When Wanda heard Yu Wenshu say that Wanda was still alive, the expression on her face immediately changed dramatically.
"What you said is true? Is Xiao Fan really alive? Where is he now?"
Yu Wenshu snapped his fingers, and a projection appeared, and a vision appeared in the projection. He is now locked up in the supposed experimental chamber in a deep sleep.
"Little Fantasy!"
Wanda's tears flowed down at this time, which was really distressing. However, Yu Wenshu is "hard-hearted" and will not pity Wanda.
After crying for a while, Wanda also eased up, and she looked at Yu Wenshu and said.
"What do you want me to do? As long as you can let me do anything!"
"I like to talk to smart people! I don't want much, and in fact you don't have anything to trade with me!
I want your Chaos Magic, and as long as you cooperate with us in our research on your Chaos Magic, I'll put Vision on it to reunite you. "
"Yes, but I'm going to see the little illusion with my own eyes!
"Looks like you still don't believe us! It doesn't matter, it's fine! Come with me!"
Yuwenju takes Wanda to the lab, where he wakes up Vision.
Vision 767 didn't quite know what was going on when he woke up, but he saw Wanda at first glance.
"Fantastic! Great! Great, you're really okay!
"I'm fine! What's wrong with me? The Mind Gem is gone?"
"Of course it's not gone, the Mind Gems are here! All the Infinity Stones are here!"
Ubunjushri shows Wanda and Vision all six Infinity Stones.
"How come? Why are all the Infinity Stones with you?"
"What do you want to do?"
"Of course I snatched it from Thanos! I don't have Thanos' distorted thoughts.
Infinity Stones are just a precious experimental material in my hands!
I know it's hard for you to believe, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter to me whether you believe it or not.
Wanda, I have met your conditions! I hope you don't break your promise, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"
"I won't break my word! I will fully cooperate with you in your research on chaos magic!"
Yu Wenshu nodded, satisfied with this, and on the other side, Tony, Star-Lord, they used Doctor Strange's space magic to return to Earth as quickly as possible.
The Mage King was glad to see Doctor Strange back.
"You're back, is the problem solved?"
"No! it's not solved yet, and now the problem has become quite complicated!"
"Wizard, is this your home? It's interesting!"
"Don't move, Quill! I don't like it!"
"OK! Don't worry, I won't move!
"Where's Banner?"
"He's gone to find Sniff!
"Wakanda? What is that? Why haven't I heard of it?"
Spider-Man interjected as he hung himself from the roof.
"It's time for you to go back to school, kid!"
"No, Mr. Stark, you said I'm an Avenger now!"
"Doctor Strange, we don't have Wakanda to find Banner!"
Doctor Strange used space magic again, and in an instant they were in Wakanda.
Just in time, Raccoon and Groot's spaceship had just landed.
"Hey, I didn't expect that!"
"Well, why are you here, but Gamora is back, and it's good!"
Gamora was concerned about Thor, much to Star-Lord's annoyance.
"Where's Thor? Didn't he come to Earth?"
"No, he's coming, but that fool is now an ice sculpture!"
"Huh, ice sculpture?"
"It's a bit complicated to say, let's talk about it when we get there!"
Later, they go to meet Banner and Black Panther together, and that's when they (CCBC) learn that Wanda, Sneef, Hawkeye, and Black Widow have all put themselves in to save Vision.
Now there are more Thor, and Tony is also quite speechless.
"Can't they just use their brains?"
"Tony, what's going on over there, Thanos didn't get all the Infinity Stones, did he?"
"Thanos has been defeated! Now all the Infinity Stones are in the hands of that unknown force!"
"What! Thanos is so powerful, she is defeated!"
"That's right, he's defeated, and he's defeated! But Thanos didn't admit defeat, she's rallying forces to take the Infinity Stones back.
And worst of all, they set the battlefield in outer space on Earth!
In the event of an interstellar war, Earth will most likely become cannon fodder!"
With all that Tony said, the last point was what worried him the most.
As the host here, the king of Wakanda, the Black Panther, said a word at this time.
"In other words, now we have become a dispensable third party!(Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)
That unknown force and Thanos are the main forces competing for the Infinity Stones!
In this case, it is our best choice to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!"
"We had the same idea at Titan before, but the end result was failure, complete failure!"
Gamora then spoke.
"They saved me on Vormir! They're great, even better than Thanos!
The few people we've met have the strength to fight Thanos, who has the Infinity Gauntlet and several Infinity Stones!"
"Gamora! Make no mistake! Thanos is the kind of monster that we can't handle together, each of them has that kind of strength!"
Star-Lord's face is wonderful, and the others don't have a good face either.
Tony looked at the Black Panther, whose relationship with the Black Panther wasn't very good, but now he had no choice.
"We need your help! not only to help us, but to help the whole planet through this crisis!"
"Well, I understand! Wakanda is ready for battle!"
"Thanks!Banner, since you can't transform now, I'll help you transform the Hulkhead armor!"
"That's great! I'm anxious that I can't fight now!"
"I'll go back to the Magic Sanctuary and try to send some people to help!"
While Tony and the others were taking their own actions, Thanos' fleet was also heading in the direction of Earth.
As soon as Thanos' fleet appeared in outer Earth, it was captured by Ubunjushri.
"It's coming! Thanos is pretty fast!"
"Is this Thanos' fleet? It's pretty big! No wonder he has the confidence to fight us again. "
"Get ready for battle!Thanos will surely launch the craziest attack in order to reclaim the Infinity Stones!".
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