I become light in American comics

Chapter 499 Falling in love and killing each other

"So. There is Earth 2, and there is Earth 3."

At HISHE Cafe, after the otherworldly evil version of Zhenglian and the Legion of Doom were settled, Diana clasped her fingers and reviewed the content she had missed.

"Then there are a group of people similar to us on both earths. Sometimes they are good people, but sometimes they are bad people."

"Absolutely." The Flash nodded, "I studied a lot of theories about the multiverse with Mr. Shen a while ago, and it's pretty crazy about our doppelgangers in different worlds."

"Ha, can you imagine what these bad things might have turned out to be?" Hal's legs were crossed on the table, holding a coffee cup in his hand. "We were all kept in the dark. We had no idea. Realize where the enemy is.

I mean, even if we found out, we would probably only think it was Luther's conspiracy. No one would think that a magic box is actually a portal, let alone the evil version of us coming."

"Maybe we will all be killed, and then those evil versions of us. Who knows? Maybe they will release all the super lunatics in the world? I don't know, maybe they will really be crazy enough to do that." The Flash is afraid say.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

With just a little imagination, you can imagine how big of a crisis it might have been, and how overwhelming it might have been.

But now the fact is, nothing happened. The greatest result of the Legion of Doom was the blowing up of the third generation watchtower. Other than that, they were killed by the Alliance in their own crystal before even leaving the door.

The so-called criminal syndicate has become a complete joke, and the entire performance can be summed up in one sentence.

Calabash baby saves grandpa.

Everyone knew clearly who it was because of.

What would this world be like without him and without Ultraman?

No one can say for sure.

But look at Earth 2 next door. The three giants died tragically, the apocalypse is approaching, the earth is shrouded in darkness all year round, and the future is desperate.

Everyone had a vague suspicion in their hearts.

"And Batman often has contact with Earth 2?" Diana looked at Batman.

The latter said with a straight face: "It's just to investigate the unknown environment and ensure that dangerous factors are eliminated."

Maybe part of what he said was true, but anyway, he would never admit that it was because he could often eat and chat with the old father and daughter in another world. He was so arrogant.

"Great." Diana frowned, "Then do I still have to worry that one day the person from the next universe will suddenly appear in front of me?"

Diana, who obviously missed a lot of content, doesn't know the situation on Earth 2 yet.

"Oh, no, don't worry." Kara smiled beside her, "You would have been dead long ago!"

Diana: "."

This is really reassuring.

"Oh, but I can't say for sure."

Kara suddenly remembered something and shook her head.

"Because Shen You told me recently when we were having dinner and chatting, there seemed to be three people made by Apokolips over there." She pointed at Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.

This was the latest news, and the three of them were immediately alert.


This is undoubtedly big news. If Apocalypse already has the technology to create a one-to-one copy of their clones, then whether it is used to study their abilities and weaknesses, or to directly use the clones into battle or for other purposes, it will be a quite fatal threat.

Kara was startled by their serious looks: "Oh, it means that Apokolips used their technology to restore your abilities and personalities, and created robots that look exactly like you.

But they're all pretty good. They discovered that they were created because of the conspiracy of the Apocalypse, and the programming of their heroes made them finally decide to sacrifice themselves to defeat the other party. Of course, they were saved in time by Mr. Shen in the end, and they are now in HISHE on Earth 2. "

Everyone's expressions were subtle.

So there is also a cafe on Earth 2

"Oh, if you are interested, you can actually take a look now."

Kara said as she casually opened the floating screen and tapped it a few times. Soon the picture across the multiverse was connected.

Everyone looked at it and saw that the floating screen was a coffee table similar to the one in their store. At both ends of the table, Superman and Batman were sitting, chatting and drinking coffee.

The joy of the picture is a bit strange.

Robot Superman and Batman sounded like they were bickering.

"That's just saying it, but I'm convinced." The Batman said with a serious face, "Batman definitely wins more times."

"Ha, he's very smart, and he has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. But come on, Superman is made of steel." The Superman crossed his legs and took a sip of coffee. "He's going to beat Batman like a meteorite that wiped out the dinosaurs."

Obviously, what they are arguing about is a common hot topic of debate in and out of DC movies. Who has a greater chance of winning in the battle between Batman and Superman.

"Batman has survived a nuclear bomb explosion." Robot Batman said plausibly.

"I think what you're referring to is that he tricked everyone into believing he died in a nuclear explosion when he wasn't even there," Superman pointed out. "And he beat the Joker over and over again, and the Joker just kept laughing. It's endless. Bane broke his back, and in the end, technically speaking, he didn't even fuck Bane, but it was actually Catwoman who did it.

There was even a time when his house burned down and Alfred carried it out for him.

I know, it's cool and makes him cool. But sorry, I still think Man of Steel has the greater advantage. Why do you think Batman can win? "


Robot Batman lowered his voice and used his mechanical voice-changing structure to perfectly reproduce the original throat cancer voice.

".Because he's Batman."

Superman was silent for a while.

A few seconds later, he took a sip of coffee and said, "I'm beginning to think that you started this topic just to lure me into asking questions so that you could say this."

Robot Batman curled his lips and raised his coffee cup: "You will always be fooled."

Everyone: "."

For some reason, even though they only read a few sentences, they suddenly felt that this Apocalypse clone was no longer a threat.

"Ha, they are quite interesting." Hal crossed his arms, "But come on, Superman and Batman won't argue about such boring topics."

"Mr. Shen said that after they realized that they were not the real Superman and Batman, their action patterns began to slowly break away from their true identities." Kara explained seriously, "So strictly speaking, they started based on their true identities. A copy of one's own personality is derived. Sometimes it is very similar to the original one, but the personality will gradually deviate."

"No wonder." Flash nodded.

Silence for two seconds.

As if he couldn't help it, Superman suddenly turned to Batman.

"Just a reminder," he put his hands on his hips, "I seemed to win more in the past."

Batman said expressionlessly: "I won last time."

The last time Superman wasn't paying attention, he was attacked and forcibly kissed by Poison Ivy, causing him to be mentally controlled and behave abnormally. Fortunately, Batman arrived in time and used a combination of a kryptonite ring and a red sun grenade to hold Superman down, take down Poison Ivy, and release Superman's mind control.

Superman: "That's what I let you do. You know, for Martha's sake."

Batman: "."

Everyone looked at the two alliance leaders silently.

"Okay, pretend I didn't say it." Hal raised his eyebrows, "Maybe it's not that far from me."

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