The Flame Talent is a special talent and is an offensive talent that directly increases combat effectiveness.

The most feared thing for the Wind Wolf and others to hunt and kill fierce beasts in the wild is to encounter this fierce beast with special talents, which is only a little more valuable than other fierce beasts, but it is more than a little more than a little bit terrible.

“Judging from the breath, this fierce beast is still at the low-level fierce beast level, which is good news!”

The wind wolf comforted himself.

All the staff stepped back, their faces tense.

“Ye Tian, you know this fierce beast, so what is the flame talent of this fierce beast?” The wind wolf asked.

“Second Class Flame Talent!” Ye Tian said truthfully.

“Secondary flame talent, then the flame of this fierce beast can increase the attack power by two times, the fierce beast is dumber than the warrior, the attack means are single, we can kill it, the warrior’s initial retreat, you can’t intervene!”

Wind Wolf said.

Several warriors retreated far away in the early days, just as the Wind Wolf said, their strength was too weak, not only could not help, but would add to the chaos.


The wind wolf took the lead and tentatively tested.

The fire-breathing lizard attacked the wind wolf, but instead of using the fire-breathing ability, it bit down hard with its mouth.


The wind wolf’s knife collided with the fire-breathing lizard’s teeth, directly knocking the fire-breathing lizard out, and one of the teeth also crashed out.

Ye Tian stood by and watched, estimating the fire-breathing lizard’s strength.

“The fire-breathing lizard has about 9,000 pounds of strength, the flame attack power is equivalent to 18,000 pounds of strength, the limit strength of the warrior is 10,000 pounds of strength, plus the attack power under the increase of yuan force can reach 20,000 pounds, although the attack of the wind wolf is not more than 20,000 pounds, but it should not be too bad, enough to deal with this fire-breathing lizard!”

Seeing that the Wind Wolf was able to deal with this fire-breathing lizard, Ye Tian had no intention of erupting his true strength.


The fire-breathing lizard was hurt by the wind wolf and finally unleashed the flame talent ability.


A huge fireball formed and shot at the wind wolf at great speed.


The Wind Wolf mixed with Yuan Li’s knife formed a sword qi and slashed into the fireball.

Only to see the knife qi break open the fireball and continue to slash at the fire-breathing lizard.


The knife slashed the fire-breathing lizard, injuring the fire-breathing lizard again.

At this time, Ye Tian and several other warriors also attacked, launching an attack on the fire-breathing lizard.

After a while, the fire-breathing lizard died under the joint efforts of everyone.

“Haha, isn’t there anything remarkable about a fierce beast with a special talent?” After a warrior killed the fire-breathing lizard, he couldn’t help but get excited.

“Don’t be careless, maybe there is more than one fire-breathing lizard in this valley!”

Ye Tian admonished.

The Wind Wolf listened to Ye Tian’s words, his face became heavier, and he did not have the excitement of hunting the fire-breathing lizard.

“Ye Tian is right, we just entered the valley and encountered a fire-breathing lizard, maybe there are fire-breathing lizards in it, and there is more than one.” The damn Lin family, without investigating the situation, assigned us the task and even divided the area with special beasts to clean up! The wind wolf was resentful.

But he knew that the Lin family would not care about them, and it was useless for them to complain.

Having come here, it is impossible to retreat.

“Everybody pay attention to the surrounding situation!”

After the wind wolf was told, move on.

Soon, they encountered a fire-breathing lizard again, and after some fighting, killed it.

Shortly thereafter, two fire-breathing lizards appeared.

This time.

The Wind Wolf and the others entered a bitter battle, and at the cost of minor injuries, they killed the two fire-breathing lizards.

At this time, they were on the outskirts of the valley.

“It is already certain that this valley is a lair of fire-breathing lizards, and there must be a large number of fire-breathing lizards in it, and if we continue, we will have to die a lot of people!”

The wind wolf said tiredly.

After fighting again and again, his yuan power was seriously consumed, his physical strength was also seriously consumed, and his combat effectiveness had dropped a lot, and it was impossible to kill a fire-breathing lizard alone.

Moving forward in such a state is undoubtedly looking for death.

“Back off first, fix it up and talk about it!”

Wind Wolf proposed.

Where others will have opinions, they are also afraid.

The group went outside the valley, but just as they were about to leave the valley, they found that the entrance to the valley was stopped by a dozen fire-breathing lizards.


The wind wolf was desperate.

With the strength of their squad, it was very difficult to deal with a fire-breathing lizard now, and if they faced ten fire-breathing lizards, they would inevitably be completely annihilated.


The wind wolf took out the distress device and sent out a distress message as he retreated.

However, a number of distress messages were sent, but none of them were answered.

“Damn, we must have a squad of elite warriors within ten kilometers, but these guys ignored my call for help!”

The wind wolf said angrily.

“Captain Wind Wolf, there is no need to call for help, there will be no one to help us at all!” Ye Tian said.

“Well, I know that too, but with a little luck, it seems that I have underestimated human nature!”

The wind wolf sighed helplessly.

At this time, ten fire-breathing lizards had rushed over.

In terms of speed, the fire-breathing lizard is only equivalent to the middle stage of the warrior, and if the wind wolf in the late stage of the warrior escapes, it is very promising to escape, but if he runs, the others have no hope of living.

Many people here are his subordinates who have been with him for more than ten years, and their feelings are very deep, and he cannot leave them alone.

“If Xiao Yue is here, with Xiao Yue’s archery skills, maybe we can restrain the fire-breathing lizard, and we can have more hope for life!” The Wind Wolf had this thought in his mind.

But soon, he snuffed out the idea.

Xiao Yue of the Wind Wolf Hunting Squad was very young, although he was only a warrior in the early days, but his archery skills were very good, and he was the son of a large family, and his future was very good, and it was absolutely impossible for that big family to let Xiao Yue participate in such a very dangerous task.

And he didn’t want Xiao Yue to encounter danger, otherwise he wouldn’t be too mentally surprised.

Because of this, he refused Xiao Yue’s joining.

At this moment, Xiao Yue is probably being guarded by her family!

Seeing that the fire-breathing lizards were getting closer and closer, the wind wolf whose thoughts returned to his mind made a decision: “I am stopping these fire-breathing lizards, you run away!” ”

A wave of determination erupted from the wind wolf’s body, instantly infecting everyone.

“Captain, we fought with them!”

A warrior stepped forward and said.

“Yes, fight with them!”

Others are not intimidated.

However, the last warrior to join was not a warrior of the Wind Wolf Hunting Squad, and he had no belief in life and death, and he was ready to escape.

“Folks, fight these fire-breathing lizards, I can’t help it!”

With that, he fled toward the interior of the valley, ready to find a place to hide first.


Someone scolded.

The Wind Wolf didn’t care about the warrior, but looked at Ye Tian, “Brother Ye Tian, you are very talented, it’s a pity to die here, you should also escape!” ”

Ye Tian smiled slightly, “Don’t worry, we don’t have to die, it’s just some fire-breathing lizards!” ”

As he spoke, Ye Tian’s body exuded the aura of an elite martial artist.

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