I become light in American comics

Chapter 541 The Speed ​​Force means you can do whatever you want

In the cafe, Kara sat at a coffee table, holding a new iced drink in her hand. She held the straw in her mouth and took a sip forcefully. She smacked it twice with satisfaction and savored the sweetness remaining in her mouth. Cai Dao.

"So... they are fighting aliens in New York?"

"To be precise, we were fighting with aliens before." Shen You said calmly, "But it's over."

"Oh, let me guess, someone carried a nuclear bomb to the other side of the wormhole and blew up the mothership?"

Kara's eyes lit up.

She is very interested in the concept of "films as a real universe" and has just completed the Avengers movie quickly.

"Yeah, it's a little different." Shen said, "It seems that their senior management suddenly realized that nuking New York was a stupid idea, so it was rejected."


Kara was surprised. The reaction was like saying "Did they actually notice anything?"

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on. I guess there may be differences between parallel universes and film and television works after all." Shen You said casually.

"That's it. What's next?"

Kara's curiosity grew. The last nuclear bomb in the movie ended the battle, but with such a change in the world line, what will happen to the alien armies who turned on the endless mode?

"Oh, I killed them all in seconds." Shen You said calmly, "Then I flew to the other side through the wormhole and blew up their mothership."

Kara: "."

Hmm. How should I put it?

Very characteristic of Mr. Shen.

However, it unfolded uninterestingly in an instant.

"Okay, then the battle is over?"

"What else?" Shen You shrugged, "Oh, I took the Cosmic Cube by the way."


Kara blinked twice.

Is the Cosmic Cube the thing that aliens want to steal?

"Yes, the Space Stone. If I don't take it away, it should go to the treasure house of Asgard. A few years later, it will be snatched away by an alien emperor who looks like a purple potato after the destruction of Asgard. Oh, think about it. The reality may be different from the movies and TV shows. It may fall into the hands of Hydra, and eventually it will become the core of some kind of man-made machine monster, and then the monster will go berserk or something like that.”

Shen You spoke plausibly, and Kara was stunned for a moment.

"So I thought about it and it was safer in my hands than this."

"Oh." Kara nodded, thoughtfully for a while, then tilted her head to look at him cutely, "Don't you think Mr. Shen thinks it will be helpful to our space research?"

Shen You raised his eyebrows and looked at Kara with admiration.

Whether it was an illusion or not, he felt that his little Kryptonian golden retriever seemed to have become smarter.

"Part of it, but not entirely."

Shen You smiled.

Space gem research must be studied, but he did not have high expectations for it. After all, everyone knows about Infinity Stones. They look awesome and invincible, but they have one most fatal weakness, which is that they can only take effect within the scope of the current universe.

This restriction basically determines the upper limit of the artifact, and also destined that its role in Shen You's research is not as good as the Speed ​​Force.

The space gem can only allow people to teleport unlimitedly in a single universe, which Shen You can do without any external help. In contrast, the speed force has almost no upper limit in the entire multiverse. It is even possible to penetrate the origin wall and rush into the multiverse next door. This is undoubtedly still the focus of Shen You's research.

Therefore, the greatest significance of the Infinity Stones to Shen You is actually to help him adapt faster and learn the laws of the Marvel Universe. The basic rules in different universes are still different, and the six infinity stones correspond to the six different basic rules in a single universe, which is quite useful in helping Shen You get started in the new universe quickly.

"Ah, where's the scepter?" Kara asked.

"Of course, it's also in my hands."

The Rubik's Cube has been taken away, so naturally there is no reason to let go of the scepter.

"Then I guess they must be extremely anxious now."

"Well, actually, not really." Shen You said calmly, "Because I gave them a pair of fake ones."

"Huh?" The stupid hair on Kara's forehead stood up again.

Shen You waved his hand and made a "basic mistake 6" gesture.

He just rubbed a new Cosmic Rubik's Cube and a new scepter with his bare hands. It is also easy to fake an instrument that looks exactly the same without any pressure, simulates the original energy properties of the gemstone, and deceives the detection by injecting light with changed properties.

Anyway, humans at this stage have only a limited understanding of the Infinity Stones. S.H.I.E.L.D. has been holding a universal portal like the Cosmic Cube for so many years that it doesn’t even know where the door handle is. They simply use the Rubik's Cube as a super battery and don't even realize what it actually does.

Although Shen You only briefly scanned and analyzed the Infinity Stones when he first arrived, his forgery would definitely not be able to deceive experts, but it was more than enough to deceive the locals.

After rubbing out the counterfeit with his hands, Shen You directly activated the Speed ​​Force mode and walked into Stark Tower with great swagger.

At that time, the Hydra commissioner in SHIELD was wearing an agent vest and stopped the Avengers in the lobby. The two sides seemed to be arguing over the ownership of the scepter and the Cosmic Cube.

"Sorry gentlemen, where do you want to go?"

A blond old man wearing a gray suit appeared in the hall with a team of agents and stopped the Avengers who were walking outside carrying the Cosmic Cube.

Thor looked at Stark: "Who is this?"

"Minister Alexander Pierce, Nick Fury's old superior." Tony curled his lips, looking a little unhappy.

Of course, no one present at this time realized that this was actually the head of Hydra's S.H.I.E.L.D. branch.

"Oh, nice to meet you." Thor smiled, "We may have some lunch later, and then bring Loki back to Odin for interrogation."

"Sorry, I'm afraid that can't happen." Pierce said stiffly, "He has to report to us first, and then he can go back to see Odin. And the same goes for your box. It has been the property of Aegis for the past seventy years."


The two sides began to argue. But no one noticed that in the moment when time almost stood still, Shen You floated directly in front of all of them, arrogantly took the box from Stark's hand, cracked it and opened it, took away the Rubik's Cube and made it into his own. The counterfeit version was put back into the opponent's hands.

Just like that, he completed the package exchange in full view of everyone and walked away in a swaggering manner.

Then he dodged into the elevator at the same high speed, used the same method to take the scepter from another Hydra agent's hand, and swung away through the wall without anyone noticing.

Having the Speed ​​Force means you can do whatever you want.

Without two gems, the world line of MCU will also change accordingly. It stands to reason that Thanos will never be able to collect six gems in this way, and the "flash-annihilation" of half of the people in the universe caused by his snap of his fingers will not happen, and the future direction of the universe will be very different.

"Oh, by the way, I may have also stopped an alien technology crime that was going to last eight years." Shen Youyou.

Kara: "?"

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