I can deduce the direction of civilization

Chapter 111: Qiong people and missionary work (Part 1) (1/2)

Xin Yuzhu's soul - Atlas body.

Temporarily called Xin Yuzhu.

She anchored the mechanical warship in the hinterland of the Tibetan Plateau, in the mountains of Gangshan, for one reason only: the silicon ore here is of high quality and has large reserves.

In addition, she needs to recharge the time and space shuttle machine. Although the environment of this time and space is good, and she now has the hope of planning a high-level civilization, Olympus, she can't let go of the people of the empire in her own time and space.

She planned to.

A high-energy particle accelerator is built against the mountain to capture and absorb a mysterious dark matter energy in the universe - the God particle!

God Particles are divided into three types, namely, Alpha, Beta and Gamma.

Alpha God particles are used to travel in two dimensions of space and time, Beta God particles can travel in the time dimension, and Gamma God particles can travel across space.

At the same time, make a God particle receiver and carrying container, and the best carrying container itself is her mechanical battleship and a time and space shuttle machine inside.

She changes the form of the mechanical battleship.

It is made into a concave surface and a convex surface. The concave and convex surfaces are made into 108-degree italics with upper obtuse angles and middle divided corners to form four surfaces. The lower part is set off by a squatting platform to form eight surfaces, followed by thirty-five and seventy-three. The chair back rests at a high angle, and the left and right sides embrace a virtual energy tower toward the front.

This is the receiver and container that receives God's particles.

"Time is actually a beam of information frequencies traveling from the star's core."

Xin Yuzhu murmured to himself.

Chu Tiange on the side frowned. In the entire galaxy, when it comes to being able to play with time, it is the Mechanical Empire. As the core leader of the Mechanical Empire, Xin Yuzhu's understanding of time is undoubtedly the first in the galaxy!

"According to Xin Yuzhu, the speed of time is instantaneous and infinite."

"It can be confirmed one by one with the quantum entanglement phenomenon in quantum mechanics."

Take, for example, telepathy.

Telepathy is a kind of quantum entanglement, an effective instantaneity of time.

Xin Yuzhu looked at the mechanical battleship in front of him that had been converted into a receiver and nodded with satisfaction.

"Time needs to reverse the interaction of energy fields and magnetic waves to flow in the past, present, and future... ether!"

What is ether?

A light media substance.

If the speed is swimming in the ether, it means that zero point energy can be collected.

Ether, in Xin Yuzhu's understanding, is the flow of time.

She first completed the receiver, and then built an upright God particle accelerator by stacking the interior of the nearby Meili Peak.

In addition to the God particle receiver and acceleration, she needs a large amount of polarized silicon to ignite the silicon-based military source.

If you want to get high-quality silicon crystals, there is only one way, dig! Dig down.

One is to seek polarized silicon raw materials, and the other is to conceal and secretly establish a silicon-based life machine empire.

"The workload is not small, just take it step by step."

She planned to hollow out the mountain peaks in front of her and build a complete joint-bead-shaped physical particle accelerator inside the mountain. She would use the blue star's geothermal energy to conduct and supply energy, and absorb the discrete God particles in the universe at all times.

The universe is filled with a large amount of ether, God particles and other dark matter. The resources are extremely rich. As long as you know how to access and use them, you will benefit endlessly.

Her first step was to use the fire source to ignite a machinery factory and a silicon-based production base.

With abundant labor force, everything can be promoted smoothly.

"The God Particle already exists, flowing slowly in the long river of ether. As long as there is a correct method to absorb it, it can be used."

Chu Tiange smiled. As long as he had the technical information, why should he rely on lottery methods to obtain three different types of time travel machines?

Time, space and space can be integrated and inseparable, but there are differences in coordinate phases, which can be transmitted synchronously or asynchronously.

[When Xin Yuzhu was building the space-time energy transmission device and the polarized silicon factory, three roc birds descended from the sky, trying to control the bloodline under the Blue Star Legacy. 】

"Huh? Roc?!"

He came to space.

Three huge rocs flew across the sky.

Countless small celestial bodies were shattered and knocked away by their wings.

