I built an armada

Chapter 388: The people of Longxia are worried, and the White Bear King is also troubled

After taking a breath, Zhou Qinglei's eyes became extremely firm and sharp!

The Longxia Tribe is no longer what it used to be. Does the Eagle Tribe still think it can suppress the development of the Longxia Tribe and interfere in the internal affairs of the tribe?

At this moment, the heads of the bases of the three armies of the Longxia Tribe received the relevant news and rushed to the capital to attend the meeting.

Armed helicopters took off from various bases, all heading towards the headquarters of the Beijing Military Region.

The chiefs sitting in the cabin felt very heavy and had already begun to think about the worst possible outcome of this matter.

The Eagle Tribe is not comparable to the Eastern Wilderness Tribe. The two are completely opponents at different levels. They can be said to be the force that crushes the situation and possess absolutely strong force.

So far, no country on Blue Star has been able to truly assess how terrifying the Eagle Tribe's true combat power is.

What people see is only the power displayed by the Eagle Tribe, and the invisible ones are the most terrifying.

And fear often comes from the unknown!

The naval combat power of the Guangxiongying Tribe is sufficient to control the scale of the war within the waters of Dongzhou without involving their homeland. This is extremely disadvantageous for the Longxia Tribe.

Because in this way, the war would only destroy the Longxia tribe and not cause any harm to the Eagle tribe itself.

Even if they win in the end, they end up losing because of the losses they suffered at home.

Victory under this situation is not what everyone wants. No one wants their country to be destroyed. In the end, it will take a long time to rebuild, and it will also be blocked and targeted by the whole world.

The great chief's actions may cause huge turmoil, and his thoughts are extremely vicious.

The leaders are worried that even if they can have a back-and-forth fight with the Eagle Tribe, they will only be fighting in front of their own homes, which will have a huge impact on the security of their own homes.

The fact that the Eagle Tribe has nothing to do locally shows that they still have great potential for war.

If, like a few years ago, we were forced to our doorstep by someone else's aircraft carrier fleet, even if we drove them away in the end, it would still be considered a win.

But this would be a huge shame for the navy and even the entire Longxia tribe!

Then the morale, national self-confidence, and international status that we have finally built up over the years will inevitably suffer setbacks.

The leaders who were on the road couldn't think of a good way for a while, so they could only wait until the meeting to take a look at the situation.

Everyone's mood is extremely heavy and bad. The Longxia Tribe, which has not yet developed, is always in a weak position. It is about to face the Eagle Tribe, the most powerful military force in Blue Star.

In their minds, they are like children in elementary school. Facing a tall and powerful parent, this is a completely asymmetrical style of play that can really kill someone.

Compared to the tension at the top, many people in Longxia were still sleeping, and no one knew what was going on.

On the contrary, netizens who like to stay up late, as well as the majority of military fans, gathered on the Jagged Forum after learning the news.

As the leading large-scale military forum of the Longxia Tribe, netizens will gather here invariably whenever such a major event occurs.

Because here, they can always get the latest news they need.

"Shameless, really shameless. The Eagle Tribe is going too far to bully others. Why are they so unreasonable and do such despicable things just because they are the overlords of Blue Star?"

"Obviously they were the ones who first sent reconnaissance planes to invade our airspace and conduct reconnaissance on us. They were shot down, and now they are resorting to such despicable tricks. They are so overbearing. No wonder it was Blue Star who caused the disturbance. Shit stick.”

"Wherever the Eagle Tribe intervenes, there will be chaos. The Angsa people are so disgusting that they opened the door to Nausea. It's so disgusting. This is Chi Guoguo's hegemonic behavior and the biggest provocation to Blue Star's peace."

"We want peaceful development and peaceful rise, but why is it so difficult? The Eagle Tribe is so despicable. Before I could be happy for a day, they resorted to such vicious tactics."

"This time against the Eagle Tribe, do we, do we have any chance of winning?"

As soon as this question came out, the originally excited netizens and military fans fell silent.

In previous battles with Donghuanghai's independent forces, there was still a slight chance of victory. After all, the Donghuang tribe's homeland was there, and Long Xia Army's conventional missiles could hit it.

