I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 321: The Protection of Charm

After Lei Mu finished telling the story to Xia Ruo, it soon became dark, and Xia Ruo was about to rest, so she returned to her room.

【Ding! The second stage of the mission is completed, and the rewards are being distributed...]

A system voice suddenly came from Xia Ruo's mind, which indicated that he had already passed the second stage of the mission, that is, Nayue Subaru's second loading point.

This time, Xia Ruo evaded Nayue Subaru's several death file readings, which was considered a good completion of the system's mission. According to the system, Nayue Subaru did not die even once, which is also better than the protection given by the system. It will be good.

[Reward: The blessing of charm. 】

[Protection of charm: The improvement of the charm attribute increases the favorability of others towards you. 】

After seeing the reward, Xia Ruo was stunned for a moment before realizing it.

Good stuff...

Xia Ruo likes this charm protection more than the protection of combat power improvement.

Xia Ruo hurriedly found the mirror and looked at it, and found that her appearance hadn't changed much, but it seemed to be different from before.

become handsome

It seems that he has become a little handsomer, although the whole has not changed much, it is not like changing his face like plastic surgery.

However, the details of the face seem to have been optimized. He was handsome before, but now he is even more handsome. It is a bit like the elves that Xia Ruo saw. If you use the two-dimensional image, Xia Ruo feels that she is almost the same as Rhine Harut is almost handsome.

Moreover, it seems that it is easier to get close to people, and I don't know if it is the influence of the charm attribute.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Xia Ruo is a little fascinated. Who doesn't want to look better? The improvement of charm makes Xia Ruo feel better.

With this reward alone, coming to this different world is totally worth it.

Xia Ruo.

At this moment, Ram opened the door and walked in, holding a white dress in his hands.

The knight uniform you said you wanted was delivered just now, your clothes are indeed a bit too strange, and it is easy to attract attention when you arrive in the capital.

It just so happens that Lord Roswaal is going to find a kingdom for you to confer knighthood on you, so you can wear this without any problem, you can try it on if it fits, if it doesn't fit, you can ask Rem to change it for you.

Xia Ruo turned to look at Ram, then walked in front of her, and took the knight uniform.

Should I change it now?

Well, let's change it here. Although it is a good size, let me take a look and see if it fits well, Ram said, frowning suddenly, and she tilted her head to look at Xia Ruo, I always feel that the current Xia Ruo is a little different from what I just saw.

Okay, you go out first.

Xia Ruo closed the door. In her room, she took a look at the knight uniform in her hand. This knight uniform was considered the most handsome costume in this different world.

Xia Ruo changed the knight outfit into it. Since she had measured her figure before, there was nothing wrong with the knight outfit.

Is it changed? Ram who was outside was a little impatient.


Xia Ruo opened the door of her room.

Let me see, hey, it fits well...

Ram was a little surprised, I don't know why, the white knight uniform suits Xia Ruo unexpectedly, and...

The window was not closed, and the wind blew through the window, and the hem of Xia Ruo's knight uniform also trembled.

Xia Ruo has regular facial features, black hair and black pupils, and the tailored white knight suit shows his slender figure. With his long sword on his waist and his upright posture, he shows a special temperament.

It's like being a real knight.

Ram was stunned unexpectedly.

How is it? Does it fit? Xia Ruo asked Ram.

Well, it fits nicely.

After Ram woke up, she immediately looked away in a panic. At that moment, she felt her heart beat a little faster.

Does this guy look so good-looking?

Such a thought suddenly appeared in Ram's mind. Thinking of this, Ram's ears felt a little hot.

Ram remembered that he once met Reinhardt, a man named Juggernaut, a knight among knights, and that man also had an outstanding appearance, but he didn't have such a reaction at the time.

I also think it fits well. How does it look? Xia Ruo asked Ram, it was the first time he wore this kind of knight attire.

Very good, you can wear this from now on, Ram turned his head after taking a look, and then praised.


