Potions classes are usually taught in two consecutive classes, which is the longest course in a single class.

This is also due to the characteristics of potions classes.

The process of handling medicinal materials is very cumbersome, and many potions take one or two hours to boil.

Therefore, even two consecutive classes of potions classes are considered short.

When encountering potions that need to be boiled for a long time, the young wizards have no chance to make mistakes.

As long as they make a mistake in one pot, it is impossible to make a second pot before the end of class.

In addition to potions classes, there is another annoying class that day - astronomy class.

In order to observe the stars more clearly, astronomy class will not start until late at night, which seriously affects Levin's sleep.

The astronomy class is held in the astronomy tower, which is the highest place in the entire castle.

The astronomy professor is Professor Aurora Sinistra, a black witch who looks only in her thirties.

Like her astronomy class, Professor Sinistra has no presence in the original book.

It sounds like astronomy is not important to wizards, but it is not entirely true.

After finishing this class, Levin realized that celestial bodies contain great magic.

Every celestial body that can be observed by the naked eye of earthlings comes from a shining star light-years away.

Their power, along with the starlight, radiates across light-years to the earth for use by wizards.

Of course, the magic power radiated along with the starlight is very weak, and can only be barely perceived. It can only be used to light a candle for casting spells, but it doesn't matter, because this magic power that comes with the starlight is used to connect the stars and wizards.

Once the connection is established, as long as the appropriate ritual is performed, the powerful magic of the stars can be truly called upon.

Of course, this kind of ritual magic is powerful and ancient, and it is not taught in the classroom at Hogwarts.

Through ritual magic, wizards can use a small amount of (relatively speaking) magic power to accomplish many"miracles"!

And if you want to use the stars as the source of ritual power, you naturally have to study astronomy well.

Many ritual magics have such things as"solar eclipse"."、"Full Moon"、"Nine Stars in a Row"、"Comet is coming"、"Meteor Showers"、"The planets are in the right position".

The most typical example is astrology.

Therefore, for Levin, who is determined to become a powerful wizard and magic researcher, learning astronomy is a must.

In the process of observing the starry sky, Levin naturally also has some insights.

【You have listened to the introductory course of astrology, and have a deep understanding of the starry sky and destiny. Your expertise in the School of Prophecy has been improved.】

【You have learned the power of stars and destiny from the starry sky, and you have learned magic [Identification】、【Micrometeor】】

【Identification: Identify all the magical properties of a magic item, including how to activate its function (if it needs to be activated) and how many rounds of spell energy the item has left (if any).

For wizards who run pawnshops and second-hand shops, this is a very practical ability.

After all, the magic items made by wizards are all kinds of strange. Who knows what hidden energy or terrible curse is contained in them?

Even Dumbledore was tricked by the cursed opal necklace.

With this skill, Levin can open a small stall in Diagon Alley and make a fortune.

【Micro Meteor: The caster creates a micro meteor in his hand. This energy creation is regarded as an extraordinary weapon.】

【Micro Meteor】 has another name in other planes, 【Ma Youfu Micro Meteor】, which is a famous low-level god-killing spell.

However, there is no Ma Youfu in the Harry Potter world, and it is Levin Green who comprehended this spell.

Therefore, even if a prefix is added to this magic, it has to be called 【Levin's Micro Meteor】.

This is a seemingly inconspicuous 3rd-level spell.

In terms of the damage caused, this spell is neither better than the arcane magic 【Fireball】 nor the black magic 【Explosion Curse】, but 【Micro Meteor】 has a very special place, that is, it is a magical creation and is regarded as an extraordinary weapon, which means that even the incarnation of the gods cannot be completely immune to the damage caused by it.

You know, in high-level battles, the most important thing is not how much damage is caused, but how to carry out special attacks against the enemy's defense and how to cause damage.

After all, there are many spells like magic immunity, designated element immunity, and designated camp immunity.

Both sides need to fight wits and courage at this level of rules.

At this time, the benefits of the forced damage feature of [Micro Meteor] are reflected.

As long as it can cause damage, even if it only deducts 1 point of blood at a time, a small amount can achieve the effect of killing a god.

In general, this night is still fruitful, and

Levin's resentment of staying up late gradually disappears.

But then again, it's not impossible to sleep in today, because the next morning is the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Defense Against the Dark Arts class, just hearing this name, is very much admired by young wizards.

Looking at the main courses taken in the first week,

Transfiguration is too obscure and difficult, which is the most headache for young wizards; the spell class only teaches a simple illumination spell, which is not interesting at all;

Herbology is a bit interesting, but it is too tiring, and it always makes you dirty;

History of Magic is a class for making up for sleep;

Potions class is not liked by anyone except Slytherin.

At this point, only the Defense Against the Dark Arts and Flying classes are still expected.

Flying classes are almost equivalent to Muggle physical education classes, so it is normal that they are popular. The Defense Against the Dark Arts class is popular because it is divided into two parts: dark magic and defense.

Although dark magic is scary, it also means powerful strength.

Defense means confrontation.

It is normal for children to desire strength and to defeat others in battle.

But Levin is very clear that this semester's Defense Against the Dark Arts class may be disappointing.

"It's better not to have any expectations."On the way to class, Steve whispered,"I learned from Hufflepuff that Professor Quirrell's teaching level is only slightly better than Professor Binns."

Generally speaking, the arrogant Ravenclaws rarely make friends with young wizards from other colleges.

The only exception is Hufflepuff.

The relationship between the two colleges is surprisingly good.

Ravenclaws like Levin who have several little lions as friends are special cases.

After hearing his words, the young wizards around couldn't help but take a breath.

If an ordinary"person" goes to class, the effect will be better than Professor Binns.

Professor Quirrell was actually evaluated by the least picky little badger as: only slightly better than hypnotist Professor Binns, how bad is that!


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