With the presence of a large number of missiles, the enemy naturally does not dare to act rashly.

But now they are facing the Eagle Tribe. This is no longer a matter of the chance of winning, but there is no chance of winning at all.

"I just checked the information and found that the Eagle Tribe has eleven aircraft carriers, almost all of which are nuclear-powered and capable of long-term operations. Their number of carrier-based aircraft is nearly a thousand, and we are in this regard It’s zero, that’s the gap.”

"No, no, no, the Eagle Tribe has a large number of Aegis cruisers, Aegis guided missile destroyers, and a large number of nuclear submarines. In these aspects, we also have a big gap."

"The Eagle Tribe also has a large inventory of weapons and ammunition, as well as a large number of bombers. We do not have these weapons and equipment at all."

"In addition, the Eagle Tribe also has GPS navigation systems, data link systems, and many space-based satellite systems to support them in fighting. We are far behind in these aspects. It must be said that the Eagle Tribe is a tribe with a profound military background. If we confront them head-on, we will definitely suffer a great loss."

When the military fans talked about the Eagle Tribe's rich military background, everyone felt even more depressed.

They all felt that they were facing a super giant, which made people desperate and very frustrated.

The Eagle Tribe can bully others and be rude and unreasonable. It was obviously them who first caused trouble for the Longxia Tribe, and now they are turning the tables and provoking the Longxia Tribe again and again.

Even so, people still did not give up the desire to win.

"A few years ago, we were so backward that we drove away the Eagle Tribe's aircraft carrier fleet. Now that the navy has developed, it shouldn't be so tragic, right?"

"I think if the Eagle Tribe only dispatched the aircraft carrier fleet stationed in the East Wilderness Tribe, with our current strength, I think we still have a certain chance of winning."

"That's only the Seventh Fleet, but they will also transfer troops from other places. What if two, three, or even more aircraft carrier fleets come? Don't forget that the chief is in the East Wilderness Tribe, and he can mobilize more aircraft carriers and air forces."

"We can't win this way, and that won't work either. Damn it, then everyone should die, just use mushroom eggs and blow up the Blue Star completely!"

When someone mentioned mushroom eggs, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

Nuclear weapons are the last trump card, and no one will use them easily unless they have to.

Moreover, the Longxia Tribe has the ability to launch mushroom eggs to the Eagle Tribe's homeland, directly washing the opponent's homeland with nuclear weapons.

At this time, everyone truly realized the true meaning of what Mr. Qian said at the beginning: "There is a big difference between having no sword in hand and having a sword in hand but not using it."

It turned out that this was the last resort to perish together with the enemy after all means were exhausted.

But we also know that this thing is left at the bottom of the box. If it can be used, it must not be used. If it is used, it will be equivalent to no deterrence.

"Damn it, our Longxia tribe is in a period of rapid development. If we go to war with the Eagle Tribe, it will definitely interrupt our development process."

"This is a dilemma. I don't know which dog thing understands our Sun Tzu's Art of War and came up with such a method. This is to hold us at this stage and then give us a painful blow!"

"Fight, there is no hope of victory. If we don't fight, the national morale will be frustrated, the international status will be damaged, and the development momentum in the future will definitely be much worse than before."

Netizens discussed for a long time, and even in the second half of the night, they did not discuss a suitable solution.

It's really that the Eagle Tribe chose a good time.

It's just a matter of time!

No matter what choice the Longxia tribe makes, it will have to pay a very heavy price. It is obvious that the Eagle tribe wants to take the opportunity to interrupt the rise of the Longxia tribe!

At the same time, the White Bear tribe.

After receiving the relevant news, Boris, the head of the intelligence department, rushed to the Kremlin and entered the emperor's office.

Seeing Boris in a hurry, the White Bear Emperor Pushkin was surprised.

"What happened to you? So hurried?"

"How was the previous news?"

Pushkin asked curiously.

"Emperor, the latest news, I have investigated some information about the Longxia Navy before, but now this news is more powerful and bigger than the Longxia Navy."

"Just came from the Eagle Tribe."

These words successfully attracted Pushkin's attention, and he signaled the other party to continue with his eyes.

