I become light in American comics

Chapter 501 Looking for the Book of Darkness?

According to Shen You's initial plan, he would use the power of the Green Lantern Corps to launch a large-scale search across the universe to find clues to the Book of Darkness. After all, according to the original work, this thing should not be easily exposed before the arrival of the Black Night, and if anyone in the current universe really has the power to search the entire universe, it seems that the only one is the Green Lantern Corps.

As a result, I never expected that this idea would be useless at all. The spectral search range had just spread to the Milky Way, and there was an immediate response.

What a coincidence?

Shen You thought about it and felt that it might not be a coincidence.

The Blackest Night is approaching, so the Book of Darkness will naturally be closer to the place where the prophecy breaks out. As we all know, the earth is the center of the multiverse, and the Blackest Night broke out on the earth. At that time, all the heroes and all the lantern groups will gather on the earth to fight.

So as the predicted time approaches, it seems reasonable that the Book of Darkness will quietly lurk in the galaxy.

When the coordinates were locked, Shen You was surprised to find that the place was not unfamiliar.

The radar marked the death wave of the Book of Darkness, and the coordinates of the last appearance were located in Almeric, known as the number one empire in the galaxy.

When she saw the name, Shen You's expression became slightly subtle.

I don’t know why, but the thought of going to that place makes me a little bit dizzy.

"Sir?" asked Parr.

"It's okay. Let's revise the schedule." Shen You stood up, and as he spoke, the armor covered his whole body as he thought, "We are going to Almeric."

Almerik, on a planet belonging to the empire.

Brilliant explosions, soaring flames. Colorful lasers divided the battlefield, and the impact of the release of powerful weapons formed a gorgeous colorful storm, with formations rising into the sky.

The silver-gray torrent was stuck at the pass, and chariots and aircraft formed an iron barrel-like formation. That was Almeric's army, pouring firepower towards the other side of the pass.

And their opponent is an immortal army.

The army of zombie-like things, including humanoids, animals, and even vegetation and trees glowing with black blood, was like a dark wave, constantly pouring into the army's position. The roars and roars echoed in the air, each one terrifying. They feel no pain or fear, but they will not fall.

Whether their limbs are blown off, their heads are shot off, or they are even directly decomposed and blasted to ashes by powerful energy, they will always regenerate from the ashes.

Endless hunger, endless desire for destruction, immortal body, and amazing physical fitness.

A shadow rushed left and right among the zombies, and beams of light burst out while waving its palms. Under each energy impact, several zombies were turned into ashes.

The surrounding zombies came forward and tried to surround him, but they were completely unable to match the strength and speed of the shadow. The figure passed through, and a large number of zombies were immediately turned upside down by the impact and air wave, and turned into flying ashes under the ripples of hot and transparent energy.

The Princess of Almerich No, it should be Her Majesty the Queen now.


She went back and forth among the monsters for several rounds, until a huge body suddenly appeared in the valley. The monster was dozens of meters tall, with dark gray skin covered in scales and pustules, exuding a disgusting stench. Dark light shone in its eyes, like pitch-black flames, and its unusually huge head had a bloody mouth.

Maxima immediately noticed this most eye-catching guy, turned around and rushed towards it dragging a gorgeous energy trajectory. But the giant beast's movements were so fast that it was completely out of proportion to its size, and it was just a slap in the face. Maxima was hit head-on, flew upside down for several kilometers at a faster speed than when she came, and fell into the ground with a bang.

But Her Majesty the Queen's other advantage is that she is very durable. She stood up, shook her head, and immediately prepared to charge again. But before they set off, they suddenly heard an emergency call signal coming from the communication.

It came from the headquarters, which was a coded signal calling her back to discuss important matters.

Maxima hesitated for a moment, then flew back to the camp, frowning and feeling dissatisfied: "I was working. Why are you calling me back in such a hurry?"

"I'm so sorry, Your Majesty." The field commander in the camp lowered his head, "But you should have discovered that these things cannot be killed. No matter how many times you kill them, they will regenerate."


Maxima blinked twice.

Is there still such a thing? Should I have found out?

I was just focusing on fucking someone and didn't pay attention at all.

"What should I do?"

Her Majesty has made no secret of her image as a war idiot. Anyway, everyone in the headquarters is a close confidant, and everyone already knows what they should know. Rather than sitting in the back row and strategizing, Her Majesty the Queen is still better at going to the front lines and making fists.

Why should she, as an emperor, do such laborious things as using her brain? It's enough to leave such troublesome things to her subordinates. She only needs to know "who to do".

The officer pondered for a moment, frowned and said: "We did not expect such a situation, and there are many large monsters with powerful destructive power among the enemies. It seems that lethal firepower cannot be effective.

I suggest that we retreat temporarily and go back to formulate a new strategy focusing on control and restraint. "

To deal with these enemies, capture and control non-lethal traps are obviously more effective than conventional lethal firepower.

"What about the people of the original body?" Maxima asked, "Has the evacuation been completed?"

"The evacuation of nearby urban areas has been completed, and the evacuation rate of civilians has reached more than 90%, which is basically the case."

"More than 90%, that means the withdrawal has not been completed." Maxima shook her head, "We are not leaving."

"Your Majesty, you don't understand. All the residents in the city have left, leaving only two small villages. If we continue to consume like this, we will definitely suffer a lot of casualties. Those are elite soldiers of the empire. This is not cost-effective."

Maxima shook her head stubbornly.

"I don't have your brains. I don't understand tactics or strategies, so I don't usually question your deployment. But I know one thing. This is not a business. There is no such thing as a good deal or not.

As long as there is one person left, we will not leave. "

The command room was quiet for a few seconds.

"Well, if this is His Majesty's instruction," the officer said, "we will follow it to the death."

"That's true."

Maxima grinned and was already in the air again when she spoke.

"Then I'll go back to the front. A big guy just slapped me in the face."

"Wait a minute, sir, there's a situation. Something just broke through the atmosphere." Someone shouted from behind the command room, "It's going very fast, it's expected to happen within one second."


The invisible force tore the earth apart, like a meteorite falling from the sky, crashing into the middle of the zombie team. The high temperature of the impact made the surrounding air seem to start to burn, and the ground collapsed into a huge hole. Countless zombies were entangled in it, and their bodies were broken into powder.

Dust was everywhere and smoke was billowing. And through the black smoke, a giant figure bathed in light seemed to be vaguely visible, and the blurred outline took on a somewhat divine luster in the haze of the smoke screen.

"That's it"

The officer's eyes widened and he looked straight in that direction.

He was stunned for a few seconds, then he remembered something and turned to look at Maxima.

And Her Majesty the Queen. There seems to be light in Her Majesty's eyes.

"When he came, I knew he would definitely come back."

Maxima was instantly excited.

"This time you are really doomed!"

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