Under the guidance of Professor McGonagall, Levin came to a store.

The store door was old and narrow. In the window at the entrance was a faded purple cushion with a wand on it.

Above the door was a peeling gold sign that read: Ollivander, making fine wands since 382 BC.

Levin seriously doubted that this was a far-fetched bragging.

If the words on the sign were true, then when their family started making wands, the Dragon Kingdom was still fighting for supremacy during the Spring and Autumn Period, and Rome was not even an empire.

At that time, Britain was still the land of the Celts, and the Druids were popular. The later Anshars and Normans were nowhere to be seen.

The two pushed the door open and entered. The copper bell beside the door was rang, making a crisp sound.

The store was not large. In addition to the counter and a bench, the rest were shelves with thousands of narrow paper boxes containing wands piled up to the ceiling.

Although it was the beginning of the school year, it was still early and there were no other customers in the store. It was very quiet.

Levin couldn't help but breathe lightly when he entered.

Even though wizards have a convenient cleaning spell, the store is still heavily dusty, which Levin finds hard to accept.

"Good morning, Ms. McGonagall, this is this year's little wizard, right?"A soft voice sounded.

Suddenly, an old man slid out from behind a counter and appeared in front of Levin. He looked at him with his big light-colored eyes. He seemed very happy.

"Great, you are the first customers to arrive at the store today. I am Garrick Ollivander."

Ah, so he is the wand-making master of Great Britain.

Ollivander seemed to see Levin's confusion and explained:"In most cases, young wizards often go to other stores first and then come to choose wands. This is really strange. Obviously, for wizards, the wand is the most important companion."

As a new wizard, Levin shrugged and did not comment on this topic.

"Then, let's start choosing a wand, kid, please stretch out your hand."

As Ollivander said this, a ruler flew up from the counter and automatically began to measure Levin's height, arm span, etc.

"Which is your dominant hand?"

"Right hand."Levin stretched out his right hand and suddenly said,"Excuse me, Mr. Ollivander, does your surname mean that the ancestor of your family used an olive wood wand?"

The spelling of Ollivander is almost a combination of olive tree (oilve) and wand (wand).

"Oh, yes, that's right, you are such a clever little wizard, you might be sorted into our Ravenclaw," Ollivander praised while measuring,"Please raise your other arm first. OK."

Fortunately, the measuring tape was operated by magic, which prevented Levin from being manipulated by the old man.

The ruler was first measured from shoulder to fingertips, then from wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knee to armpit, and finally the circumference of the head.

Levin knew very well that at the age of eleven, he was in a period of rapid physical growth and could grow several centimeters every year on average. The clothes he could wear this year would often be too small in a few months.

In this case, the measured data would soon be outdated. He didn't know what use such measurements would be for choosing a wand, so he could only cooperate foolishly.

"Try this one!" He waved his hand and a box flew over.

"Eleven and a quarter inches, made of alder and snake nerves. Alder wands are suitable for wizards who are helpful, considerate and lovable. Why don't you try waving one?"

Ye Ting took it and waved it. A burst of fire lit up. Looking at the smoking box, Levin thought to himself:"Does he think I am a lovable wizard?"

Ollivander nodded with satisfaction:"You're lucky. This one will do. It's nine Galleons in total."…"

"Wait, is this the end? Can I try it again, Mr. Ollivander? I don't think it's that easy to use!"Levin was surprised to find that the first wand he tested was judged suitable by the other party. He was not willing to accept it.

In his impression, usually at this time, the protagonist would be particularly picky when choosing a wand.

"You want to take a little longer to choose? That's a strange request. The other little wizards all want to choose the right one quickly... but okay."

Perhaps out of appreciation for what Levin had just said, or perhaps because of the influence of [Charm Human], Ollivander agreed to this request:

"If you insist, you might as well try this twelve-inch stick. The body is made of apple wood and the core is made of phoenix tail feathers. It is very powerful, but not suitable for black magic.……"

But when Levin just touched the wand, before he could wave it, it was snatched away:"No, no, not this one." Then he looked at Levin with a strange look.

Levin was a little confused by this look:"Is this guy trying to hint that I will become a dark wizard?"

"How about this one? Cedar wood, Phoenix tail feathers……"

At Ollivander's, magic wands only have three cores: phoenix feathers, unicorn hair, and dragon heartstrings.

However, other wand manufacturers may have other cores. For example, the core of Fleur's wand is Veela hair (her grandmother's hair), while the cores of American wands are mostly thunderbird tail feathers, leopard hair, White River monster spines, wetland werewolf hair and other more common materials in America.

Ollivander asked him to try one after another, and this time he chose wands that could cast powerful spells and even dark magic, but no matter which one, Levin could use them to make some noise and achieve a perfect match.

But in Ollivander's eyes, every wand can be perfectly matched, which means that it has not achieved the most perfect match.

Ollivander, who seemed somewhat happy at first, already had beads of sweat on his forehead:"Mr. Green, this is the first time I meet a little wizard like you who never refuses anyone. The good news is that when necessary, you can easily borrow other people's wands, and you don't have to worry about not being able to use spells."

He thought again and again, and went back to the back hall to hold out a box wrapped in silky satin.

In fact, Levin was very satisfied with his situation and thought it was a reflection of his talent.

The sea is vast because it can accommodate all rivers. There is a saying in life: When you get along very comfortably with someone, you feel that you get along well with each other after just a few words, and you feel that the other person understands you very well, it is probably because the other person's emotional intelligence and IQ completely crush you.

The same applies here. Being able to adapt to any wand actually means that his talent can crush the limitations of any wand.

"Try this wand, eleven inches, acacia wood, phoenix feathers."Olivander carefully took out this straight wand emitting a golden red luster.

Just seeing this wand, Levin felt something different.

Through the air, a weak attraction came from the wand.

This time when he held the wand in his hand, there was no earth-shattering reaction, as if returning to nature.

Levin could feel a wonderful feeling rising in his heart, the wand seemed to have become a part of his body, he only needed to think about it, and the magic power could move accurately with it.

"Wow, it seems like you two are a good match! Ollivander's expression finally became happy.

"Acacia is a very unusual wand wood and I have found it very difficult to find the right wandmaker for it, so my stock of wands is always very limited."

"But on the other hand, it only shows its strength to the most talented people, and Mr. Green is undoubtedly one of them."

After paying Mr. Ollivander ten gold galleons to buy the wand, the two walked out of the store.

Professor McGonagall was also very satisfied with the result,"Okay, next I have to take you to customize your school uniform."


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