"Just a few hours ago, the Eagle Tribe's foreign affairs department released news that the chief will visit Longzhao Island in two days."

Boris quickly reported the matter without making any conclusive conclusions.

After learning about the situation, Pushkin was also shocked.

He quickly asked: "Has this been confirmed?"

"Absolutely true, it will be at eight o'clock in the morning two days later!"

Boris then added,

"Your Majesty, the spies have already found out relevant information in the East Wilderness Tribe, and it is confirmed that this matter is a foregone conclusion."

"The East Wilderness has already deployed security to ensure that the chief can safely leave the East Wilderness and go to Longzhao Island. It seems that there is no room for maneuver in this matter."

Pushkin was also confused at this time. What the hell is going on?

Obviously, this matter has exceeded his expectations.

He doesn't want to see the rise of the Longxia tribe and surpass them, but once there is a conflict with the Eagle Tribe, the Longxia tribe and the White Bear Tribe are adjacent to each other, and they can't escape!

It's hard for them to stay out of it, after all, the distance is too close.

"Ah, I didn't expect that being neighbors with the Longxia tribe is not a good thing."

"If there was an ocean between us, it wouldn't be so miserable."

Pushkin was very unhappy, but also distressed. It was really difficult to make a decision.

After all, when the Soviet Union wanted to launch a nuclear attack on the Longxia tribe, Longxia made a decision at that time that if it encountered a nuclear attack, the whole family would move to the Soviet Union territory immediately.

Such a tribe has the courage to burn its boats and naturally is not afraid of any nuclear attack.

In the end, the Soviet Union was forced to give up this nuclear strike option.

Tribes like Long Xia could only be friends. If they were enemies, the consequences would be really unpredictable.

Pushkin was so angry that he couldn't help but cursed.

"Damn Chief, his head was broken by the door. He's full and has nothing to do. Why did he go to Dragon Claw Island?"

"Is this something that a person of his status can do? Do you have to force the Longxia tribe to a dead end?"

"Idiot, so stupid!"

The office echoed with Pushkin's curses and full of unhappiness.

Boris was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak for a long time. Quan regarded himself as a listener and never interrupted a word.

"Great Emperor, what should we do next?"

After a while, he plucked up the courage to ask.


Pushkin had no choice but to express his position directly.


Boris had a look of astonishment on his face.

This is already imminent, but you still say you have to wait. What are you waiting for?

"Wait, this is all we can do for the time being."

"I hope the circuit in the chief's mind can be normal and he can retreat at the last moment, otherwise our Blue Star..."

"It seems that we also need to be ready for war."

Pushkin was very helpless and immediately explained.

They were deployed to the central region a while ago, and most of the military forces competing for interests with the Eagle Tribe have not yet been completely withdrawn, so they can only wait.

"By the way, is there any news from other tribes?"

Before Boris could speak, Pushkin asked.

"Great Emperor, according to the intelligence collected, many tribes have begun to make military preparations. They all look like they are preparing for war."

"Obviously, they think the possibility of a fight between the two sides is very high."

"Once the war begins, it is extremely likely to turn into the S3 season and another catastrophe for mankind."

Boris quickly looked through the information and then reported it truthfully.

"If this is the case, then we must be prepared."


Boris took the order and left, leaving Pushkin alone in the room sitting there frowning.

It was obvious that his mood was not peaceful, and he could only order the immediate and quiet withdrawal of the forces deployed in the central region to prevent unexpected events from happening.

Before, he was still worried that Long Xia's military strength was advancing by leaps and bounds, and it wouldn't be long before he would catch up with or even surpass them.

And now in the blink of an eye, they began to worry about what they should do if the war between the Longxia Tribe and the Eagle Tribe affected them. Should they get involved or not?

This is a huge problem.

He needs to weigh the pros and cons over and over again, and absolutely cannot make any mistakes.

Pushkin is now a little envious of the Eagle Tribe. They have super strong military force. Even if there are two countries around them, they have taken care of them, and they don't dare to let go.

Being too close to a behemoth like Long Xia may not be a good thing now.

The neighbor couldn't move away, and there was nothing he could do.

"What should I do?"

Pushkin touched his forehead hard with both hands, but he really couldn't think of a way to deal with it.

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