The first group of people sent to the moon have all returned to see that all these spacecraft have landed safely. Yang Fan's heart was also completely relaxed.

After all, going back and forth between regions can be different from which country you are traveling to. If something goes wrong in the slightest, the entire spacecraft will be wiped out. It will not be two people who will die at that time.

Let's not talk about the "zero zero zero" force of the fishing wheel pressure brought by this. At the same time, it will also give everyone in the hot future group a cold knock.

Yang Fan was naturally very happy about this. Only when all these people return will the next group of people who travel to the moon set off.

"Xiao Tian, what are you still missing over there? You can tell me all of them and I'll take them all with me when I get to the moon on my next trip to the moon. Yang Fan used the laser communicator to contact Xiaotian.

In fact, in addition to arranging supplies to the moon, he also thought about how to make money. After all, the Kubuqi Desert Future Branch is too expensive. With the future company's commercial headquarters and capital distribution, the smooth operation of the two companies is not enough.

"The city here has been built. Even some minerals can be mined directly from the moon. But the only thing missing here now is life. Master, you can bring a little seed when you come over, and I have already flowed out of the base for growing vegetables here. "

Xiao Tian didn't think about it at all, and everything he needed was already considered by him. "If you allow it, you can also bring some small animals. Once people come over, it is impossible to eat only vegetables, and meat is also needed. "

"And if you bring a few saplings with you, you might be able to test whether the saplings can photosynthesize with sunlight when they survive on the moon." In that case, or we won't extract oxygen from the black hole. "

The oxygen needed on the moon has not been brought from Earth for this time. Instead, with the help of oxygen converters, it is being extracted from a black hole in the universe.

However, black holes represent location, but dare to be sure that black holes are inexhaustible. If all the people evacuate the earth and settle on the moon or settle on the star, the oxygen in the black hole is suddenly exhausted... For people is different from doom.

However, if some green plants or trees are planted on other planets, it can have the effect of photosynthesis. That means that oxygen is no longer rootless water, but can be produced continuously.

In addition, living on other planets is not like living on Earth. More green areas can be arranged, and the oxygen produced by photosynthesis of trees planted on a planet must be enough to sustain people on this planet.

At that time, after this technology matures, no matter which planet people on Earth want to go to, they can live safely 09 and survive.

"I know this, and I will bring it with me when I land on the moon this time." By the way, has the last three percent still not been detected? Yang Fan asked.

For the last three percent of the land, Yang Fan was still very interested. He always felt that the last 3% of the moon was like 30 north latitude on Earth. All are full of unknowns and mysteries.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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