In his eyes.

The three rocs, each with golden eyes and silver beaks, are huge. At a glance, they are roughly more than thirty kilometers long. With their wings spread, they are at least sixty kilometers long.

They are covered with gray-brown coverts and have steel claws as sharp as steel knives.

Divine horse, brave and strong.

"What a big... bird!"

"Where are they from?"

[Unknown outside the scope of deduction. 】

"The power in their bodies is not weak. I don't think it is weaker than Du Hongjian at his peak."

[They all possess quasi-star power. 】

Broken Star, the first realm beyond the ninth level of genes, Broken Star, as the name suggests, can smash celestial bodies and planets with their bodies!

"What are they doing here at Blue Star? What does it mean to pass on the bloodline of domination?"

[There are three rocs in a group. The reason why they came to the solar system is to pass on their bloodline control, allowing intelligent life forms to become their food supplies and slaves, and at the same time dominate and control the entire Blue Star. 】

Bloodline, control.

Chu Tiange's face darkened slightly. No intelligent human life is scary. Even if the other party has mastered powerful technological power, there is still a common part of human nature. However, there are too big differences between the pure-blood beast race and the human race. The so-called civilized attack is to harm each other. Delicious ingredients.


What a coincidence.

Three Dapeng birds descended on the Tibetan Plateau.

Xin Yuzhu naturally saw it.

She stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the three big rocs that covered the sky and the sun. She was shocked for a long time.

"These big birds...could they come from that place?"

The coercion coming from the three Dapeng birds was layered one after another, suppressing half of the blue star. Billions of living creatures raised their heads in panic and looked in the direction of the Tibetan Plateau.

Xin Yuzhu was afraid that the three rocs would interrupt her plan, so she stayed alert for a long time. However, she finally discovered that the three rocs were nesting and laying eggs among the flowers in a mountain col, and ignored them.


Idan Sol came to report.

"Your Highness, were there three big birds just now?"

"Don't worry about them. Some animal-shaped alien species can physically cross the galaxy. We'd better not mess with them. Their origins are not simple. As long as they don't attack us, we won't bother them and we won't invade each other."

Yidansol nodded: "Okay, Your Highness."

"By the way, Your Highness, when will we set off for the Eastern Expedition? The Blue Star human race is too weak and not worth our time. As for the hidden civilization and traces of alien arrivals, most of them are related to the Machine Empire. Now that the Queen of the Machine Empire has been killed by you, The general believes that it is better to leave first to avoid causing trouble. At present, it is difficult for our first group army to resist the mechanical empire army. "

Idansol expressed concern.

Surprised at the same time.

In normal times, His Highness Atlas took them away early in the morning. Why would he stay at the 'crime scene' waiting for the Machinery Empire to investigate?

Moreover, what is quite strange is that the Machinery Empire has never sent anyone to investigate. The Queen of the Empire is gone, so no one cares?

Idansol couldn't figure it out, the reactions from both sides were too strange.

Atlas snorted coldly: "The Eastern Expedition is not urgent for the time being. Whether I can ascend to the throne is the most important. As for whether the Mechanical Empire investigates or not, I don't actually care. I only care about one thing, whether Albis can I get support and response from my teacher Prometheus. Once my teacher is willing to support me, why should I be afraid of the mechanical empire?

"What do you mean?"

"Wait! Wait for Albis to come back and wait for the good news she brings."

Idan Sol was very puzzled: "Then why didn't you go in person? If you go in person, the effect will definitely be better than that of Her Royal Highness. After all, you are a disciple of the Great Wisdom Sage."

Atlas shook his head: "If I go, once the teacher refuses, the teacher-student relationship will no longer exist. If I don't go and just let Albis go, everything will be fine. If not, his teacher-students and I will be fine." The relationship can continue, you know?”

The teacher-student relationship, which is maintained by interests, is both the strongest and the weakest. You cannot fall out easily. Once you fall out, you will no longer recognize each other.

"Your Highness is wise."

Idan Sol bowed and saluted.

"Go down and train the First Army for me. Don't run to me if you have nothing to do."

