheng returned to the Jokhang Vajra Temple and saw corpses everywhere in the temple. He was disheartened and led the remaining disciples of Bai Ben to the Yinzhu area of ​​Upper Xiangxiong, away from the right and wrong of Central Xiangxiong. 】

【Since then, the Mu family's imperial power and the Qiong family's royal power have started a thousand-year war, and the development of civilization has stagnated in the civil war. 】

Chu Tiange no longer cared about the power struggle within the human race and turned to the Gangqi Peak.

Noah and his three companions drove the dinosaur man's spaceship to the vicinity of the mountain.


When they wanted to land on the top of the mountain, they found that the spaceship could no longer move forward half a step.

"There is a space-time scientific and technological shielding."

"It's a good thing."

Noah was overjoyed. The space-time technical blockade showed that there was still space-time machine technology in Gangqi Peak.

"Since the spaceship can't get close, let's climb the mountain on foot."

Noah and his three companions climbed up step by step along the artificially opened climbing ladder.

As a result, when they were only a hundred meters away from the top of the mountain.

Noah and his three companions suddenly felt very tired, physically and mentally exhausted.

"Captain, your horn spines..."

The lizardman has no hair on his head, only dense keratin-like bone synapses, like bulging meat buns.


Noah turned his head and was stunned. His two subordinates were aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a moment, their faces turned pale, and some purple and blue patches of age spots appeared.

"Not good, time lock!"

Noah pushed the two subordinates away: "You two go to the foot of the mountain and wait for me."

"But you..."

"Don't worry, I'm fine, you two wait patiently for me to come out at the foot of the mountain."

After that, Noah swooped all the way and finally reached the top of the mountain.

A mere hundred meters directly consumed more than a thousand years of his life. At this moment, he was already too old to look like a person, hunched over, and walked slowly into the secret realm of time and space.

Like an old man who is about to die.

Inside the Gangqi Peak.

Except for a small box, it was empty.

"Time and space machine?"

Noah was surprised.

He staggered to the small box and reached out to open it.

It was a torch over thirty centimeters long, burning a blazing blue flame. This flame had no temperature and did not change with the direction of the wind, but kept glowing with a faint light, which was extremely mysterious.

"Could this be..."

Noah is very knowledgeable. He remembers that according to legend, in the Galactic Mechanical Empire, there is a supreme artifact called the Fire Source, which can give life to billions of inanimate objects.

"If Noah gets the source of fire, the world will probably fall into chaos again."

Chu Tiange spoke out.

Then, he frowned: "Who put this fire source? Albis? Xin Yuzhu? Why put such an important fire source in the Gangqi Mountain Peak?"

[It’s Albis, she deliberately left the source of fire to wait for future plans. 】

"Looking for something to do in the future?"

"She wants to kill Atlas and unify the Atlantis empire by herself?"

[In fact, Elbis observed the subtle things and discovered that Atlas was no longer the original Atlas. 】

"In other words, Xin Yuzhu has been exposed...actually, it's no wonder."

Chu Tiange shook his head: "Just a little bit can make Xin Yuzhu reveal his secret directly. Albis and Atlas are husband and wife after all, and they are the kind of sticky couple. Now that Albis is back, together They flirted with each other when they met, but Xin Yuzhu, the Atlas, had no feelings for Albis at all... It was difficult not to be exposed, and Xin Yuzhu was originally a female silicon-based life form, so she was asked to use Atlas to do something that a man should do. It’s really difficult for her.”

[At this time, Albis happened to come back, specially coming to get the source of fire. 】


"What a coincidence."

An Atlantean warship returns again.

Arrive directly into the Gangqi Mountain Peak.

Noah, who had just received the source of fire, saw his appearance and lost life return again.

"It feels good to be young."

After stretching his muscles a little, Noah sighed sincerely.

Then, the words just fell.

Albis said angrily: "Put it down immediately!"

Noah was shocked when he heard this and turned around to look, "You? Why are you back?"

Noah's heart dropped, and he hurriedly looked behind Elbis. Fortunately, Atlas was not found, but he still did not dare to let down his guard. If Atlas came, he would definitely be cool!

The opponent was a level three civilization powerhouse, and he had the First Army of the Atlantis Empire, and he was alone, so he had nothing to fight with.

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over the source of fire quickly, and spare your life, otherwise..."

Albis snorted coldly, her eyes filled with murderous intent.

Noah was not afraid of trouble and just asked: "Where is Atlas? If you want the source of fire, ask him to come to see me, otherwise, I will destroy it!"

"Only you, can you destroy the source of fire? Haha."

Albis sneered.

Noah narrowed his eyes and teased: "Of course the fire source cannot be destroyed by external force alone, but what if I make its energy disappear instantly? For example, I directly instill it into the entire Blue Star, and I make the Blue Star have life. Consciousness...will the energy of the fire source be exhausted? To some extent, it should be no different from destroying the fire source, right?"

"You dare?!"

Albis raised the golden spear high, and a dangerous photon ball gathered on the spike of the spear.

