I become light in American comics

Chapter 431 Like a villain

Unified field theory, starting from the concept that interactions are transmitted by fields, is a physical theory that uniformly describes and reveals the common essence and internal connections of basic interactions.

Einstein unified gravitation and electromagnetism and called it a "unified field." It is relatively rare for DC to focus on exploring this part of the character, but Magneto from Marvel's X-Men has been proven to be able to control the unified field under certain circumstances.

With this, Magneto can create wormholes out of thin air and can safely teleport anyone or anything.

Mogo is a planet, and apparently it also has the power to manipulate its own gravity and magnetic fields. Perhaps in a similar way, it can also create wormholes for teleportation.

The green light ring originally has the ability to open wormholes, but it is often only used as a means of transportation for long distances and has never been able to be used freely in actual combat like this. Mogo should not have had such ability or creativity originally, but Shen You could roughly guess who gave it such creativity.

It seems that Carona's age is not entirely in vain.

But this also made Shen You more and more interested. If before, what he mainly thought about was that his involvement with the emotional spectrum made him a target of Kalona, ​​and he wanted to take the initiative to deal with Kalona for safety reasons, then now in addition to the purpose of defeating Kalona himself, He also began to want to collect knowledge about Kalona.

It can be seen that this old guy's research is not limited to the emotional spectrum. He must have dabbled in many other technological systems, especially basic theories. It would definitely be more beneficial in the future if they could all be obtained.

Mogo increased the gravity exerted on him, as if he wanted to use it as a restraint. If it were an ordinary lantern, he would definitely be unable to move, but it was far from enough for Shen You.

Just as he was about to pull away and get rid of the gravity, he suddenly felt a tightening in his hands and feet.

It's like something is wrapped around it.

Invisible, long, tentacle-like things suddenly and tightly bound his whole body from all directions.

But even Ultra couldn't see anything with his sight. Even if there was some way to conduct invisible attacks, he should not be able to avoid his sight.

"You're wondering why your 'eyes' can't see attacks, right?"

Mogo's voice sounded in his mind, and it was gloomy and somewhat muddy.

"It's not 'invisible', but turning a blind eye. I control everything on this planet." Mogo said in a deep voice, "Even the things you are most accustomed to can be my weapons."

"That's right." Shen You smiled, "Is it air?"

An extremely large amount of air was compressed at a very high concentration and condensed into invisible tentacles that quietly bound him.

"Yes, I know you have extraordinary eyesight." Mogo said gloomily, "But air is the most common thing in the atmosphere, and even if it can be seen, it can easily be ignored.

If you say that, even if you succeed in the sneak attack, it may only be able to delay it for a moment, but I only need this moment."

The green light imprinted on the surface of the planet lights up.

Coming from the deepest part of the earth's core, the vast green light is like the flames of hell erupting! It was a full-strength blow that had been prepared for a long time. Shen You only waited for the moment when a flaw was revealed before he pulled the trigger. Mogo's green light heavy cannon, which can literally penetrate the stars and destroy planets, was discharged the moment the air cord was formed!

The bombardment of destruction penetrated the sky and swept across in a mighty manner. The green light blasted through Shen You's figure in a vast way, and even the blurry outline was washed away in the domineering light.


The green light of the Star Destroyer spiraling into the sky went away in a mighty manner. Mogo said to himself as he watched his full force bombardment fly away from the atmosphere and submerge into the starry sky.

"The great Lord Kalona should be delighted with this unexpected gain. What!?"

When he once again saw the red and silver body hanging in the air with his arms crossed as if nothing happened, the entire planet Mogo seemed to tremble.

If it had eyes, it would be almost ejected from the planet by now.

how come?

It should have been a direct hit. The power of the shot just now was not even sure that it could withstand it. Even if it hit Mogo, it might be penetrated by the shield and star, blasted through the center of the earth and killed by a star explosion.

How could such a powerful green light attack leave his face unharmed? ?

"A simple and even boring trick."

A trace of electric light appeared on the blurred body of Shen You in mid-air. The person was returning to normal from the mosaic-like state. It looked like countless ghost images were superimposed on him and he returned to his normal state.

"Speed ​​Force resonance, I relied on 'shock' to switch to other phases. No matter how strong the attack is in different phases, it will naturally be ineffective against me." Shen You smiled, "Of course, it's not impossible to catch it. It's just that it's in vain. It’s a waste of energy, and the impact may cause secondary damage to your surface.”

Is there such an operation?

Soon Mogo discovered that things were not simple.

Wait a minute, if he can use this "resonance phase change" ability from the beginning, then why can his air cord catch the opponent? It stands to reason that the flaws at this moment should not be caught.

"Already noticed? That's right." Shen You said calmly, "The reason why I let you be caught deliberately is to create the illusion that I was carelessly accused, so that you will feel that you cannot let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to catch me. You will definitely mobilize the strongest energy to fire.

Most of your normal attack modes are based on your original methods mixed with green light energy, but at this level it is difficult for me to locate the light ring. And once you fire with all your strength, a powerful energy will be released from the green light ring located at your core.

The reason why I was caught by you was just to determine the specific coordinates of your light ring hidden in your body. "

Mogo: "!"

Realizing that the whole process that he thought he had mastered the pace was actually being led by the other party, Mogo felt angry. But its telepathy came immediately.

"So what if you know? No matter what you plan to do next, there is absolutely no way I will let you touch the core."

"You don't seem to have noticed yet. It's not a question of what I'm going to do, but what I've already done."

Shen You smiled.

"The moment I locked the coordinates, my attack was already launched."

He paused.

"You don't think you are the only one who has learned how to create wormholes, do you?"

At this moment, Mogo was shocked.

In the deepest part of its body, buried somewhere unknown beneath the surface of this planet.

The Green Lantern Ring floated silently in the silent darkness, connected by the core equivalent of Mogo's brain. The green light energy is continuously extracted from this light ring and transmitted along the meridians of the planet to every corner of the entire planet, allowing it to mobilize energy from any angle on its body.

However, at this moment, in this dark corner that no one knew about, there was a flash of lightning.

A vortex rotated and slowly opened. In the unknown space, a blue light shone.

Mogo was shocked, and the entire green light mark flickered anxiously.

That frightened will seemed to say.

In that. Only in that

Not inside that one!

But it's too late. The teleportation vortex swirled open, the wormhole formed ruthlessly, and the blue beam spurted out, hitting Mogo's core directly.

The tactic was successful. Feeling the target hit, Shen You crossed his arms and hung in the air, feeling a little weird in his heart.

He is obviously the righteous one, and he is obviously trying to save others with good intentions.

Why does this strange line make you sound like a villain?

It’s the end of the month, please vote!

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