Atlas issued an eviction order.

There was no other way, Idan Sol could only lead his men to leave Gangqi Peak.

At the foot of Okayama Mountain.

"Your Excellency, Chief, I feel that His Highness is different from usual. His behavior and speech habits have undergone considerable changes. Even his personal temperament has changed. He has become kingly. His cold and majestic demeanor is chilling. shudder."

Yidan Sol nodded, expressing that he had the same doubts. He was very depressed and confused.

"I always feel that His Highness's personality and behavior have changed a lot since he killed Xin Yuzhu that day. If I hadn't grown up with His Highness and some special birthmarks and hidden scars still remain, I would be really afraid that Your Highness would be secretly transferred."

"Is it possible... to seize the soul?"

another subordinate adjutant speculated.

"Absolutely impossible. Soul technology cannot be touched unless it is a level 4 civilization. Xin Yuzhu's mechanical empire is only level 3. It seems to be only one step away from level 4 civilization, but in fact, the gap between level 3 and level 4 is like a vast chasm."

"That's all. Maybe His Highness has his own ideas. You and I can just let it go. Why bother too much."

Idensol waved his hand: "Everyone go back to the city and lead the team to evacuate."

At this moment.

Chu Tiange was no longer distracted by Xin Yuzhu's work, but came to a mountain col.

The mountains are covered with exotic flowers and grasses. In July and August on the Tibetan Plateau, the water and grass are abundant and the natural scenery is really good.

Three rocs laid four large eggs more than two meters high.

One is white, one is black, one is yellow, and one is flower.


"Chi chi chi?!"


Chu Tiange: "..."

"System, translate the bird language."

[One hundred thousand deduction points. 】

"it took."


The conversation between the three birds reached my ears.

Dhaba, Seva, Sheba.

The names of the three birds.

They represent light, purity and wisdom respectively.

Daba said: "The time given to us by the Supreme Being is running out."

Seva responded: "Let's wait a little longer. If the gestation time is not enough, I'm afraid they won't be able to be born safely."

Xieba smiled: "It doesn't matter, Daba. By chance, everything will be watched silently by the Supreme Being. He can see it. You don't need to care about the time limit. You can pass on the ruling bloodline first!"

"Okay, got it."

"But only by completing the mission early can we return to Shiba Yesan!"

"Shiba Yesang..."

"Practice hard and strive to break through to the supreme realm of Dzogchen as soon as possible."

"Compared to the entire Shiba Yesang, our Dapeng clan is simply too weak."

"Hey, there is no way. Who made our Holy Ancestor Yuanfeng suddenly disappear... If Holy Ancestor Yuanfeng is still alive, the entire Shiba Yesang, oh no, the entire Triangle Ten Thousand Beasts Galaxy will become the subject of our Bird Clan."

"As far as I know, Yuan Feng is not the first one to disappear. Our Bird Clan, King Peacock Ming, His Highness Qing Luan, Empress Ice Phoenix, and the Twin Walls Water and Fire Phoenix of Heaven have also mysteriously disappeared one after another, and even our Shiba Ye Sang's golden wings have also disappeared mysteriously. King Dapeng has lost contact...even the patron saint of birds, Suzaku, Jiuyouque and Taiming Golden Crow have disappeared...it's so weird."

"I heard that the Curtain Clan in the north is causing trouble. Perhaps the collective disappearance of the sage ancestors is related to this matter."

A group of birds were chatting all over the world, and Chu Tiange stood aside and listened to their chat.

"Triangular Galaxy, Shiba Yesang, Bird Clan, Yuanfeng..."

Chu Tiange felt as if he was listening to the "Book of Mountains and Seas".

On this day, there was lightning and thunder in the sky.

The three rocs swooped down, attracted the thunder dragons from the sky, and struck directly on the four large eggs.

There was a click.

In the entire mountain col, all the exotic flowers and plants were destroyed and turned into a mess. The mountain was scorched black, as if it had been burned by fire.

Click, click, click...

Four eggs cracked.

From the top of the egg, a little spider-like crack appeared, radiating and rupturing throughout the egg body.


