The darkness of Gotham is like a painting painted on a dark canvas. The dim and weak light is like ancient fireflies flickering stubbornly under the thick night. The outlines of high-rise buildings are looming in the dimness, as if a group of tired giants are silently guarding in the silent night.

The gloomy gargoyles are like the fangs of a dragon, cold and sharp, silently watching over the silent city on almost every building. From time to time, airships with searchlights slowly passed by in the dark night, like ghosts wandering in the dark night, and the beam-like searchlights cut through the silence of the night.

"I know that look."

Superman stood with his hands on his hips next to a certain gargoyle. Batman is crouching there.

"That look means you're about to tell your secrets. You can never keep a secret," Superman said.

Batman was silent for a moment and said: "I have a secret that I have never told you, or anything. It's about the reason why I fight."

He took off his helmet, revealing his messy blond hair. This "Batman" is actually a blond man with blue eyes, but his weathered face makes him look like a battle-hardened soldier.

"Superman, this all happened because of my mom. She abused me and my sister. One day when I was eight years old, instead of just throwing a fist, she picked up a bat. That's when I went to see Gotham Cavaliers baseball game got.

My sister she protected me. She took the beating for me. "

The blond man let out a long sigh.

"My sister fell into a coma and never woke up. And from that day on, I swore that as long as I was around, I would never let anyone get hurt again."

The Dark Knight clenched his fists.

"Now I protect this city, Gotham, and my sister every night. After all these years, she still can't move. I want her to be proud of me."

Superman said: "You need to learn to control your emotions, Lance. Come on, we have work to do, go to your laboratory on the moon."

The blond man smiled: "Okay! Let's go to the moon!"


The bald director wearing glasses held a loudspeaker and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Great Jason, you finally found the feeling. Let's take another close-up of you and do it three times like we just did."

Here's the much-anticipated Hollywood movie, Superman \u0026 Batman: World's Best, based on real-life superheroes.

So "Batman" started to put on his coat and muttered: "Every time the light shines on it, I feel like this costume is so silly."

"Superman" started to lift his red underwear: "Man, these pants are hurting my balls. Why do they have to wear these?"

"Don't complain, it feels good." The director smiled, "It looks like we can be ready to shoot the kryptonite scene at any time."


However, no one knew at this time that the real Superman, Clark Kent, a young reporter from the Daily Planet, who was assigned by Perry to interview the movie's leading actor due to work needs, was also watching.

The Man of Steel almost had a stomachache from suppressing his laughter.

He has enough strength to shake mountains and rivers, but he is not sure if he still has the strength to laugh now.

It’s so fun to watch the Hollywood screenwriters’ brainstorming of Batman’s plot and Batman’s character.

They think Batman is a poor kid who suffered from domestic violence, has poor emotional control problems, and is a bit psychologically twisted.

Well, the psychological distortion part is true.

But the other Batmans he knew were nothing like him.

He suddenly wanted to invite Batman himself to watch the movie. Clark has no interest in the plot of the movie, but he is very much looking forward to being able to secretly observe Bruce's reaction at close range throughout. It will definitely be fun.

But you can't blame them. Superman was interviewed by the Daily Planet (and gave his girlfriend a Pulitzer Prize for journalism by the way), so everyone knows his origin story and where he comes from.

But Batman is different. He's a legend and is known today as the only normal person in the Justice League who makes people feel like one of their own. But everyone knew nothing about him.

Therefore, the screenwriter can only use his imagination and rely on the power of fantasy to try to solve the mystery of the mysterious bat. It is no different from the ancients who used their imagination to focus on the sun, moon, lightning and other things they cannot understand.

Of course, Batman might still be pissed.

At this moment, a beam of electric light cut through the night sky and fell, and the studio was suddenly illuminated at this moment. The makeshift photography equipment, props, and even the dust in the air, everything seemed to be penetrated by lightning, turning into a mess in an instant.

The lights suddenly went out and the computer shut down instantly. All equipment related to electricity were paralyzed on the spot.

That was no ordinary lightning. What appeared in the lightning was a human figure.

A woman with blue hair, wearing long boots and a cool black tight-fitting leather uniform, had a huge skylight in the shape of an electric current on her chest, and her balls were visible through the slit.

Electric Girl, one of Superman's old enemies. He was once a radio host, but his stance on Superman was like Jameson, the newspaper owner next door, on Spider-Man. Later, in an accident, he mutated into an electrified body, able to control current and electrical appliances, and even be able to electrify his body and get into cables and power grids.

Yes, that’s right, it’s similar to the Electric Man next door, basically a girly version.

However, DC and Marvel have copied each other for more than a day or two. It has become an unspoken rule in the industry that if you really want to dig up the money, you will not be able to check it out.

But Youdao has the same person but different destiny. Unlike the electric man next door who battles wits and courage with Spider-Man every day, the electric girl's main enemy is Superman, and the pressure of survival is not at the same level.

"Ha! Jason Weiss, my old favorite movie star."

The electric girl appeared with lightning wrapped around her body, smiling at the frightened idol in the Batman uniform.

"Honestly, I don't think the Batman you play looks like him at all. I have dealt with him before. But it doesn't matter. I don't understand box office revenue."

As he spoke, he walked closer with a smile, and the lightning on his fingertips moved closer to the unlucky idol.

"Movie stars are the most noble people in the country, at least in my opinion, so your ransom must be treated like a king.

Otherwise, I'll share 70% of whatever salary they pay you. No, I'll give you a discount, and I only want half.

In this way, I will allow you to finish filming this movie alive. What do you think? "

Clark on the side narrowed his eyes slightly and was already looking for the phone booth.

It seems like a job for Superman.

But he soon discovered that it was not necessary, because someone from his alliance teammates seemed to be nearby.

A trail of flames chased from the night sky, and the firestorm swooped down while shouting: "It's not good for movie fans to be too fanatical. Miss, why don't you come and accompany me? As you can see, I am very passionate!"

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