The reason why I am surprised is that this method of using internal strength to drain alcohol is not something that everyone can use. Because this not only requires a strong control over the internal force, but also a very large internal force as a foundation.

Internal force drainage is a kung fu that everyone knows in the rivers and lakes, and it can be said that as long as you have internal strength, you can do it. But the speed and quantity of wine is really different.

Speed is related to the control of internal forces, while the amount of alcohol discharged is related to the number of internal forces. Ordinary first-class martial artists basically drain their internal strength in a pot of wine. Generally, no one will do this, after all, drinking is for relaxation and enjoyment, why spend time and effort to use internal strength to drain alcohol.

Moreover, the general people of the rivers and lakes discharge alcohol, generally excreting alcohol and water together, so as soon as they use internal force to drain alcohol, there will be a strong smell of alcohol in the air. However, Zhou Yi and the old man only used internal force to expel most of the water in the wine, so there was no strong smell of alcohol in the air of the restaurant.

Therefore, the people in the restaurant did not notice that the two used the method of internal strength to drain wine. But if someone feels it carefully, they will find that the air humidity in the restaurant has increased several times. And the closer you get to the two, the wetter the air gets.

At this time, Zhou Yi and the old man had already drunk a full forty altars of wine, but both of them remained sober. You must know that neither of them drank the twenty pots of concentrated wine. Even if the alcohol degree of this era is low, it is also more than ten degrees, and it is already pure alcohol after being concentrated by the two, about five pounds.

About five pounds of alcohol is enough to kill a super first-class warrior, but Zhou Yi and the old man seem to be well-behaved, which makes everyone around call the two Dionysians alive.

But Zhou Yi knew in his heart that the reason why he was okay was that his body was strong, and with his strong physical body, Zhou Yi could resist the erosion of alcohol by himself and keep him awake. But for a body that is not as strong as him, the other party relies on a special physique Wine Immortal.

This is what Chaos Nebula said to him, and according to Chaos Nebula, this is a very magical physique, and people with this physique can put themselves in a half-awake and half-drunk state through drinking, in this state, their cultivation speed is many times faster than in the normal state.

However, since the old man’s wine immortal body was only in a rudimentary state, it could only allow him to increase his cultivation speed by five times in a half-drunk and half-awake time.

When you reach the complete wine fairy, you can increase the speed by a hundred times! This is an extremely terrifying speed. And the effect of the wine fairy can continue all the way to the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm.

But this is not the end, another scary thing about the wine fairy is that he can advance. That’s right, it is promotion, the wine immortal body can be promoted to the Dionysian body, but the difficulty of promotion is particularly large, but after the promotion, the Dionysian body will have a greater improvement effect, up to 10,000 times the cultivation speed.

And the effect of the Dionysian body can last until the state of quasi-saint consummation. Do you think that’s the end of it? No! The Dionysian body can also be promoted to the wine holy body, as the name suggests, this is a holy body, after cultivation, it is a saint, and the Sanqing Western Two Saint Nuwa is a level of existence.

But what effect does the wine holy body have, Chaos Nebula did not say, only said that it was of little use to Zhou Yi to say it now. If you want to know, you should quickly improve your cultivation, and then say that Zhou Yi’s cultivation is too low. _

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