I become light in American comics

Chapter 518 I have teammates

The moment he was struck by black lightning, Barry felt like he was struck by lightning.


The space of the temple was torn apart by the tyrannical energy almost without warning, and the burning smell of electric current penetrating the air filled the air silently. The dazzling light was like a bright pearl rising from the deep sea, and the continuous electric light illuminated every corner of the ancient hall as if it were daytime.

The stone pillars supporting the main hall were reflected particularly vicissitudes of life under the lightning, and the gods on the murals seemed to come alive against the lightning. Those pairs of eyes shone with cold light, as if they were transcending through the medium of the murals. Time and space watch this moment.

The entire speed force space and time was shaken by it, as if cheering for the return of its master.

That was the moment when Barry Allen regained his speed and the whole world jumped for him.

Things developed exactly as Shen You expected. Selkirk said that this is an ancient palace designed to seize the link to the Speed ​​Force. He has carved all the magic circles and runes, and gathered all the necessary materials. Because he plans to steal the Flash's speed here.

But these preparations are not enough. The ceremony also requires a Speed ​​Force connector. Just like what is engraved in the mural, an orthodox speedster--obviously the Flash in Selkirk's plan--is required to be in the eye of the ritual for this magic to work.

Shen You's fast quantum reading understood Selkirk's ritual steps and gained an inspiration from them. He intentionally stood at the eye of the formation before Black Lightning launched his second attack. He caught Barry in this position just before Black Lightning launched his attack, allowing them to stagger at the eye of the ritual formation.

This satisfies the final activation condition of the ritual - the person who is the connector of the Speed ​​Force needs to be penetrated.

The ritual started, and lightning was drawn from the sky. The electric light fell directly on Black Lightning's body, and it seemed like a lightning rod of the Speed ​​Force. The surging current used it as a medium to continuously pour into Barry's body.

Golden electricity rolled through Barry's eyes, and every cell in his body seemed to be penetrated by lightning and entered an active state.

The golden electric light crisscrossing the palace was like dust particles flying across ancient times, as well as the gravel and dust thrown up at extremely high speeds. Everything was still under the golden filter filled with electric current in his eyes.

His speed is back!

Black Lightning let out a vague roar, withdrew its arm and dodged, then continued to attack Shen You while entangled by the purple and black lightning.

But as soon as the right paw was halfway out, it was tightly grasped by five fingers wearing red gloves.

Lightning flashed in his eyes, he looked at Black Lightning coldly, and said solemnly: "That's enough, I won't allow you to hurt anyone anymore."

Black Lightning roared like a beast and swung the sharp blade on his arm towards the Flash. The Flash leaned back to avoid it, and the sharp blade and the entangled purple-black current almost brushed the tip of his nose.

Black Lightning dodged back and swung the sharp blade continuously. When the afterimages of the sharp blades were superimposed, they seemed to split into shadows of knives all over the sky. But the Flash rushed left and right, broke through the knife net, and rushed into Black Lightning's side with a short slide shovel, tripping the opponent's ankle with one foot.

Black Lightning stumbled and stumbled two steps. Although he was barely steady, his movements were inevitably sluggish. At this time, Shen You's punch had reached his face. Seeing that the punch hit the face and seemed to be inevitable, Black Lightning twisted his upper body and twisted at a super high speed to an extent that was impossible for an ordinary person's body, avoiding the path of the punch in a very unscientific way.

It's a nice dodge, and it looks like Black Lightning is at least top-notch in his dodge instincts.

But it's a pity.

Just when it narrowly avoided the oncoming punch, what appeared in front of it and occupied its entire field of vision was a knee strike coming at full speed.

A fake punch, but the real killer move is hidden in the subsequent knee strike. This wasn't the first time Shen You had used this kind of fake move, it was simple but effective.

Especially for this kind of country bumpkin Death who doesn't understand urban routines.

The knee strike hit at full speed, hitting Black Lightning head on. The hideous and ugly face exploded under the huge force on the spot, shattering from the cheek to the bones until the withered head was blown into pieces, leaving only a neat break on the neck.

This hit dealt tons of damage. In fact, normally it should be a death-level damage, but it seems that the God of Death really cannot treat it with common sense.

Black Lightning, whose head exploded, only staggered two steps, and immediately made a mistake in his steps, avoiding the next punch that Shen You was chasing after. It was as if it was sliding back on a purple-black electric current. Shen You's two consecutive punches and a slashing light bomb missed one after another.

The load-bearing pillars of the temple were cut in half by the failed energy, and the murals and walls were also destroyed. The ancient building structure collapsed, but the three warring parties were all moving at high speed, and time almost stood still. The pillars and walls that were blasted through remained unchanged during this infinitely stretched moment. Only the slight debris where they were hit by the light bullet kept the picture frozen.

The palace stood still for a moment, waiting for the moment when the flow of time resumed to collapse.

Black Lightning was indeed very fast. Even though he was now a headless god of death, he almost escaped from Shen You's pursuit with just a moment of acceleration.

And even in this high-speed space-time where time is stagnant, the bones and carrion at the fracture of its neck are still squirming at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it is struggling to grow a new head.

But unfortunately, Shen You is not the only one it has to face.

The Flash cut in like a red storm, punching Death in the gut from the flank. The high-speed punch filled with the energy of the Speed ​​Force made the god of death tremble, and his body that had just gained speed could not help but lag again.

"Although I may not be able to really hurt you."

The Flash flew up and kicked his left wing, followed by a combo of fists that alternated like afterimages.

".But I can slow you down and let the person who can really hurt you do the rest of the work!"

The movement was slightly sluggish again, and the fatal light wheel struck immediately. Black Lightning was still moving extremely fast, dragging a string of afterimages and drifting away, but in the end it still couldn't be completely avoided. The eight-point light wheel cut off its entire right leg with a scream.

Black Lightning is lifeless and painless, but even so, losing a leg is still a huge blow to a runner.

But even so, it still did not fall directly. Instead, it immediately leaned over and landed on the ground with both palms. Using both palms and the remaining leg, it leaned over the ground and moved at high speed with weird movements that are impossible for humans. The speed was still still high. It's amazingly fast.

"Uh ok, I'm starting to get a little tired of Death."

The Flash stepped forward and accelerated like lightning, his eyes flashing with lightning.

".It's time to call it a day!"

Black Lightning let out a strange cry of unknown meaning, and attacked at the same speed with the same bad posture. The two sides turned into a long series of red and black afterimages respectively, with golden and purple-black electric lights respectively. Neither slowed down and charged directly towards the other side at full speed, just like two trains meeting on a narrow road and preparing to collide at full speed!

And at the moment when the high-speed trains are about to collide.

The Flash suddenly got short and made a sliding tackle.

As thrillingly and gracefully as a stunt, he slid through the gap under Black Lightning.

The moment the Flash slid over, he was originally blocked behind him, in the trajectory of Black Lightning's sprint.

It was Shen You who had already formed a cross with his hands.

Specium-Light of Life Limited Edition!

The incandescent Spaceium light poured out from Ultraman's hand. The black lightning rushed towards the bright light that was like the creation of the world, and the dark body burned like a moth touching the fire. The zombie-like body collapsed and disintegrated, and the black energy of death was burned and annihilated in the surging white light.

The Flash slid behind it and when he stood up and turned his head, Black Lightning had turned into a ball of ashes.


Barry dusted himself off and looked in the direction of Black Lightning.

"But...I have teammates."

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