"Leave it to me honestly, or I will make you disappear into ashes in an instant!"

Noah also saw that Atlas had not come back at all. The source of fire... was the woman in front of him. Atlas's princess deliberately hid it. As for why she hid it in Gangqi Peak, she even didn't hesitate to go back to get it. , it was difficult for him to guess the trick, but in any case, he now had the handle and was not afraid of Albis at all.

"Then just give it a try!"

Noah punched the source of fire on the ground, looking threatening.


Elbis's eyes widened with anger. It took her a long time to calm down, but she was threatened by a weak ant and an ugly lizard man.


"How can you give me the source of fire?"

Noah smiled: "Can you finally calm down and talk?"

"Okay, my condition is very simple. In exchange for a space-time machine, it is the space-time machine that Atlas is currently researching or has just developed."

Albis' face was extremely ugly: "It's impossible. He controls the time and space machine very strictly. I have no chance to get close."

"Then I can't control it. I want the space-time machine. Otherwise, if the deal fails and you dare to rob it, I will destroy the source of fire. At worst, I will die. I, Noah, will lose my life. It is nothing. As for the source of fire, it will not matter. It’s up to you to weigh your importance.”

Albis slowly collected the fire source and gritted her teeth: "Wait for me, right here, you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Say it.

Elbis ordered two of her confidants to watch over Noah.

Noah smiled and didn't care: "I hope you can come back soon and wish our transaction a success."


Albis turned and left.

An Atlantis Empire-style spaceship left again.

Noah breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the door. There were two Atlantis warriors. He didn't care at all, because there was a way for him to escape in the Gunzi Mountains, the way to the prison cage, but he didn't care at all. He doesn't want to escape, he wants to complete the deal with Albis, which is crucial for him and the other two subordinates - whether they can return to their hometown base!

However, just when he relaxed his vigilance, countless mechanical claws suddenly stretched out from the wall of Gangzi Peak, binding him tightly and making him unable to move. The two trusted subordinates that Elbis ordered to watch over Noah were also entangled by the mechanical hands.

The fire source in his palm was taken away.

"Is it Elbis?"

Noah was shocked.

"No, it's not Elbis... It's Atlas!!!"

He remembered that in the legend of the Xiangxiong Empire, Gangzi Peak did not exist originally. It was moved from outer space one day by Shenrab Miwo, that is, Atlas drove it from the mothership of Dacheng, which means... everything is related to Atlas.

"Fire source..."

Noah's eyes flashed with surprise, and he exclaimed in horror: "Gangzi Peak... is alive!"

A pool of liquid metal suddenly ejected in front of him, slowly forming a human figure, which was Noah's own appearance.

"Yes, Lizardman, you are very smart."

"I, the exclusive warship of the Mechanical Queen, was once a silicon-based life form, but now I have been transformed into a photosilicon life form by Her Majesty the Queen. I am alive!"

Noah was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

"Okay Lizardman, I have no interest in you. I stayed only to help Her Majesty the Queen to protect the Blue Star civilization and look after the human civilization she inherited."

"But now, the Fire Source has reappeared. According to Her Majesty's instructions... I should also complete my mission!"

It held the Fire Source and came to the exit of the Gangqi Peak Spacetime Secret Realm.

"What do you want to do?"

Noah had a bad premonition in his heart.

"I don't want to do anything, but Her Majesty ordered that the Blue Star... should also be alive, not a dead star. It should have life and consciousness like me..."


The Fire Source was dropped on the highest peak of the Blue Star, and the life force was transmitted downward layer by layer.

Buzz! ! !

The earth was shaking and shaking violently.

Countless people came to the street in fear.




However, the shaking of the earth did not last for a few seconds, and then it suddenly disappeared.

People looked at each other in bewilderment.

The same is true for billions of creatures in nature.

They scattered like birds and beasts in the previous second, and the next second, the earth and mountains returned to silence.

It was extremely weird.

The mechanical battleship light silicon lifeform murmured to himself: "According to the order of Her Majesty the Queen, from today on, you... will be called Gaia, Gaia consciousness!"


"Blue Star has consciousness."

"The rumor focuses on Gaia consciousness?"

"If Gaia consciousness exists and is a possibility..."

Chu Tiange narrowed his eyes.

He suddenly thought of something.

I once saw a scientific exploration and report.

It said that Blue Star itself is alive and has its own consciousness, that is, Gaia consciousness.

Blue Star belongs to a kind of celestial life.

Scientific experiments and monitoring observations have found that the blue planet can vibrate regularly for more than a dozen times within three hours, just like the human heartbeat. Its atmospheric fluctuations are 0.5-0.8 meters, with a cycle of nine days, just like the breathing of a living organism.

Therefore, Gaia consciousness, celestial life, oil blood, crust skin, etc., may not be nonsense. As for humans and even billions of creatures in nature, they are like parasitic bacteria. Humans themselves are bacteria. When human activities are too excessive, they will trigger antibodies of the blue planet's cleaning mechanism, such as meteorites falling to the ground, volcanic eruptions, and floods.

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