
The twentieth thunder raid came, and this time it appeared again in the form of the thunder god of war.

However, compared with the nineteenth thunder raid, the power of the twentieth thunder raid had increased almost doubled, even if the son of the middle era was facing the full force of this twentieth thunder raid, it was estimated that it would be hit hard, and without some life-saving treasures or bottom cards, it would not be able to survive at all.

But for Ye Tian, this thunderstorm was still not enough to see.


Ye Tian held the Hell God Void Spear and threw it at the Thunder God of War, instantly penetrating the other party and annihilating the Thunder Rules on the other side.

The twentieth thunder passed.

“Only the last thunderbolt remains!”

Ye Tian said lightly.

As long as he survived the last thunderstorm, he was equivalent to surviving the thunderstorm of the dominant realm and officially becoming a true master-level strongman.

Soon, the twenty-first thunderstorm came.

This time, Ye Tian did not choose to attack, because he knew very well that with his combat strength, the twenty-first thunder attack still had no impact on him, and he could annihilate the other party in an instant.

Therefore, he wanted to test the defensive effect of his Chaos Origin Ancient Well.


The power of the Chaos Avenue descended and transformed into the Great Avenue Vision—the Chaos Origin Ancient Well of the Origin Realm, and the fragments of the Origin Well attached to it came to life, as if it were the rebirth of the true Origin Well.

The next moment, the Thunder God of War transformed into the twenty-first thunder raid rushed over and launched a fatal blow to bombard Ye Tian’s Chaos Origin Ancient Well.

However, the Chaos Origin Ancient Well only trembled a little, and the Thunder God of War collapsed.

“This Thunder God of War’s all-out strike and the full-strength blow comparable to that of the weaker Heavenly Lord, some powerful children of the Epoch used some life-saving cards or forbidden arts, and if they did not get killed, they should be able to survive.” However, a few of the sons of those epochs of the Twelve Cosmic Epochs were also anti-celestial beings, and less than 30% of them could really survive the master-level thunderstorm! ”

Ye Tian judged.

The thunderstorm is over, and the thunderstorm cloud has dissipated.

Ye Tian sat cross-legged and continued to lay a solid foundation.

It didn’t take long for Ye Tian’s cultivation to be completely consolidated in the first order of domination.

“It’s time to go back!”

Ye Tian took the spaceship and shuttled back to the Holy City, and then carried out the retreat.

With his talent, there was no bottleneck from dominating the first order to dominating the ninth order peak, and as long as the resources were sufficient, he could soon reach the peak of the ninth order.

Therefore, Ye Tian naturally would not waste time, and he should raise his cultivation to the peak of the Ninth Order of Domination as soon as possible, that is, the ultimate of Domination.

The gap between the first order of domination and the ninth order of domination is very large, once the cultivation is improved, Ye Tian’s combat effectiveness is explosive!

Moreover, he still has many aspects to improve, and he naturally cannot waste time in the next few days.

At the same time, the news that Ye Tian had broken through to the dominance was gradually passed on.

With Ye Tian’s breakthrough, the prestige of the Heavenly Pavilion was naturally rising higher and higher, although it was still unable to match the old dominance-level forces, but it was enough to sit on an equal footing with ordinary dominance-level forces.

Moreover, in terms of high-end power, the Heavenly Pavilion made other dominant-level forces despair.

After all, a single Ye Tian was enough to sweep the Master Level, and no one Master Level could match Ye Tian.

And the more curious people were calculating Ye Tian’s combat effectiveness and comparing Ye Tian with Tianzun.

Some people think that Ye Tian can fight with Tianzun, but some people think that the gap between the master and Tianzun is too big and too big, and anyone who can become Tianzun is a true genius of the human race, and it will take some time for Ye Tian to fight beyond the level.

However, the upper echelons of the Terran race had a deeper understanding of Ye Tian’s combat strength.

Kunwu Temple.

Kun Wu Supreme Lord had just returned from the Abyss of Destruction, heard the news that Ye Tian had advanced to the level of the Master, and murmured, “Ye Tian has surpassed the combat strength of the Top Master at the level of the Cosmic God, second only to the weaker Heavenly Lord, and now that he has broken through to the Realm of Domination, it will not be long before he will be promoted to the ultimate of the Lord, and with some more esoteric arts and martial arts, the combat effectiveness can definitely be comparable to that of the Top Heavenly Lord, and may be able to impact the Supreme Level’s combat strength!” ”

This was his biggest evaluation of Ye Tian!

Throughout history, there are still some masters who are comparable to the Heavenly Lords, but there is no one who is comparable to the Supreme Lords.

But Ye Tian’s talent was too anti-heavenly, so Kun Wu Supreme had such an idea.

Holy City, Heavenly Pavilion.

It took Ye Tian decades and the time to speed up, and he had elevated his cultivation to the ultimate of dominance, and it was steadily rising, and the foundation of each small level was extremely strong.

Subsequently, he began to cultivate the Eighteen Golden Body Techniques.

The Eighteen Golden Body Technique is a very easy to use, and it is not impossible to surpass the Eighteen Golden Body Tips in the inheritance of the Twelve Cosmic Era, but Ye Tian’s current physique is more in line with the Eighteen Golden Body Skills, and the foundation has been determined, naturally it will not be easily changed.

Moreover, his real bottom card was the Chaos Golden Wild Recipe, and the Eighteen Golden Body Tips were just a foil, so it didn’t matter if he changed them or not.

In the context of time acceleration, he spent decades perfecting the fifteenth set of movements and the sixteenth set of movements of the Eighteen Golden Body Techniques, raising his physical body to an extremely terrifying level, and then continuing to improve the eighth layer of the Chaos Golden Desolation Technique.

However, the eighth layer of the Chaos Golden Wasteland Technique was very difficult to cultivate, and even with those resources from the Origin Realm, it would not be possible to raise the eighth level of the Chaos Golden Wasteland Technique to an extremely high level for a while.

As a result, Ye Tian focused his cultivation on other aspects, such as the Sword Dao Absolute Technique, the Chaos True Technique, the Fifth Form of the Heavenly Gang Combat Method, and the Chaos Avenue Realm.

As for divine powers, Ye Tian was now at a limit.

He had now cultivated the Great Divine Power of Time and the Great Divine Power of Space to the realm of perfection, and although he could still cultivate more Great Divine Powers of Time and Great Divine Powers of Space, he did not have an essential improvement in his own strength.

Unless he can understand the higher level of divine powers, but there are no higher levels of divine powers in the universe, the great divine powers are the limit.

“There may be higher-level divine powers above the Great Divine Power, but there is no one in the universe, but it can be fused to create a stronger Great Divine Power, my time talent and space talent have been fused, if I can create the Time and Space Great Divine Power, the power is absolutely very powerful, but this step is too difficult!” If you combine the twelve talents and fuse them into the Chaos Talents to create the Chaos Great Divine Power, the strength will be transformed, but this step is more difficult, I am afraid that I will try it after I become a transcendent! ”

Ye Tian thought.

He’s not going to be so ambitious, that will only slow down his progress.

“That Immortal Flower from the Origin Realm, I should be qualified to take it now!”

Ye Tian thought.

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