Xia Ruo also thought the outfit was good, and he was very satisfied after looking in the mirror. He suddenly thought of something, Go to 486 to show off, my knight uniform is much more handsome than his butler uniform.

Ram looked at Xia Ruo with some amusement, It's really like a child.

Xia Ruo didn't care about what Ram said, and went directly to the next door, and pushed open the door of Nayue Subaru's room, but after Xia Ruo entered Nayue Subaru's room, she saw an extremely impactful scene.

Emilia was sitting on Natsuki Subaru's bed, and Natsuki Subaru rested his head on Emilia's lap. The sound of even breathing came from Natsuki Subaru, as if he had fallen asleep. up.

The corners of Xia Ruo's mouth twitched. He didn't expect that when he entered the door, he saw such an impactful scene as a knee pillow. Has Nayue Subaru progressed to this level?

After Emilia saw Xia Ruo coming in, she made a booing gesture at Xia Ruo.

She was telling Xia Ruo not to wake up Nayue Subaru.

486 has been tired all day and is resting. Don't disturb him.

Emilia quietly put Nayuki Subaru on his knees, and gently stroked his hair. At this time, Emilia was extremely cute, like an angel.


Xia Ruo was a little speechless. Emilia deserved to be the heroine. She came here to show off to Nayue Subaru, but unexpectedly she was hit hard. Xia Ruo had no choice but to back out.

Knee pillow, are you envious?

Ram was behind Xia Ruo, covering his mouth and snickering, as if he was very happy that Xia Ruo was hit, It's so pitiful, Xia Ruo, who wants to show off, but finds that Barus has better treatment, that's Lap, Lady Emilia's lap.

How about it, do you need Lahm to give you a knee pillow to comfort your shattered heart? Lahm asked Xia Ruo.

Okay, Xia Ruo agreed directly.

Ram didn't expect Xia Ruo to agree directly, and the result of molesting her didn't come true. She lowered her head and looked at her knees, then raised her head suddenly, and stared at Xia Ruo with wide eyes.

Hmph, it really is a man who can't stand the test.

Ram snorted coldly at Xia Ruo, and ran away quickly.

Xia Ruo:

When Xia Ruo was about to go back to the room, she saw Rem beside her. It seemed that Rem had been here all along, and Xia Ruo hadn't noticed her just now.

Rem, why are you here?

After accepting Xia Ruo and having the grace of saving her life, Rem is now the most gentle girl in the whole mansion to Xia Ruo. Usually Xia Ruo asks Ram to tell her a story, and Ram will make a fuss about it. A face, but Rem is always gentle.

Rem looked at Xia Ruo curiously, and blinked her big eyes. She also seemed to notice that Xia Ruo was a little different from the daytime, and she was indeed much handsomer in the knight uniform.

Xia Ruo, don't be angry with my sister. If you are tired from studying and really need a knee pillow to rest, Rem can help you, Rem's tone was as gentle as ever.


Learning is nothing more than letting you tell stories, why am I tired.

It may be that Rem is too innocent, Xia Ruo is embarrassed to ask Rem for a knee pillow when she is stared at by Rem's innocent eyes.

Next time.

After that, Xia Ruo fled back to her room.



The next day, Xia Ruo was going to leave this world temporarily.

Because the next plot came soon in the animation, but Xia Ruo stayed there for a few days, but did not trigger the plot of the king's capital at all. In fact, it's just that the animation is fast forwarded.

Therefore, Xia Ruo found an opportunity and asked Roswaal to leave.


ps: A small episode.

Rem: You can find Rem's lap pillow.

Xia Ruo pondered, always felt that this maid looked familiar, Xia Ruo: May I ask you?

Rem was shocked: I'm Rem, Rem,

Xia Ruo: Oh, Rem, I remembered.

Rem: ...the knee pillow...

Xia Ruo: No.

Rem was startled: Why?

Xia Ruo: I will always like Emilia!

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