I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 303: Negotiation

In Lord Roma's house, Natsuki Subaru was trading with Felut.

This meteor is worth more than 20 holy gold coins. How about it, you can exchange this for a badge, Subaru Natsuki waved his mobile phone in front of Felt, looking very confident in his mobile phone props.

Nayuki Subaru absolutely, facing these turkeys from another world, taking out advanced props such as mobile phones by himself will definitely be able to deal with them.

It is indeed a very rare magic weapon. It is estimated that there will be bids from merchants at a higher price, Lord Roma looked at the mobile phone in Natsuki Subaru's hand and analyzed.

Hey, is it really so valuable?

Hearing Lord Roma say that, stars appeared in Felt's eyes.

So, just exchange the badge with me, give me the badge, and I'll give you the 'Meteor'. This is at least twenty holy gold coins. With this money, it's enough for you to leave the slums, Cai Yue Subaru looked at Felt with expectant eyes, he knew that Felt's wish was to earn enough money to take Lord Roma out of the slums completely.

You are right, but I also stole this badge after accepting someone else's entrustment, so I have to wait for my client to come.

Although Felut wanted the magic weapon very much, in her heart, this important badge still needs to be bid by both parties, so that she can get the maximum benefit.

Your client can only take out twenty holy gold coins at most, Natsuki Subaru shouted, he didn't want to procrastinate like this, waiting for the crazy woman to arrive.

It's just that Felt didn't want to sell it directly to Natsuki Subaru.

It's not up to you to decide, just wait a moment, my client is estimated to arrive soon.


At this moment, Xia Ruo, who was doing nothing, suddenly felt a certain familiar aura, which was the aura she felt when she met Elsa before.

As long as you feel it once, you will never forget it.

Xia Ruo frowned. Elsa seemed to have arrived. In the original novel, Emilia should have arrived first. Could it be that the collision between herself and Elsa caused the plot to change.

Boom, boom...

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Hey, are you here? Why did you come earlier than the agreed time? Felt glanced at Natsuki Subaru, then got up and said, Brother, wait here for a while, I'll go pick up my client.

After saying that, Felt went to open the door.

how come……

Nayuki Subaru didn't expect that this time the woman came earlier than the last time. Was it because she bumped into her before that she changed her route? Thinking of the scene that happened in the previous reincarnation, Natsuki Subaru hurriedly stopped him.

Felt, don't open the door!

Felt ignored Subaru Natsuki's words and opened the door. After Felt opened the door, just as Subaru Natsuki had thought, Elsa in a black cloak walked in slowly.

Why can't you open the door?

Elsa's tone was a little puzzled, she licked her red lips with her tongue, and set her eyes on Xia Ruo and Natsuki Subaru who were sitting inside.

What a coincidence, did we meet again? Two little brothers.

Compared with the previous meeting, this time, Elsa's smile was a little more dangerous. A killing intent flashed in Elsa's eyes where Xia Ruo and others could not see.

Are you waiting for me here? It's unexpectedly annoying.

Subaru Natsuki's hostility and fear were too obvious before, so Elsa mistakenly thought that Subaru Natsuki recognized her identity, or her enemy. After all, she had been a killer for so long, and Elsa didn't know what she was. How many enemies.

It's not surprising that two people who wanted to kill themselves suddenly appeared. Although they didn't make a move at the time, Elsa didn't associate them with the badge.

After all, no one knew that their purpose was the badge, so even seeing them here, Elsa felt that the other party might be preparing to ambush her here.

It's just that the other party has not shot, Elsa is a little puzzled.


What...what to do... Natsuki Subaru's expression became a little flustered.

Because the development of things now is exactly the same as when he died for the second time, I thought that I could avoid it by coming early, but Elsa also came early unexpectedly, and Natsuki Subaru felt a dull pain in his stomach.

Could it be that everyone present will be killed by this woman as before?

Don't worry.

Xia Ruo saw Caiyue Subaru's panic, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him a little,

You don't need to talk for a while, and I will handle the rest. None of us will die.


Now, Nayue Subaru can only trust Xia Ruo, after all, the other party is a detective who can travel through the world, and he will do it again if he dies.


Guest, come in.

Felut at the door came over with Elsa and let her sit on the prepared seat, facing Xia Ruo and Natsuki Subaru.

However, Elsa's attention was always on Xia Ruo. Although the expression on her face was relaxed, her body was ready to fight at any time.

Guest, these two little brothers are your competitors, they also want to get that badge, and they are willing to pay a higher price.

Then, Felt told Elsa that Subaru Natsuki was going to bid for the badge.

Elsa listened to Felut's explanation, and there was some surprise in her eyes. It seemed that she didn't expect that the other party's goal was the badge, not herself.

Could it be that I thought too much, and the other party didn't want to kill my enemy.

Elsa's eyes were on Xia Ruo's body. If the other party's goal was the badge, wouldn't she be able to get the badge by killing that child and the giant before she came? Why wait until you arrive.

Although there are all kinds of puzzles, Elsa still chooses to wait and see.

Elsa took a sip of the milk that Lord Roma poured her, and licked the milk stains on her lips with her tongue.

So that's the case, I understand the situation.

Okay, let's start negotiating to raise the price. Anyway, I don't care who I give the badge to. In short, the highest bidder gets it, Felut said proudly, with his hands wrapped around his arms.

Nice personality, I don't really hate it, Elsa raised her hand at Natsuki Subaru, How much does this little brother pay?

Nayue Subaru didn't want to answer her at all, because Nayue Subaru knew that in the end, this woman would definitely kill someone, and talking about the price now was a waste of time.

Caiyue Subaru is concerned about Xia Ruo, how will he conduct this negotiation.

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