Within each egg, a human-shaped boy was conceived.

"A human born from an egg?"

"What's the point?"

Chu Tiange expressed confusion.

[There are countless creatures in the universe, and there are countless ones born from eggs. 】

The system took care of his face when he spoke.

To put it bluntly, he is rare and strange.

Three rocs pecked the eyebrows of the four boys with their long pointed beaks, and a colorful light flashed away.

The four boys grew up and became adults at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Four human-looking egg-layers knelt before the three rocs.

"Go forward boldly, children, and open up your own glorious civilization."

"This planet will belong to Shiba Yesang, and you will belong to the people of heaven."


The three rocs flapped their wings and flew away from the blue star.

[Three Qiong birds gave birth to the Qiong family’s four sons in the flowers of Kayu. Soon, the Qiong family’s four sons defeated the Zhajier tribe in Welkane and established the Qiong family tribe, also known as the Xia Qiong tribe. 】

Chi, Qi, Ba, Mei.

The fourth son of Qiong named himself.

Qiong Chi, the eldest, loves the color white and is good at attacking and fighting.

Qiongqi, the second eldest child, loves the color black and is good at astronomy and divination.

Qiongba, the third eldest child, loves the color yellow and is good at medicine and self-cultivation.

Qiongmei, the fourth child, likes flowers and colors, is good at thinking intellectually and cultivating the mind.

They all have a complete chain of knowledge and can directly use cultivation methods and profound knowledge to develop and expand their tribal civilization.

[In 17,500 BC, the Qiong tribe marched westward to Cormyr and conquered twenty-five tribes, large and small. They marched eastward to Changqing and conquered thirty-nine tribes, totaling 10 million people. 】

From the Gangshan Mountains in the west to the Changqing Mountains in the east, Nyima Shenzha conquered everything along the way.

The fourth son of the Qiong family is very fierce!

[In 17,481 years ago, the ancient Shang Shung Empire, which spanned the entire Ali region and covered the upper, middle and lower Shang Shung territories, was established, with its capital at Qionglong Silver City on the banks of Mayon Lake! 】

Qionglong Silver City.

The empire was first established.

"Who among the four of us will be the emperor?"

The four brothers looked at each other, their eyes flashing in unison, a collision of power and ambition.

Qiong Chi said: "I deserve to be the emperor. Four Qiong, I am the main battler. Today's situation of unifying Ahli is created by me. Plus I am Bai Qiong, the first son of Qiong's mother. It is natural for me to ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor."

"Brother is wrong. As a king, there is no point in fighting. You should develop people's livelihood, comply with the people's will, promote true knowledge, and let the right person be the emperor. It is more important than military achievements. For example... I am very suitable and win the people's support. All people support it.”

"Both the eldest and second brothers are wrong. If you want to be an emperor, you need to understand what an emperor should do. Let the people be free from diseases, let the people have food, and let the people be strong... Ahem, I think the four of us Brother, only I can do it.”

"Don't talk nonsense. Governing a country is not just a whim. It requires wisdom and ability. It requires comprehensive planning and consideration. You can't be biased. An emperor lies in balance, balance, wisdom and ability, and character!"

The four sons of the Qiong family all competed with each other and wanted to be the emperor.

In the end, they broke up unhappy.

Although they didn't turn against each other, the knot in their hearts had already arisen.

Finally, the fourth child, Qiongmei, said: "How about we elect a kind and mediocre person to be the emperor, and only give him the support of the emperor, but not allow him any power?"

The other three thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

Chu Tiange narrowed his eyes, and he remembered the record in "Tongdian Border Defense Six": "Dayangtong is connected to Tubo in the east, Xiaoyangtong in the west, and Khotan in the north. It is more than a thousand miles from east to west, and it has 89,000 soldiers. …The king’s surname is Jiang Ge, and there are four ministers in charge of state affairs.”

Jiang Ge and Xia Qiong are both transliterations.

Jiang Ge I was called an emperor, but he was actually a puppet emperor created by the fourth son of the Qiong family!

The entire kingdom is still controlled by the four great kings.

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