I become light in American comics

Chapter 504 He disagrees

Clethien, one of the remote planets belonging to the Almeric Empire.

Until a few days ago, the remaining remnants of the former rebel Zazo were still hiding around the empire, keeping a low profile for fear of being caught. Merlock was originally one of them, but in recent days he suddenly became brave.

His forces have not only organized two high-profile events, but are now even clamoring to have an interview with Her Majesty the Queen in person. There is no doubt that the "Book of Darkness" has given him the confidence.

A normal queen would probably not agree, but the current queen is Maxima. As long as she can go into battle herself, she will not give the opportunity to others.

One is because no one else can beat her, and the other is simply because she likes it.

In addition, the Book of Darkness is indeed an artifact-level super biochemical weapon, which even with Almerik's power is quite fearful. Therefore, the high-level officials finally approved this request and allowed Her Majesty the Queen to personally negotiate.

Of course, they have no intention of agreeing to any of the terrorists' demands. But at least this can lure the enemy's leader to show up, so they can have a chance to organize a capture operation.

".Impossible, absolutely out of the question!"

Maxima, who was in the enemy camp at this time, held her head high and looked upright.

"We Almeric will never admit any terrorist activities, let alone your outrageous demands! We will never give in no matter what!"

She looked quite domineering and somewhat queenly. However, Merlock on the opposite side only looked blankly: "But I haven't even mentioned what the request is."

Maxima: "!"

Didn't you say it yet?

Damn it, I memorized the lines too early

It was all because the experts at the think tank had to force her to memorize such a long list of rhetoric about the negotiation process before she came here. When Merlock was talking blatantly just now, she was busy trying to memorize her lines silently, and didn't listen at all to what he said.

I said the wrong word if I wasn't paying attention.

Forget it, forget it, it's just a mistake, it doesn't matter.

The nervous Her Majesty the Queen waved her hand and laughed boldly: "Since you have seen through it, there is nothing we can do. Yes, no matter what your conditions are, we had no intention of agreeing from the beginning.

Without further ado. Now that you are in front of me, don't even think about leaving easily. "

In terms of strength, Maxima is a well-known fighter in the entire empire. If she gets within a few steps, she is basically dead.

But the rebel leader Merlock did not panic at all, and only sneered: "Oh, that's why I said that Zazo was right from beginning to end, Almerik will have no future under the leadership of the simple-minded Her Majesty the Queen.

Do you think I would really come here to see you without any preparation? I arranged it”


Maxima's fist had landed on his face. Merlock, who was smiling just a second ago, was immediately tilted to the side by the blast, a mouthful of blood spurted out far away, and his body turned 360 degrees in the air and flew out heavily.

Merlock's head was buzzing and his mouth was full of blood. When his subordinates helped him up in panic, his mind was still filled with questions.

No, you crazy woman doesn’t play by the rules? You didn't even finish talking to someone before you started attacking?

Are you really not afraid that I am cheating?

"The talks have collapsed, and we still force Lailai to talk so much nonsense."

Maxima was dissatisfied and stepped forward to take action. The adjutant who came with her whispered beside her: "Your Majesty, why don't you listen to what he has to say. In case there is a trap."

"Huh? So troublesome?" Maxima frowned and said impatiently, "Okay, okay, then let go of your farts."

As he said this, his fist was still in the air, and he looked like he was going to finish it quickly so that he could continue to beat you.

"I've already infected the entire planet, you crazy woman." Merlock scolded, "Otherwise, why do you think I would arrange to meet here?

Since you insist on taking action, fine, don’t say I didn’t give you a chance! "

As soon as the words fell, the ground suddenly began to shake. Everyone looked out the window and saw the distant horizon rolling like a boiling ocean, the dust and gravel raised like black storm clouds, and the loud rumbling sound like the roar of the center of the earth.

A huge shadow slowly rose from the cracks in the ground, and the huge beast suddenly stood up with the falling earth and rocks. The skin was as red as lava, the hard carapace was covered with sharp thorns, the eyes were releasing dark flames, and the whole body was filled with the aura of death.

No, it's not just that end.

More giant beasts, like creatures dying one after another, burst out of the ground one after another.

"From the moment you landed on this planet, you have already stepped into a certain death trap." Merlock smiled ferociously, "I know you are strong, but even you cannot fight your way out of the undead army on this entire planet. Escape from the siege.

Besides, Your Majesty the Queen, you don’t want your loyal subordinates to die here and be transformed into undead corpses, right? "

"I see."

Maxima nodded and said seriously.

"But I also have a trump card here."

"True card?"

Merlock laughed.

"It's useless, Her Majesty the Queen, I know all your methods. Maybe you can kill me here, but you can't kill my army of undead, and you can't stop the coming of change.

If you really have the means to stop this army of undead beasts, what's wrong with recognizing you as my mother, let alone my queen? Hahaha"

"Okay, that's it."

Maxima's face remained calm and she took a deep breath.

Seeing her posture, Merlock's laughter couldn't help but froze, and a look of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

Could it be that she really has some secret weapon?

Then Maxima let out a long, angry roar.

"Save, save, save—"

Merlock: "?"

What. What the hell?

The next moment, holy light descended from the sky.

An exaggerated bright light that blinds people's eyes shines in from the window. The wave of strong light pushed thousands of miles flatly, sweeping across the heaven and earth like a devastation.

The army of black lantern corpses, black beasts exuding death, were annihilated the moment they touched the surging light. In the blink of an eye, all the black lantern monsters within sight of the window were wiped out, and the white light wave spread to the end of the horizon.

Merlock's mouth was open, his face twitching, and he felt as if his life had stopped at this moment.

What what? ? ?

Before he could understand what was happening, the billowing white light outside was flying towards the building.

Light fell into the room, and the flying particles transformed into a human form beside Maxima.

"It's basically cleaned up, maybe there are only three or two big cats and kittens left here and there." Shen You said, "I'll go back and clean up slowly after I get the book."

Therefore, according to Maxima, tonight's event is really a big project involving trillions of lives. It's a serious one.

After all, if the Book of Darkness cannot be successfully recovered, the consequences will undoubtedly be disastrous.

"I knew I could always trust you." Maxima smiled.

Merlock looked at the man who appeared out of thin air, and then at the queen, knowing that the situation was over.

When the two men's eyes turned to him, Merlock's heart seemed to skip a beat.

He swore he had never been so close to death in his life.

Merlock then forced out a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Um, mom, is this dad?"

After changing his previous arrogant attitude, his full desire to survive is overflowing.

But after hearing this, Maxima was not happy and just sighed.

"I think so too."

She curled her lips, glanced at Shen You, and said.

"It's a pity that your father doesn't agree."

Shen You: "."

501 has been blocked and the application is under review. . .

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