I become light in American comics

Chapter 583 Where did it come from?

Former Stark Tower, now Avengers Tower.

Gorgeous crystal chandeliers cast soft light, reflecting on the carefully arranged table tops. The silver endgame shone charmingly under the light, the melodious symphony echoed in the hall, and the notes floated in the air.

This is a rare reunion of the Avengers since the Battle of New York. Before that, most of them were busy with their own affairs, and everyone's schedule was full. Tony has almost a dozen terrorists and copycat steel armors to deal with. Captain America has to do some chores for SHIELD from time to time. Brother Hammer always wields a hammer and fights various creatures between the nine realms, and occasionally there are wizards.

Many outsiders think that the Avengers always stay in their building and are always on guard, but that's just their imagination. A gathering like this is actually quite rare.

Tony held a glass of wine and bragged with Thor for a while, and the topic was probably about which one was more awesome, Pepper Potts or Jane Foster. Tony thought it was amazing that Pepper Potts could manage such a behemoth as Stark alone, while Thor felt that Jane was nominated for a Nobel Prize that he couldn't even remember the name of. It must be better.

After three drinks, Tony took the wine glass and came to the bar next to Banner who was drinking.

"I'm sure Natasha just glanced at you." Tony leaned against the bar, "What's going on?"

"Don't think too much, she gave it to everyone." Banner smiled.

"You can't say for sure." Tony joked, "Believe me, I think I am quite experienced in this aspect. My sixth sense has always been very accurate."

Banner shook his head, took a sip of wine, and changed the subject: "You didn't come to me for emotional counseling, right? You still haven't given up on that theory?"

"Ultron, that's right." Tony put down his wine glass, as if he was immediately excited, "You are also in New York, and you have experienced those first-hand. The alien fleet, the wormhole, we have tried our best just to deal with these.

But there is something else, something even more incomprehensible and powerful beyond all life forms we know.”

"Those?" Banner frowned, "You already know more than one?"

He had only seen that glorious giant during the Battle of New York. But hearing Tony say this seemed to convince him that there was more.

"Yes, I have had some new experiences recently. I saw some new enemies, and they claimed to be from the same world as the giant." Tony said.

Banner was shocked: "Are they all so perverted?"

Tony's mind quickly recalled the bloody scene where "super beasts can't feel pain", as well as Ace Killer surrendering at the speed of light after being found out.

"Well that's not the case. The giant we saw looked the most outrageous."

"I think so." Banner breathed a sigh of relief.

There are so many things like this, so why bother? Is there no need to fight well at all?

"So, you had a second contact with that giant?" Banner took a sip of wine, "What's your new evaluation?"

Tony pondered for a moment.

"He made me feel good. He seemed like he really wanted to help."

"That doesn't sound like a good thing?"

"Yes, even I have started to think so recently. Maybe he is really an ally? Maybe the universe is really not all enemies and invaders. Maybe some very powerful people, thinking and moral values ​​have broken away because of their transcendence. Will we really fight for life and peace if our human mindset exists?”

Banner was a little confused about his point.

"So if that's the case, doesn't that sound great?"

"Yes, but when I thought about it, I realized the problem." Tony said seriously, "This is handing over the earth and everything about mankind to the hands of a being that we don't understand at all."

Banner stared at the wine glass in a daze for a while.

"I seem to understand what you mean." He took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Maybe you have a point. But you have to know, Tony, what you are proposing is a technology that far exceeds the planet and era we live in. .

Ultron is almost a fantasy from my perspective and is impossible to realize. You expect too much from it, we can’t create something that powerful.”

"That's not necessarily true. When I first mentioned this theory to you, it might have been just an idea. But now"

Tony pointed to his head.

"Like I said, something happened to me recently. I gave myself something called a 'desperate situation'"

"You've given yourself a desperate situation!?" Banner almost jumped out of his chair.

"Oh, you've heard of it?"

"Of course, the design of that madman named Killian, AIM's living weapon!"

"Well, to be precise, he didn't design it. But the difference is not big." Tony shrugged, "But don't worry, I have made improvements. The desperate situation did not turn me into a walking pile of human explosives. What I gained was mental strength. improvement.

My brain is like Iron Man's operating system, which allows me to interact directly with the armor, while also giving me amazing learning capabilities and computing power. "

Banner looked at Tony suspiciously.

"You mean you gave yourself superpowers."

"No, I mean I created super brain power for myself." Tony said, "Of course, I was already very smart. But now I have surpassed the limits of human beings, so I can do things that humans cannot do. "

"Okay." Banner sighed, "Then do you think, with the help of that desperate situation, you can do it now? Complete Ultron's idea?"

"I have some ideas, but they're not mature yet. That's why I need your help."

Just as he said this, the lights suddenly went out. It was as if someone poured cold water on the banquet and the atmosphere came to an abrupt end.

"Huh? Stark, your fire is out?" Thor looked up.

"Impossible." Tony frowned, "The building does not use the city power grid. It is independently powered by Stark New Energy. Jarvis will never appear. What's going on?"

No reply.


Tony had a very ominous premonition. Although he still doesn't know where this premonition comes from.

Immediately afterwards, the door was pushed open.

Someone walked into the dark party hall.

No, not people, but machines.

It looks like an Iron Man armor design, but has blue and white spray paint, and an Avengers spray paint on the chest. It staggered out, tilting its head to look a bit silly, but its ice-blue eyes made people shudder.

"Hello there."

It made a robotic sound, sounding like it was learning to speak very unfamiliarly.

"My name is Ultron."

Tony: "???"

He almost jumped out of his seat.


Although he has the idea of ​​Ultron, he hasn't taken action yet?

Where did this thing come from? ?

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