There was a flash of light, and the bright light blooming like a lotus surrounded Shen You's body. Only a moment later, he had transformed into a red and silver Ultraman body.

Immediately, white light erupted from under his feet, and lines of life spread along the metallic skin. Wrapped in the sacred light, Ultraman's body turned into a flawless silvery white, and his oval eyes seemed to be rippling with crystal-clear white light.

The light of the white lamp, the form of life.

Barry was startled, but kept silent.

Shen You suddenly transformed and showed off this awesome and high-end form in one breath. In fact, Barry has never seen Shen You in this form, but he knows without thinking that it must be some new type of plug-in.

But Barry knows how strong Shen You is even in his normal non-explosive state. The entire earth. No, according to Hal, there seems to be nothing in the entire universe that can threaten him.

For such a strong cheat, he suddenly became serious at that moment, and cautiously revealed a cheat that Barry had never seen before to fight against the enemy. You can imagine the strength of the opponent.

Barry knew that he couldn't help at all because he had lost his speed for some reason, so he just held his breath, not daring to breathe out, waiting for Shen You to take action or give instructions.

But in fact, Shen You was not sure about the level of the opponent he encountered this time, because he didn't even catch anyone's figure. This is quite rare. Even the Flash before losing his powers, although Shen You is not as fast as him, but to kill a person instantly in front of him like this, and he can't even see the shadow clearly, this is probably not even possible for the current Flash. Xia can't do it either.

Of course, there is no upper limit for the Flash. The speed of light is just the beginning. The real ability is to be so fast that even speed loses meaning. But the problem is that that is also the upper limit of the Flash, not just any speedster can do it. There are only a handful of speedsters in the original film who can keep up with the speed of the regular Flash, let alone this fast.

What's even weirder is that Shen You didn't even feel any trace of anyone approaching.

It's also very bizarre. Normally, even if a speedster passes by at a speed that is too fast for him to detect, at least he will leave traces of his life. Any living creature must have residual life energy, and it is impossible to escape the perception of the white light. But now Shen You has nothing.

No wait, it’s not like I didn’t sense anything.

Shen You glanced at Selkirk who was killed instantly from the corner of his eye again, and his heart moved.

There were no signs of life, but from the black air radiating from Selkirk's abnormally dry corpse, he sensed death.

An aura similar to the Book of Darkness he had just obtained recently, a dark, cold aura of death.

An invisible speed, a lifeless aura like a black light, and even being in the Speed ​​Force space. The string of clues like this has almost pointed out the identity of the opponent.

There was still no enemy in sight, but Shen You had an early warning of crisis in his mind. Without hesitation, he made fists with both hands, the tips of his fists facing each other, and touched the colored timer on his chest.

I borrowed the timer flash skill POSE from senior Tiga, but don’t worry about details like Ultraman.

The moment his fists collided, Shen You burst out with an astonishing brilliance from the timer. The white light erupted from the center of his position, spreading in all directions like layers of waves, and instantly occupied the entire temple.

Timer flash - white light version!

In the realm of the holy white lamp, only a blurry afterimage flashed in from outside the temple, and its movements suddenly slowed down as it rushed into the realm of life. The dazzling white light seemed to spontaneously erode into the afterimage, intertwined with the dark lightning and the breath of death.

At the same moment, Shen You also activated the speed force.

Accelerating to the extreme, Shen You's body energy and light energy simultaneously drove the white light and the speed force energy to the highest level. The dark afterimage was slowed down by the white light, and Shen You's speed force accelerated. With one addition and one subtraction, Shen You immediately overtook him. The opponent's speed, which was originally so fast that he couldn't see clearly, turned into slow motion in his field of vision. .

When he saw the opponent's figure clearly, Shen You was finally convinced of his guess.


A pure black body covered with armor that looked like it was made of rugged rocks. Under the flash-like cross-section helmet is a zombie-like mouth, and the skin resembles that of a long-rotted dead person. There was a mark of lightning on the chest, reflecting a purple crystal-like brilliance.

The God of Death with the Speed ​​Force, Black Lightning.

In the DC universe, the power of death is not only in the hands of one higher being, there are many beings who are doing the work of the god of death. The second sister of the Endless Family, the Black Death Emperor of the spectrum system, and the God of Death who belongs to the speedster.

Some say that Black Lightning is a member of the New Gods, while others say that because traditional death cannot catch up with the speedsters, the existence of Black Lightning was born from the law of death.

But there is no doubt that it is very fast and is at the top of the speed echelon in the entire DC universe. The only creatures that can outpace Black Lightning are the Flash and his nemesis the Reverse-Flash - and that's only in explosive form.

If the unconventional state of cheating is not included, then Black Lightning should probably be the fastest thing in DC.

Because "no one can outrun death", this is the law of the universe.

However, although it is impossible to outrun Death, it can slow down Death.

For example, with life.

The power of the white light undoubtedly played a role, and the erosion of life clearly affected Black Lightning's body. Not sure how long this could last, Shen You seized the opportunity to step forward and arrived in front of Black Lightning at top speed.

Black Lightning appears more than once in the original work, but many times his behavior and appearance are quite different. And even if it is temporarily killed and eliminated, it will still tirelessly come back next time.

This made Shen You have some guesses.

There may be more than one Black Lightning, an existence with many clones similar to the New Gods and other multi-level bosses. After all, in all timelines and in all universes, there must be Black Lightning doing errands, and it is perfectly normal to have many of them.

Taking Black Lightning as he appears in The Flash publications as a reference, his main difficulty is that he is very fast even for a speedster and can easily be killed by his death force once caught.

But it's not too strong to deal with.

Black Lightning's horrifying eyes quickly locked onto Shen You, and his right palm struck him quickly. The black electric light penetrated the realm of the speed force that had stopped, and shot towards Shen You from its dark fingertips.

Even if it slows down a lot, it is still very fast for ordinary people. Shen You even sensed some form of death power from the current wrapped in that palm. He couldn't be sure whether it would affect him, so he didn't hit it hard and only sidestepped to avoid it.

Black Lightning followed with his left fist. When he punched out, the back of his hand was filled with black energy, and a dark sharp blade grew out of thin air on the jagged arm armor.

An unrecognizable material, a substance that has never been seen in the DC universe database that Shen You has obtained. In fact, the armor all over Black Lightning gave him a similar feeling, as if it was a material created by the combination of death and Speed ​​Force energy.

Shen You took a step forward and punched the sharp blade with a gesture. The fist glowed with white light, and his stance seemed to be about to clash with death head-on with the power of life. But just when the fist blade was about to touch, he flipped his wrist and turned his attack abruptly. The released energy dragged out a trajectory of electric light, and used his skillful energy to pull Black Lightning's knife across the air.

Black Lightning was caught off guard and slashed into the air with a knife, and the door in his chest suddenly opened wide. Shen You took advantage of the situation and cut straight into the middle. He used his free left palm to replace the blade with his hand, and struck forward with a hand knife filled with the power of the white lamp.

When the chest is penetrated!

The arm passed through, white light poured in smoothly, and radiance and lightning shot out from Black Lightning's back.

Got it.

Sure enough, it was just as Shen You expected. Facing Black Lightning, he has another advantage besides ability and speed.

Tips from Teaching in the Land of Light.

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