I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 263 I will bring Ayumi back safely

When Xia Ruo was preparing to install a warning device in Kudo Shin's house, the young detective team was playing a detective game in the park.

That is hide and seek.

Genta was in charge of being a ghost, while the rest were looking for a place to hide. After they dispersed, Ayumi was alone looking for a place to hide near the park.

Where are you hiding?

Not long after, Ayumi was near the park and saw a car with the trunk not fully closed.

Very lucky.

Ayumi saw the half-covered trunk and got in directly.


Found you, Conan!

After Genta found Conan, everyone except Ayumi was found by Genta. In order to end the game earlier, Conan didn't deliberately hide, and he was caught easily.

Next, Ayumi is left.

Time passed by, and it was almost dusk, and Genta still couldn't find Ayumi.

Where did Ayumi hide? Genta no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find Ayumi in the park.

In this case, even if Ayumi wins, Conan pressed the detective badge button on his chest and began to contact Ayumi, Ayumi, you can come out, the game is over, Ayumi, Ayumi!

On the other side of the communicator, there was no response.

It's weird, maybe Ayumi has gone back, Mitsuhiko said after thinking for a while.

What the hell happened?

Conan completely ignored him, and at this time Conan had a bad premonition.

Ayumi! Ayumi!

Conan shouted loudly into the communicator, and finally, Ayumi's voice came from the other side of the communicator, but Ayumi's voice was a little puzzled.

It hurts, why am I here?

Ayumi, where are you now? Conan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Ayumi was fine, and then asked quickly.

In the communicator, Conan seemed to hear the sound of the car moving.

By the way, I remember that I seemed to be hiding in the trunk of the car in front of the park, and then accidentally fell asleep, Ayumi seemed to recall the previous events.

In front of the park? That car, Conan seemed to have a little impression of that car.

Ah! What is this!

On the opposite side of the communicator, Ayumi's scream suddenly came.

What's wrong? Ayumi, what did you see? Conan continued to ask.

It's money, a lot of money, a hundred times one million, Ayumi said in surprise on the opposite side of the communicator.

100 million? Strange, why is there so much money on the car?

Listening to Ayumi's voice, Conan felt a bit of doubt, and soon, the newspaper that Xia Ruo showed him before, the news of the murder case appeared in Conan's mind.

Could it be...

Hey, there's still a plastic bag here, Ayumi seemed to have discovered something on the opposite side of the communicator.

What's in it? Is it an eel bento? Yuan Tai asked curiously.

It's a saw. Ayumi seemed to open the plastic bag on the opposite side of the communicator, There is not only a saw, but also a round thing wrapped in paper, which contains...

The round thing? Wait a minute, Ayumi, don't open it! Conan yelled directly at the communicator when he heard this.

It's just that it was too late for Conan to speak, and there was an extremely ear-piercing scream from the opposite side of the communicator.

Ahh! It's a human head! It's a girl's head!


Conan held the communicator tightly in his hand, The one who kidnapped Ayumi should be the murderer of the serial murderer.


At this time, the two men sitting in front of the car seemed to have heard the scream from the trunk.

Did you hear it? The screaming of a child coming from behind the car, the tall, thin man driving asked his companion.

You must be kidding, how could something like that scream, said the dark-glassed companion.

That's right, but you'd better take a look, the tall and thin man stopped the car.


Just as the man in the sunglasses was about to get out of the car to look at the trunk, there were screams of many children not far away. It turned out that not far away happened to be an amusement park, and there were many children making pirate ships and making ear-piercing noises. scream.

It turns out that the sound came from there. It seems that we are thinking too much, the man in the sunglasses gave up the idea of ​​investigating.

Let's go.


At this time, Xia Ruo is installing warning equipment in Kudou Shinichi's home. As long as someone breaks into Kudou Shinichi's house, Xia Ruo will be alerted immediately.

In this way, when Shirley and the black organization come to Kudo Shin's family to investigate, Xia Ruo will be able to follow the vine and find information about the black organization.

In fact, Xia Ruo didn't have this idea in the first place, but it was because of Xiaolan.

It's done, now just wait for the black organization to come over.

However, just after Xia Ruo installed the equipment, the detective badge in his pocket suddenly rang. This is the one he left for him when he let the young detective team leave.


Hey, Brother Xia Ruo, Ayumi was kidnapped by a murderer! Mitsuhiko shouted hurriedly on the other side of the communicator.


Xia Ruo's response was not too surprising, she seemed to have thought of this situation a long time ago, How is the situation now, where are you now?

Conan is now chasing the murderer's car with a skateboard, and we are all on Conan's skateboard now, Mitsuhiko said to Xia Ruo, and by the way, also explained the process of Ayumi being taken away.

Conan was driving at high speed on the road with his skateboard at this time, analyzing the road and location of the car while speeding.

From Ayumi's statement, it is not easy for a detective like Conan to infer the location of the vehicle from that little detail.

However, Conan also noticed that Mitsuhiko informed Xia Ruo of this matter, and Conan did not stop this. Conan felt that Xia Ruo might be able to provide some help.


Yeah, I know about this, don't worry, just pay attention to your own safety, don't do unnecessary things, I will bring Ayumi back safely, you don't have to worry.

Xia Ruo said a few words of comfort, then hung up the communication.

Afterwards, Xia Ruo left Kudo Shin's family unhurriedly, clearing away the traces of her presence.

Xia Ruo was not too worried about Ayumi being kidnapped.

He had read the original work on this case before, but it was actually a misunderstanding, and there was no danger, otherwise Xia Ruo would not let the young detective team out.

In the car where Ayumi was taken away, the heads and saws on it were actually just props for the stage performance of detectives. The two people in the car were actually actors, and the real murderer had actually been caught by the police.

So this episode ended up being nothing more than a farce.

Looks like I'm going to wrap up.

Xia Ruo stroked her chin.

I remember that the last place those two actors went was... Tetan University, by the way, they were the actors who performed the detective stage play at the Tetan University campus festival. It seems that Xiaolan and Mr. Mao Li also went to the Tetan University What a coincidence that the university’s school festival is here.”

Thinking of this, Xia Ruo drove directly towards Didan University, and just waited for the rabbit, maybe even meet him on the road, after all, Xia Ruo also knew the route from the park to Didan University.

While driving, Xia Ruo took out her mobile phone, watched the episode of Ayumi Was Kidnapped cached in her mobile phone, and confirmed the other party's car model to make sure that she would not make a mistake.


What did Brother Xia Ruo say?

Conan drove Mitsuhiko and Yuanta on a skateboard, speeding on the road. At the same time, he asked Mitsuhiko, wanting to know Xia Ruo's reply.

Brother Xia Ruo said that he will be there soon, let us not move around and be safe, he will bring Ayumi back safely, Mitsuhiko repeated Xia Ruo's words.

Hearing Mitsuhiko's words, Conan frowned.

It's too late, he doesn't know any information now, if he wants to save Ayumi, he can only rely on us, Conan directly ignored Xia Ruo's words, and instead of believing Xia Ruo's words, Conan believed in his own reasoning.

Ayumi, tell me again, what else can you hear when you are in the car?

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