“Take a shower first, your body is too sticky!”

Ye Tian frowned, sniffed the breath on his body again, and quickly stood up and jumped into the lake.

After washing the body, then stimulating the qi and blood, the temperature of the body was high, and the soaked clothes were quickly dried.

No need to dry clothes, this is also a warrior’s ability.

“Ye Tian, are you all right?”

Yue Ling came over and asked.

“It’s all right!”

Ye Tian shook his head.

Not only was it okay, but it also made a lot of money, but these things could not be mentioned to Yue Ling.

“Ye Tian, has anything changed in your talent?”

Yue Ling asked curiously.

“This is not clear for the time being, I only feel that the spiritual power has become a lot stronger, and the others have not yet detected it!”

Ye Tian said so.

“The more you try your talent, the more you may be able to detect it!”

Yue Ling tried to comfort Ye Tian.

In fact, what she had in mind was that Ye Tian’s talent had not changed at all, and she had wasted a golden lotus, but she was afraid of hitting Ye Tian and could only be so comforting.

However, she thought too much.

“Let’s go!”

Ye Tian had already gotten what he wanted, and it was useless to stay here, so it was better to go elsewhere to find opportunities.

Yue Ling naturally agreed and followed Ye Tian out of the cave.

Before leaving, Ye Tian asked Yue Ling to help put the body of the Void Moon Wolf into the storage bag.

After all, he had said before that he wanted the body of the Void Moon Wolf, and although the body of the Void Moon Wolf was useless to him now, he couldn’t suddenly say no, that was not easy to explain.

In desperation, he could only let Yue Ling help take it away.

The body of the Void Moon Wolf was not big and very easy to carry, and Yue Ling also helped with this.

On the road.

Ye Tian slowly studied the ability of spatial talent, and Yue Qi should not be able to fluctuate in space, so he couldn’t find out that Ye Tian secretly studied spatial talent, otherwise he would definitely be surprised.

Before long, in addition to teleportation, the ability of spatial perception and spatial imprint had been used freely by Ye Tian.

Moreover, Ye Tian found that space imprint and teleportation may be able to combine with each other, such as leaving a spatial imprint in one place, and then teleporting from other places to the place where the spatial imprint is located.

This is positioning teleportation!

However, due to Yue Ling’s side, this experiment could only be carried out later.

“Now it’s time to carry-on space!”

Ye Tian was very impressed with this ability, and with the space he carried, he could pack many things without the need to carry them slowly.

Of course, opening up the carry-on space must also be carried out in secret, and Yue Ling cannot detect it.

Opening up the carry-on space is not copied, just use the space talent ability to leave a space imprint on your body, and then inject the space force into the space imprint, squeeze out a small space, and then expand the space.

As for how much carry-on space can be opened, it is closely related to the talent level and its own strength.

“Let’s get started!”

Ye Tian left a spatial imprint on a bone cell on his left wrist.

Then, he manipulated the space talent to slowly infuse the space power into the space imprint.


A large amount of spatial forces converged on the imprint of space, which finally caused the transformation.

Only to see the spatial imprint on the bone cells squeeze out an entrance on the space film, opening up the alien space.

With the infusion of the power of space, in Ye Tian’s consciousness, a small dot appeared.

This small dot began to be regarded as the origin, and after absorbing a large amount of spatial power, the origin slowly formed a small space, about the size of a cubic centimeter.

The carry-on space cannot be so small, and this small space can still be larger.

The more the power of space poured in, the smaller space gradually became larger.

About ten minutes passed, and the small space finally became the size of a cubic meter.

But Ye Tian still didn’t feel the limit, and he could continue to open up and expand his carry-on space.

Half a day later.

Ye Tian finally felt the limit, no matter how he manipulated the space talent to infuse the space power, the space with him could not be expanded.

Consciousness entered the carry-on space, and he looked at it carefully.

The carry-on space is like a square house, with a side length of 5 meters, which means that the entire space has 125 cubes.

Such a space is already very large, and few storage bags are so large.

And Yue Ling’s storage bag is relatively good, and according to Yue Ling, her storage bag is only 30 cubic meters, in fact, it can’t hold too many things.

And the storage bag is easy to be snatched away, once it is robbed, there is no thing.

But the carry-on space will not be robbed, even if the arm is cut off, Ye Tian can also communicate with the carry-on space, there is no reason to be robbed by people, unless someone can destroy the carry-on space, but how solid the space is, it is not so easy to be destroyed.

In short, the convenience of having carry-on space is not a little bit.

After opening up the carry-on space, Ye Tian secretly transferred some valuables from the package to the carry-on space.

For example, those two Celestial Soul Flowers, he quietly transferred the carry-on space.

In addition, he also transferred several hundreds of years of medicinal herbs to his carry-on space.

As for the rest, they are still in the package and done the work of disguise.


In the distance, a sound of battle was heard, and it was very fierce from the fluctuations of Yuan Qi.

“Yue Ling, there are people or fierce beasts fighting!”

Ye Tian said.

Judging from the sound of the battle, it was only ten miles away from here, and this distance was not far for the Great Martial Artist.

“Come and see!”

Yue Ling said.

Ye Tian nodded and quickly took Yue Ling with him.

When there were still three miles away from the battle site, Ye Tian used his spatial perception ability to probe it.


The spatial perception fluctuations spread out and extended towards the past at an incredible speed.

At this moment, Ye Tian’s perception seemed to penetrate space and came to three miles away.

The scene three miles away was also unobstructed by Ye Tian.

This is the strong ability of spatial perception, not only probing the distance, but also seeing more realistically, and if the spiritual force perception, at most, can only roughly sense the situation, can not be as clear as Ye Tian.


Ye Tian saw five warriors, besieging a fierce beast, and not far away from that fierce beast was a fiery red grass, and there was even a flame burning on the grass, which looked very extraordinary.

“What kind of grass is this?”

Ye Tian’s lack of knowledge made him unable to recognize this kind of grass, but Yue Ling might know.

Those five great warriors were all extremely strong warriors, two of them also possessed offensive talents, and their strength belonged to the top level among the great martial artists, and the high-level fierce beasts besieged by these five martial artists were also a fierce beast with offensive talents.

If you slowly lay siege and be careful, this fierce beast will definitely die, and the five people will not be injured.

But at the moment, these five people are very crazy, the trick is to release one after another, do not care about consumption at all, and even exchange injuries for injuries to ensure that the fierce beast is killed as soon as possible.

“The five of them are so urgent, it seems that this little grass is not simple!”

Ye Tian guessed.

“Yue Ling, let’s speed up!”

Ye Tian turned back to Yue Lingdao.


Yue Ling didn’t know what was happening in front of him, but he still followed Ye Tian and moved quickly.

Unfortunately, the trees in the secret realm were too dense, which seriously affected the speed, Yue Ling slightly increased his speed, and he almost couldn’t control his body and crashed into the big tree.

Ten seconds later, the three-mile road crossed over.

Ye Tian and Yue Ling came to the place of battle.

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