This is the deepest part of the sea, an area beyond the reach of humans. So far, the deepest depth reached by the world's submarine record holders is only about 10,000 meters. At this time, Shen You and Kara were at a location 30,000 meters underwater, which was an absolute restricted area for surface creatures.

Of course, what they encountered were not ordinary creatures.

The pressure like a heavy hammer silently oppressed every inch of space in the deep sea. The light had already disappeared at the depth of 30,000 meters, and the darkness swallowed everything like thick ink.

A huge shadow quickly approached in the darkness, and the silent rocks were knocked apart with a roar, as if a giant beast tore through the world. A ferocious and huge underwater creature rushed out from among the gravel and dust. Its body was as majestic as a mountain range, and every scale shone with a strange green and cold luster, and was as sharp as a sword.

The long and thick tail looked like a sharp green ore, and the seawater was dyed green wherever it swept. It stirred wildly and stirred up a huge whirlpool.

The brilliance of kryptonite.

"What is that!?" Kara was surprised.

"There are many creatures in the deep sea of ​​the earth that people on land have never seen. They can survive under huge pressure all year round, and are naturally stronger than land creatures."

Shen You said and paused.

"And this one is obviously mutated by kryptonite radiation."


Before she could finish speaking, Kara had already been swept away by the giant tail, dragging a line of bubbling water and flying backwards. She broke an underwater mountain with a loud bang, and the collapsing rocks crashed down on her body.

But only half a second later, the rubble exploded with a loud bang, and the Kryptonian girl took to the air again and charged towards the giant beast.

Not to be outdone, the giant beast roared and attacked with its giant claws and long tail. Kara rushed left and right, using slapping defense to block an area with three giant claws as big as hers. She maintained high-speed movement, her body skills dexterously shuttled back and forth between the giant beast's stormy attacks, and she also used fists and kicks. Fight back.

For a while, two strange creatures were fighting fiercely on the bottom of the sea, and the fight ended in darkness. The water surged into a tornado, and the wind pressure made the bottom of the sea turbid. The rocks collapsed under the heavy load, and huge craters continued to appear on the seabed.

Shen You folded his arms and watched silently for more than ten seconds, then interrupted: "Okay, stop playing, we are here to do business. Just get it away."

Kara's movements froze slightly.

".All right."

As he said this, his hair drooped down, and he actually seemed a little depressed.


The sea beast roared, and rushed forward with a green light all over its body. It seemed that it wanted to fight this rare evenly matched opponent for another 300 rounds to show off.

Unexpectedly, this time the opponent did not dodge or evade, and watched calmly as the giant beast rushed in front of him without making any move, and immediately punched out calmly.

Such a mediocre punch even looked a bit lazy. But just facing such a punch, the sea beast felt a completely different oppression than before.

It's like this punch contains the entire world!

Amidst the strange screams, the sea monster, which was dozens of meters tall, immediately took the power of the punch and suddenly rose into the air. The huge body dragged out a long water line, soared 30,000 miles straight out of the sea like a soaring cloud and mist, drew a beautiful arc in mid-air, and then crashed back into the water with a bang.

Even when it took off, the sea monster's eyes were still full of confusion, as if he was deeply puzzled by the changes in the battle situation that had just occurred in a second.

Wasn't she such a pervert?

So could it be that she was playing me just now?

In fact, Shen You guessed that Kara was not acting intentionally, just like anyone could fight Superman back and forth, it seemed like a 50-50 split. I don’t know if it’s due to the Al family’s genes or if it was infected by their cousin, but in short, they all have a strange habit of loving acting.

Under normal circumstances, it may be to prevent innocent people from being affected. Superman himself said that he feels like he is living in a papery world, and if he accidentally loses a little strength, he will hurt people.

When he fights, he always has to test the opponent's capabilities little by little, and then increase his strength little by little according to the opponent's strength. Otherwise, if you go all out as soon as you come up, you will easily be crushed to pieces by the opponent if you are not careful.

Of course that's the general situation. Now that they are 30,000 meters under the sea, a little indulgence would not affect anyone.

So Shen You felt that Kara was either looking for fun, or she was used to acting too much and was incompetent.

"There's kryptonite down there."

Kara peered down.

"It's such a big piece. Maybe it was here in ancient times. If this piece of kryptonite is taken away, the entire north slope will collapse."

But she thought about it again.

"But this is 30,000 meters underwater, and no one cares about what happens here."

"We care."

Kara turned around following the sound, and saw that just as she was concentrating on playing with the sea monster, a group of people appeared around her.

They were a group of people wearing gorgeous armor and steel helmets. Although they are obviously human beings, they have significant differences in characteristics from those on the surface. They rode horse-like vehicles, deep-sea creatures that had never been seen before on land. The car was also wearing armor like them, and even the reins were emitting golden light.

"Atlanteans?" Kara looked at Shen You doubtfully.

Since Orm committed suicide and launched a war on land, the existence of the underwater people is no longer a secret. Now everyone on earth knows that there is another kingdom under the water, and Aquaman, who has joined the Justice League, is the representative of this kingdom on land.

"No, not Atlantis."

The person on the other side who looked like he was leading the team said in a deep voice.

"You are in Zebel's realm."

Kara blinked twice.

"Zer what?"

"Zebel!" the leader said angrily, "The country led by the great King Nereus, you ignorant surface people!"

Kara was confused: "Who is that? Isn't the underwater kingdom Atlantis?"

"Atlantis used to be a unified country, but that was many years ago." Shen You patiently explained to her, "Since sinking into the bottom of the sea, Atlantis has been divided into seven and transformed into Seven Deep Sea Realms.

The Atlantis we know as Arthur is just one of them, and Zebel is the strongest force besides them. As for King Nereus"

Shen You paused and smiled slightly.

".He is Arthur's father-in-law."

However, after some explanation, Kara did not suddenly realize it. Instead, she shook her little head cutely, and then was suddenly startled.

"Ah! So Atlantis sank to the bottom of the sea? I always thought they were all transformed from fish."

The faces of the Atlantis soldiers grew darker and darker as they listened. The leader listened to them singing and finally couldn't help but interrupt: "Enough! The King of Atlantis once suggested that we should no longer conflict with the land people. King Nereus accepted his suggestion, but not without limits.

What you have done has violated our Zebel territory. "

The man narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice.

"Anyone who dares invade our territory will pay the price."

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