I become light in American comics

Chapter 569 Why is he so brave?


Hal was shocked, really shocked this time.

Even when he was just a new recruit, Hal knew what level of existence Omega was in the universe. The Omega Effect, which is said to be able to obliterate everything, is a punishment that even gods cannot escape.

Of course, he knew that Superman had resisted, the Flash had dodged, and there was an Ultraman on Earth who could catch it. Even Hal himself felt arrogantly that he should be able to do it too.

Oh, by the way, and although there is no basis for it, Hal has no reason to think that maybe Batman can do it too. It’s not that I think Batman has any anti-Omega props, but simply because he is Batman.

But that doesn't stop it from being a highly valuable killer weapon that can kill anyone.

More importantly, before this, this thing was generally regarded as the symbol of Darkseid in everyone's eyes. Everyone basically agreed that this power and Darkseid were bound to each other.

what does that mean? Is the threat from New Genesis coming from Darkseid?

But now Hal had no time to think too much. Orion had been hit, and the combat uniform on his chest was burned with a black hole, and black smoke was rising. Orion groaned and fell backwards, and the gliders under his feet followed him in two circles.

But after flipping twice, he barely managed to stabilize his position. Panting, he grabbed the joystick of the skateboard and gritted his teeth and said, "As expected of the power of the Omega of Destruction, it almost killed me."

Hal: "?"

Everyone in our current alliance has special skills (cheating users) so they can pick up Omega, so why are you?

By the way, this thing can really kill people.

But what Hal doesn't know now is that Orion is also the only one among the new gods. He was born as the son of Darkseid. As a bargaining chip in the armistice agreement, he was exchanged to New Genesis and became the son of Heavenly Father.

He has the "power of the stars" bestowed by Heavenly Father, and its essence is the "wrath of origin", which is a very high-level powerful force. At the same time, Darkseid's bloodline gave him the blood of the "Original Beast", which is said to be completely liberated and even stronger than the power of the stars.

There is a prophecy in New Gods that Orion is the son of destiny who can end the years of war. He will defeat Darkseid head-on and overthrow Apocalypse's rule. If his power is fully activated, he does have this ability.

But of course, like most American comic heroes, that was an extremely rare cheating situation. Normally he is about 50-50 equal to Superman.

"The second shot is coming!"

Hal could see that the battleship was gathering energy again, and the power of Omega was swirling and condensing at the muzzle of the huge cannon. Orion vomited a mouthful of blood. It seemed that although he had caught the omega rays, he was still seriously injured.

I might send another one.

Hal turned all his will into a heavy plasma cannon bombardment, trying to interrupt the charge. But there were also volleys of light from all sides of the battleship, and the dense rain of light hit the green light and offset most of the impact. The aftermath scattered on the force field shield, causing only a few ripples.

The Omega weapon is fully charged.

That's too late. The beam has been lased, and the Omega effect is roaring. In an instant, everything in the world seemed to disappear, leaving only the exciting light and Orion at the finish line.

It was like a death sentence.

But just before the death penalty fell, a new existence suddenly broke into this world.

It was like a starlight flying from the other end of the starry sky, transforming into the posture of a giant in the lightning. Lightning flashed past, followed by an arm wrapped in pure white light that stretched out to block between Omega and Orion.

a slap.

Yes, it seemed like just a slap, a gentle wave. The glowing palm hit the red-hot beam, and the arrogant Omega immediately disappeared in front of that slap.

Orion: "?"

what's the situation?

Omega's power was wiped out by a slap?

Orion blinked twice, his eyes filled with confusion.


As the son of Darkseid and Heavenly Father at the same time, he is just a walking plug-in, and it is enough to carry even one round of Omega like this.

Why can someone cheat more outrageously than him?

The figure of a giant emerged from the incandescent light, and the lightning lines were fading away little by little, turning into a sacred posture possessed by white light special effects.

Shen You hurried forward in the form of glorious space-time, and after receiving Hal's signal, he leaped directly to the designated coordinates in the shortest time. Immediately after appearing, he switched to his life form and used the power of the white light to resolve the Omega effect.

"That's what I said."

Hal crossed his arms and said to Orian with a leisurely smile.

"Who told you that my backup can only be from Green Lantern?"

At this time Orion had already reacted and said in shock: "This is the power of origin! He is the giant of origin!"

Hal: "?"

This time it was Hal's turn to be a little confused: "What origin is the giant?"

"Yes. Heavenly Father told me that the connection of 'Origin' appears in this universe. This must be it! This is what we need."

"Slow down, New God Boy. We call him 'Ultraman' here, and he just used the power of spectrum, the White Lamp of Life. The latest new spectrum, in case you haven't heard of it."

"White light?" Orion said clearly, "That's it. Yes, a derivative of the equation of life, the root of life. No wonder."

Shen You followed Green Lantern's signal and leaped over, and was surprised when he saw Orion. Although it was the first time he saw him, the costume and the iconic interstellar skateboard made him recognize who it was at a glance.

However, he didn't ask any more questions, and focused on the battleship first.

A cursory scan showed him that this was technology he had never been exposed to before. There are hints of Apocalypse technology, but not entirely. Quite a sophisticated design, the shield is powerful enough to even withstand the bombing of light rings.

And the most eye-catching thing is the Omega weapons carried on the battleship.

That's right, there is no living carrier, unlike Darkseid or the Black Superman of Earth 2, which relies entirely on technological components to reproduce the power of the Omega Effect.

This kind of technology is really unheard of.

This made Shen You's soul as a scientist begin to stir.

In this way, no matter what, we have to leave a complete corpse of this ship, drag it back and study it carefully.

At this time, a black-faced crew member on the battleship was roaring.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The crew member shouted.

"Omega's power is absolute and cannot be blocked. It's fake, it must be fake!"

At this time, a crew member said: "The Omega Cannon is fully charged and can be fired again."

"Launch! Blow the hell out of me!" the black-faced crewman roared.

"Launch countdown, three. two. What The!?"

The crewman in front of the operating table was so shocked that he almost jumped up.

"What is he doing!?"

Everyone on the ship was shocked to see that right at the launch port of their proud Omega main gun, the giant covered in white light was floating there with arms folded in arrogance.

It seems to be saying, is your bastard good or not? If you want to fire, just GKD, don't wait.

The crew was shocked.

what is this? Are the chest muscles blocking the muzzle?

Why can he be so brave! ?

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