I become light in American comics

Chapter 490 Alliance Layout


Dazzling light pierced the dark universe, and a huge fireball erupted from the core of the Justice League's watchtower. The outer shell of the space station was deformed by the high temperature, and the metal surface turned red, as if it was being melted into molten iron.

The impact of the explosion spread instantly, and the outer shell of the watchtower was torn apart. Debris flew across space, cutting through the darkness like a meteor shower. The equipment and instruments inside the space station disintegrated one after another in the explosion, and a series of chain reactions caused the rest of the space station to instantly fall into flames.

The entire watchtower went out like a huge lighthouse, its light disappearing into the darkness. For just a moment, only the fireball and scattered debris from the explosion were left in low-Earth orbit, as if to announce that the watchers in the orbit no longer existed.

Lex Luthor looked at the burned watchtower from the screen, and couldn't help but grin slightly, showing a Lex-like proud smile.

And Shen You, who was attached to Dr. Guang, watched silently, shaking his head inwardly.

It's so inhumane. The watchtowers exploded again.

Of course, he estimated that this was also Zhenglian's plan, so it was hard to comment.

The reason why I say this is because when Firestorm stepped onto the watchtower, Shen You was sure that he smelled a familiar scent from him.

The smell of Martian Manhunter.

Can't be wrong. Among everyone present, only the witch Circe could master some spiritual magic, and the star sapphire in Carol's body could trigger the love emotions in the target's body and make people confused. They could barely be considered two spiritual magics, but neither of them was specialized. Therefore, no one except Shen You noticed that Firestorm still maintained a telepathic link with Martian Manhunter until now.

And this link is very hidden. Justice League cleverly exploited the fact that Firestorm had two people in his head, with Martian Manhunter only maintaining a link to Dr. Stein. Only Dr. Stein hiding inside could hear Ron's voice, but not Ronald.

This makes it difficult for even if there are telepaths among the enemies to detect this trick for a while. If Shen You hadn't been familiar with Martian Manhunter's mental fluctuations and had specially created files for the Martian's ability data, he might not have noticed it so quickly.

That's why Shen You could immediately conclude that Firestorm would come here because it was probably the Justice League's strategy. They should also have noticed that Lai Tu was involved in the frame-up of Superman, and then their attention shifted to this Legion of Doom.

Based on this premise, Firestorm's behavior of handing over the watchtower code was obviously authorized by the alliance. In other words, Zhenglian probably decided to abandon the third generation watchtower as a bargaining chip after internal discussions.

Once again verifying the theory that "things flying in the sky are destined to fall", this so-called watchtower is simply a tomb spinning in orbit. In the future, if anyone says that the best tank in the Alliance is Superman, Shen You will be the first to refuse to accept it. After all, the Watchtower is the one who can carry it all.

At this moment, the Batcave.

"I still think it's a bit too extravagant to just give up on our new watchtower."

Superman folded his arms and floated above, muttering vaguely.

His super brain unconsciously converted the cost of each generation of watchtowers to the salary of his little reporter, and then quickly came to the conclusion that he might be able to afford to sell himself to Batman.

Even though it wasn't his money, I still felt bad about what was essentially setting off a bunch of bills as fireworks.

"I can't bear to let my child catch the wolf. This level of sacrifice is not painful."

Batman sat in his chair, not looking back.

"Now, be quiet. I have a very important call to take."

Although he said this, he did not actually answer the phone or communicate, but picked up a small mirror.

The mirror reflected a burst of cold light, which seemed to flicker. A few seconds later, Mirror Master's face appeared in the mirror, looking around with a stern look on his face, as if he was carefully checking whether there was anyone near him.

"How are you preparing, Mirror?" Batman asked.

"Almost. I'm starting to wonder who is under your mask, Batman. I have to say that your move is quite interesting. Are you an engineer? A scientist or something?"

Batman didn't answer, but reminded coldly: "The check has been sent, just do your part."


Mirror Master paused and thought about it.

"Let me say it up front, I don't want to hurt anyone, I just want to make some money. If you don't believe me, ask Flash, Flash knows. The Rogue Gang never kills, we all have principles.

Hey, I dare to take responsibility anyway, and I won’t deny what I do. I wish you all the best. To be honest, I don’t like the old Luthor at first, and I don’t like the crazy Joker even more.”

After a brief exchange, the mirror disappeared. Batman's face reappeared in the mirror.

Superman poked his head from behind.

"Bruce, you're not serious. I mean, Mirror Master is a mercenary, right? Do you really want to pay him?"

"Human life is at stake, this is a move we must make." Batman said solemnly, "This chess piece will be very useful if placed in Luthor's camp."

After a pause, Batman showed a rare cold smile.

"Besides, it's not a big amount. And the Mirror Master will undoubtedly donate that money to the orphanage where he grew up. Don't underestimate the sentimentality of the Scots, Clark."

Superman opened his mouth and instinctively wanted to ask how much "a little money" was. But then I thought about it, it was not cheap to buy a criminal from Luther's camp to change his mind.

Batman's so-called not much, if converted into the salary of a young reporter, it must be fast forward to selling himself

So he shut his mouth.

Forget it, suddenly I don’t want to know anymore.

"Ultraman is right, Dr. Light is probably one of them, and he framed you from the beginning." Batman said, "Luthor is formulating a strategy against us, and he feels that he has defeated the alliance.

But one thing he didn't know was that it wasn't like there weren't people in the Justice League who knew the tricks of corporate takeovers like he did. Bruce Wayne can be tougher than he is if the situation calls for it. "

So it’s just about comparing money ability.

Superman thought this in his heart, but did not say so, but asked: "Then, when do we take action?"

"All the arrangements that need to be made have been made." Batman said calmly, "We will take action in three minutes. Luther doesn't know it yet, but his Legion of Doom is already history."

At this time, Lex Luthor was completely unaware of the crisis facing his small group. He was taking the champagne from Circe's hand, as if he felt that the situation had been stabilized and was opening the champagne at halftime to celebrate.

"The Justice League will soon be history." Luthor said confidently.

Circe smiled and raised the cup in her hand: "Here's to making history."

Just as she said this, the face of the witch Circe suddenly changed slightly.


She turned her head suddenly and saw a girl in red appearing behind her in the center of the satellite hall.

"My name is Pandora."

Her eyes were fixed on Lex Luthor's shining head.

"Lex Luthor, I believe you are the man I am looking for."

Dr. Guang on the side, Shen You, couldn't help but look sharply at this side.

Finally, the wait is over.

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