I become light in American comics

Chapter 529 Foreign Aid

This may be a coincidence, or it may be some kind of necessity, but in short, this is not something the Reverse Flash did intentionally. But the result was that when he broke out of the Negative Speed ​​Force space, he accidentally came here, exactly where Barry left, where his friends and the people he cared about most were.

No one was fast enough to stop him.

Reverse Flash walked up to Iris in this still-like time, with a cruel smile on his lips. He slowly raised his right hand, and his palm was wrapped with dark red lightning, like a knife. At this speed, a mere mortal in front of him was like a solitary wild flower on the roadside, which could be broken into two pieces with a light touch.


Reverse Flash noticed something and frowned slightly. He turned his head and found that among the heroes in the Justice League who were as still as a picture scroll, someone was actually moving.

It's Superman.

Although it seemed very difficult, Superman turned around with difficulty and followed the direction of Reverse Flash's movement little by little. The clear blue eyes lit up with red light. Lava-like lines spread along the corners of his eyes, and the high temperature distorted the air, making his face look like it was floating.

"Heh, Kryptonian, the speed is pretty decent."

Reverse Flash snorted, but didn't take it seriously.

At this time, the heat vision has already shot out.

The red-hot beam burst out from Superman's eyes, penetrating the thick space that seemed to be frozen in time with high heat and impact, and shot in the direction of the reverse lightning.

But Reverse Flash just stood there with his arms folded, and the dark red lightning flashed in his eyes again.

In an instant, the dim filter in space seemed to deepen, and more current radiated from his body. The heat vision slowed down significantly midway through, as if it had hit an invisible resistance. Superman tried his best, but could only barely push the two beams forward a little, and eventually inevitably slowed down to zero point.

The heat vision laser stopped completely less than one meter away from the reverse lightning. Only by observing carefully could you barely see that they were still advancing at a turtle speed. Superman was also frozen in place, unable to even move his sight.

"In the end, the Man of Steel can only reach this level, but it's not bad at all."

Reverse-Flash sneered.

Now he was so fast that he was so fast that even the speed of light was as slow as a snail in comparison. Even if he is as fast as a Kryptonian, if he doesn't use any outrageous tricks, he will naturally be no different from ordinary people.

"Now then, Barry."

Reverse Flash turned around, raised his knife again, and looked at Iris cruelly.

"Are you ready to learn a lesson in your blood again!?"

The hand knife strikes out.

As expected, at such a speed, Iris' body was easily pierced like a piece of paper. His palm pierced through Iris's body, shattering his heart and digging out a transparent hole, but not even blood spattered out.

When time resumes flowing, the huge impact will crush her to pieces on the spot.

"It's always too late, Barry. This is your life, your destiny." Reverse-Flash laughed, "Your entire life is controlled by me, just like the time of this universe! And this is just the beginning. You'll understand, you'll.you.

What! ! ? "

The next moment, Reverse Flash's eyes widened and he saw Iris disappearing in front of him.

No, not Iris. He looked around and saw everything around him, including the still people in Zhenglian, the wilderness and trees, the sky and the earth. The whole scene was like a mirror being struck by a heavy hammer and being shattered.

Golden lightning struck down from the void, like golden table knives, and time and space were easily divided like a huge cake.

All light and shadow were stirred into the huge storm, and fell into the vortex of golden lightning. Immediately the scene began to reshape, everything was spinning around in the storm, and it was reshaped into people and scenes.

It’s still this field, it’s still the sky with lightning and thunder and the heavy rain. Everyone in the Justice League returned to their original positions, and Iris once again stood still in front of Reverse Flash.

But the trauma on her chest had disappeared, and she seemed to have recovered as if she had never been damaged.

Was that just an illusion?

No, it's not an illusion. Reverse Flash, who has an extraordinary sense of time, quickly realized that what he had just seen and experienced was the fact that it was indeed going to happen, but it was not the present, but the future.

He seemed to see the images in the time fragments in the future through the flow of time and space, just like precognition. That was the future that was supposed to happen in a certain time and space, but now it will never come again.

When Reverse-Flash realized this horrifying fact, his face suddenly turned pale, and he felt a chill running down his spine.

He turned his head slowly and somewhat stiffly and looked behind him. I saw the body that the conceited divine speed force field chased out, the body of light bathed in brilliance and entwined with lightning, appeared silently behind him at some point.

"Did you say," Reverse Flash said in a dry voice, "Did you overwrite time?"

"It looks like that."

In fact, Shen You's research on the Speed ​​Force has already reached this stage. It is not very difficult to use the Speed ​​Force to rewrite the timeline, but he has not directly connected to the Speed ​​Force before, so the cost and risk of such an attempt are high.

But now that I'm one with Barry, it's very easy to go back in time.

Or from another perspective, it can be said that it is not just "backtracking", but creating a timeline that is beneficial to itself, and overwriting the version created by Reverse Flash using the Negative Speed ​​Force.

This is a collision between two opposing speed force laws. The winning side can use the time it creates to cover the other's.


Reverse Lightning's pupils shrank, and fear spread throughout his body. He completely gave up on attacking Iris and dodged as quickly as possible. But after all, it was half a beat too late.

A whirlwind of light and electricity swept past.

As soon as Reverse Flash's steps went wrong, the person had already escaped far away, but it was still a step too late.

When the flow of time resumed and the shadow of the reverse lightning stopped in the distance, half of his body had turned into ashes.

From his shoulders down to his waist, the left half of his body seemed to have been cut off, leaving only a hollow of flesh and blood.

This time, the protection of the negative speed field could not completely save him. Shen You's attack really hit him.

Normally, such an injury should definitely lead to sudden death on the spot. The speedster has super-speed self-healing ability, but it is only accelerated self-healing and not regeneration like Wolverine and Deadpool. Such a fatal injury is definitely enough to kill him on the spot.

But now it seems that the situation is obviously not that simple.

Reverse Lightning, half of his body missing, staggered two steps but did not fall down.

Instead, he stood still and slowly turned around with the remaining half of his face, the red light in his one eye was cold and scary.

"Barry, Bari, Bari, what a surprising development. But, you have your foreign aid."

As he spoke, dark lightning flashed across his body. Some kind of dark, indescribable substance gathered on his body, attached to the fracture, and began to repair his broken bones and flesh at an alarming speed.

The half of the skeletal mouth actually showed a smile.

"But I have mine too."

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