"Ah! I remembered it!"

Superboy, with Wonder Woman's noose wrapped around his hand, twitched and suddenly woke up.

"I remembered it all!"


The power of the mantra noose can not only force a person to tell the truth, but also force a person to face himself. Several members of the Justice League touched the noose, and their disappeared memories were quickly restored.


They remembered who they were and their abilities, but they still couldn't remember why they became like this.

And soon some even began to give up thinking.

"Hey! The ice cream here is even better than I remembered!"

The little girl Diana was sitting in the chair in front of Zhenglian's usual coffee table, holding a cup of Ice and Fire in her hand that was bigger than her palm, with a happy face on her face. A pair of short legs that had shrunk in size could not reach the ground, and the long boots were dangling in the air.

"Now is not the time to leisurely eat ice cream."

The little Batman tried his best to keep a straight face, as if he was trying to regain the gloomy seriousness of the Dark Knight of the past, but it only looked ridiculous on that immature face, and even the pair of pointed ears on his head looked cute.

"We need to quickly find out the reason and find the culprit! Someone turned us all into children. It must be some kind of conspiracy. Clark, I have tolerated you for a long time. What's so funny?"

Little Batman looked at Superman dissatisfied. The latter was covering his mouth with both hands, trying hard to suppress laughter.

"It's nothing." Superboy forced out a gentle smile, "It's just... hahaha. Bruce, you have become so small. You suppress your voice and try to pretend to be an adult and have fun."

Batman gave a disapproving look, children's limited edition.

"Listen, this is not a joke." Little Batman said angrily, "This is very serious, there must be some conspiracy. There is no time to waste."

As he spoke, his eyes drifted away.

He landed on a cup of chocolate-flavored cold brew that Shen You pushed in front of him.

"I'll give you a full body check first. You'll be fine soon. Before that, how about sitting down and drinking some coffee?" Shen You smiled.

Little Batman looked straight at the glass of cold brew, his eyes widened.

Natural aroma from high-quality coffee beans, mixed with rich chocolate flavor. It's not overly sweet, but has a slightly bitter cocoa flavor that blends perfectly with the coffee aroma. There is also the soft aroma of milk, which complements the taste of chocolate and coffee, making the whole dish more layered.

It's just criminal.

"Okay, okay." Little Batman muttered vaguely, "Then just wait for a while. Hurry up."

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but I think I can even hear the sound of the child Batman sucking saliva.

Sure enough, Batman likes the smell of chocolate. Shen You smiled and nodded. It seemed that Zheng Lian Hei's historical materials were about to increase again, and there was more content to be shown at the alliance's annual meeting.

But of course, first of all, let’s take a look at the situation of all Lian Meng becoming infants first.

"The instrument can detect the reaction of magic energy. It takes a certain amount of time to analyze, but magic is not my specialty. This frequency is also different from the magic systems I have seen before."

Shen You said and looked down.

Then he saw little Kara, who was only about his waist, hugging his thigh tightly with her whole body, shivering.

"By the way, didn't you say you thought something was wrong with the Alliance and went to find them? Why did it become like this?"

Little Kara blinked her big innocent eyes twice, hugged her tighter, and shook her little head like a rattle.

"I don't remember."

The minibus was devouring desserts and drinking coffee beside him, and the small plates in front of him were being piled up into a mountain at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Little Hal saw that he looked ugly when eating, with debris everywhere around his mouth and chest, and couldn't help laughing: "Look, our lightning baby needs a bib!"

As he spoke, the green light flashed, and the light ring formed a green bib on the chest of the minibus, and even had a Q version of the lightning mark drawn on it.

Barry was displeased and caught a glimpse of the unfinished macarons in front of Hal. He swayed and a red shadow flashed, and suddenly there was only an empty plate in front of Hal.

"Hey!" Little Hal jumped up, "You stole my macarons!"

The minibus had already flashed back to his original position, with his mouth bulging with stuffing, and he said vaguely: "So and so said that, no."

"You're still quibbling! It's clearly in your mouth!"

If they don't agree with each other, they will take action.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but after the cute children of Justice League, Shen You felt like he had broken into the universe of Lego Justice League. The impression given by the Green Light Lightning duo in the LEGO series seems to be exactly like this.

"Don't you know the spell to shrink people?" Shen You looked at the old wizard, the only designated magic expert in the store.

"Of course I've heard of it." The old wizard was displeased with someone doubting his authority in magic, and said with his hands on his hips, "Why do you think you're called 'that wizard'?"

As he spoke, he made another tactical retreat.


"But it's just because it's so common that it's difficult to judge." The old wizard shook his head, "I can think of at least a dozen age-returning spells in an instant, and they belong to different schools and systems. Different spells require different solutions. The methods of spells are all different. If you can determine which one it is, it should be easy to solve.

But if you can't be sure, hastily using a mismatched method to solve the curse may be counterproductive. "

After a pause, he looked at several alliance babies.

"In the worst case, if improper operations are performed, they may remain like this forever and may not be able to come back."

When little Kara heard this, she trembled again, as if she was frightened, and hugged Shen You's legs tighter, burying her little face in it, like a little girl who was afraid of strangers when her parents took her out.

"So we still have to figure out what the crux is first." Shen You pondered.

That is to say, we have to find a way to figure out how they became like this. But no one in the alliance seemed to remember what they had experienced before, as if they suddenly looked like this when they came back to their senses.


The little Batman, with his mouth full of drink, suddenly raised his head.

"I remembered. When we were asking for candy, there was a kid who was bullied on the street."

"Ah, you were talking about the kid who disguised himself as a cat." Diana also remembered, "He was pretty good. He gave us a lot of candies after we rescued him!"

"Yes. But if you think about it carefully, he didn't just talk about candies." Little Batman said solemnly, "He said that someone was robbing children's things everywhere, including candies, bicycles and game consoles. All the stolen goods were in a big In the house.”

Shen You looked a little weird: "That's really heinous."

The level of evil is comparable to Tregchia who popped the child's balloon in the early stage and competed with the square dance aunt for space.

"Do you think there's something wrong with that house?" Superboy asked strangely.

"I think something is wrong with that child." Little Batman said seriously, "I have a hunch that the answer we are looking for is in that house."

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