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Chapter 26 Wulou Collection

"Cao's qi refining method emphasizes refining qi into a gang. The most important thing is the word "refining".

When facing an enemy, Gang Qi moves from the heart and has endless magical uses. "

Zhou Qingyuan closed the manuscript, and two lines of text appeared on the panel.

【Condensation Gang Method-Not Beginner】+

[Cao’s Qi Refining Method-Beginner’s Guide]

What is unusual is that there is no + sign in the text following Qi Refining Method.

Because, the process from the Qi Condensation Realm to the Qi Refining Realm is actually the process of refining and strengthening the inner Qi in the body.

Every time the inner Qi in Zhou Qingyuan's body is refined, it is actually a step forward in the realm of Qi refining.

But in this way, he doesn't have many shortcuts to take. In the past, the method of improving by roughly adding points seems to have lost its effect in the Qi Refining Realm.

[Condensation Gang Method-Introduction]

As Zhou Qingyuan focused his attention on the white plus sign on the Condensation Gang Technique, he had already started using the Condensation Gang Technique.

"It just takes a little more time to get together, so there's nothing to rush about.

By the way, the commander Tongzhi gave such a great gift as soon as he came up, and he wanted to find an opportunity to repay the favor later. "

At the Cao family's dining table, a group of people were sitting upright, just because of the serious old man sitting at the head table.

At the right time, the old man asked: "Xiaowen, I heard that you gave our family's Qi refining method to an outsider?"

The voice was not loud, but the people present did not even dare to stretch out their chopsticks.

Cao Luwen looked calm and said calmly: "Yes, I gave it to a sixteen-year-old Qi Condensation Realm."

The old man's expressionless face showed a trace of fluctuation. He raised his head and asked: "Which family's descendants are so promising?"

"A foreigner from Sichuan."

"Do you still know friends from Sichuan and Shu?"

"My men just came to report today and I gave them to them."

The conversation was obviously very dull, but everyone's hearts were raised and put down again and again.


Cao Luwen put her chopsticks on the table, stood up and wiped her mouth with a handkerchief:

"Don't you just want to ask me why I want to give the family's Qi refining method to an outsider?

Seeing that he is sixteen years old, it is not easy for him to figure it out alone. He is happy when he sees his talent, so he gives it to him. Don't keep asking questions like a bitch. "

After Cao Luwen finished speaking, she left, leaving everyone looking at each other.

"I'll give you whatever you want. It's so easy to say that she will give the family law to an outsider. Isn't it because she is mentally resisting your intention to put her into Jinyiwei?"

"That's right. And if she gives this method to an outsider, do you really think he can learn it? Is the method of condensation so easy?"

"But... when did a sixteen-year-old Qi Condensation Realm appear in the city?

Is it possible that the age has changed? Xiaowen is simple-minded, don't let her be deceived. "

Listening to the irritating comments from the people around him, the old man Cao Chen sighed: "Okay, just stop saying a few words."

What he cared about was not actually the method of refining qi. After all, it was just a method of refining qi. Since the young man had joined the Jinyi Guards, he would be exposed to it sooner or later.

Moreover, is it so easy to learn the Cao family's Condensation Technique?

There are no pills to stimulate specific acupuncture points, and there is no guidance from predecessors. It would take at least half a year to get started with the Condensation Gang Technique.

Cao Luwen gave the other party this Qi refining method, probably just to serve as a reference for him.

I don’t know why His Majesty established the Jin Yiwei. Among the younger generation of the Cao family, Cao Luwen has the highest personal strength and has no official position. If she does not hold this position, Cao Chen will really feel uneasy.

[Condensation Gang Method - Perfection]

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the perfect Condensation Technique on the panel with an expressionless expression.

Under the action of the Perfect Condensation Method, the distinct internal gas particles in the body began to break into whole pieces and turned into oval-shaped flat gases.

As early as the blood refining period, Zhou Qingyuan discovered that the inner Qi in his body exerted a 1+1\u003e2 effect under the influence of his powerful body.

After reaching the Qi Condensation Realm, the role of the physical body becomes smaller and smaller.

In other words, the method of fighting the enemy is more driven by the internal energy and the physical body, and no longer relies on individual fists and kicks.

This condensation method has no effect on increasing the amount of inner Qi itself, but it does further compress and sublimate the inner Qi in the human body, allowing the human body to accommodate more inner Qi and obtain higher quality inner Qi at the same time.

After that, it is a water grinding process, constantly condensing Qi into Gang, and then condensing Qi again, thus achieving a doubling of the total amount of internal Qi.

The so-called Qi Refining Realm is actually such an extremely time-consuming process.

Among them, refining the first Gang Qi is the most difficult. If you can't find the opportunity and don't get started with the Condensation Method, many people will waste most of their years unable to realize it.

After enlightenment, all the inner Qi in the body is transformed into Gang Qi, and then the Qi is continuously condensed and transformed until the body is saturated.

This step will take at least ten years, and this is with the Cao family's Qi refining method.

Even if Zhou Qingyuan had a perfect Condensation Method to solve the most difficult first step, he would still have to spend countless time on this stage.

"Master, it's time to go to Di'an."


Zhou Qingyuan was wearing a black flying fish suit and an embroidered spring knife on his waist. Shi Shiran walked out of the hospital. Two old servants were waiting at the door with smiles.

The Zhenfu Division is divided into two divisions, the North and the South. He was assigned to the branch of the North Town Fu Division that was responsible for external affairs, and he often had to go out.

External development is mainly divided into three parts.

1. Go out to look for martial arts seedlings and bring them back to the newly established Tianwu Division in the Imperial City. This is a place in the Imperial City that specializes in cultivating outstanding talents. The emperor spent a lot of effort on this purpose and fought against all opinions.

2. It is slightly overlapped with the first thing. All the unregistered warriors who have reached the blood refining realm, regardless of age, are recruited to the Imperial City Martial Arts Building.

The first two things are actually equivalent to looking for people. The prefectures and counties report information, and the Jinyiwei will then recruit them together, and do the third part of the work, collecting information.

As a thousand households, Zhou Qingyuan usually only needs to stay in the headquarters. When the people below encounter problems that cannot be solved, they report them to the higher levels and cannot be solved, so he needs to go out.

The method of condensing the internal energy has been completed, but the internal energy has not been converted. In this process, Zhou Qingyuan chooses to learn more methods of using internal energy.

On weekdays, the most thing he does is to look at the swordsmanship.

He took a quick look at the swordsmanship methods collected by the Haijiang Gang before. At this moment, there are still dozens of entry-level swordsmanship lying under the panel, but there is no point in adding more points.

After entering the Qi Refining Realm, this method of using only the body's strength in a superficial way obviously could not keep up with his intensity needs.

Fortunately, not only was there a library in the Jinyiwei headquarters, but the newly established Wulou of the court also had a martial arts pavilion. As a thousand households of Jinyiwei, he could enter and exit other places by himself except for the second floor of the two buildings.

Zhou Qingyuan entered all the methods of using internal energy in the two martial arts buildings into the system in one breath, and then sorted them out slowly by himself.

This sorting brought him an unexpected surprise, which made him suddenly realize that he had entered a thinking error.

"How could I forget that there are far more cost-effective, more practical and more worth learning methods than swordsmanship."

"In this way, my Qi Refining time can be shortened a lot."

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