I become light in American comics

Chapter 295 Assessing the Situation

"You are here!?"

Maxima's eyes were shining with emotion.

"Let's talk about old times later."

Shen You's energy was released, and the transparent barrier resisted all kinds of bombings, and at the same time he spoke to her telepathically.

"What's going on here? Why do I see Apocalypse weapons?"

"What else could it be? The bastards from Apokolips came and got involved." Maxima said angrily, "Those bastards from Apokolips just saw this opportunity for our internal chaos.

They provided weapons and technical support to the rebels and wanted to turn Almerik into their puppet through the traitor Zazo. More importantly, that may not be their true purpose.

Almerik was nothing more than a springboard. "


"Yes. We are not only one of the most powerful civilizations in the galaxy, but we are also in the most important strategic position in the galaxy. If someone wants to take action on the solar system, then Almerik is a strategic location that must be fought for."

Shen You suddenly understood.

Sure enough, it seems that Apokolips is meddling in other people's internal affairs, but in fact, the ultimate purpose of going around is for the earth.

Apokolips is not the type to swallow his losses. The earth has been devastated by Darkseid, and these people will never let it go. It's just that they may have discovered after the last war that the earth is still a tough one, with some beings they don't understand serving as guardians for the time being, so they have become more strategically cautious.

If Almerik falls, it will be equivalent to Apocalypse stationed directly next door. No one likes to have a neighbor next door who peeks in with a telescope all day long and always wants to come up and touch something.

Shen You glanced sideways at Maxima.

"Such a complicated truth, you must not have thought of it yourself, right?"

Maxima was stunned for a moment, then touched her head in embarrassment.

"You really understand me. It was the people below who explained it to me. Hehe."

This kind of strategic question is too brain-consuming, and it is indeed a bit beyond the limit of her brain capacity.

"But don't worry, they won't succeed that easily." Maxima gasped and wiped the blood from her face. Her face was now black and red, and her face looked gray and battlefield-like.

"Almeric will not fall that easily. Zazo. He is here, on this battlefield. He is waiting for me to fall. I want to take him down. I want."

As he said this, his legs and feet trembled shamelessly, and it looked as if he was almost unable to stand still.

"Za Zuo is the rebel leader?" Shen You asked.


"Okay, don't move around here for now. I'll catch a rebel leader and come back."

Without waiting for her to respond, Shen You had already risen into the air, and with a flick of his hand, a long whip-like path of light shot out from his fingertips. A series of weapons were swept by the light path and exploded one after another.

The huge battleship locked his position, and the colorful cannon spared no effort to pour firepower at him. Shen You spreads his five fingers, and the light energy is emitted outside the body, becoming an entity, like a sunken photon shield.

When the colorful and ferocious firepower poured into the shield, it slid in along the depression of the photon shield, and slid 180 degrees along the smooth arc under the countless light particles. They all returned to the battleship with even greater momentum.

The battleship fell with a mournful cry, turning into fireworks that soared into the sky on the battlefield. The Almeric people everywhere were dumbfounded.

Is there still such an operation?

The bombardment of energy weapons relies on force fields and barriers to catch it, directly offset the wave, or dodge at high speed. To be honest, they have all seen such tricks. Although it can show its strength no matter how it is dealt with, it will not shatter people's outlook on life.

But deflecting all the firepower of a fully-charged battleship?

This is really unheard of.

At this time, the rear headquarters where Zazo was located also exploded.

"Giant? What giant!?"

Zazo was furious when he received the battle report from the front.

"I don't care whether it's a giant or not, whether it's glowing or not. Where's your mother's Apocalypse cannon? Pull it over and blast it!"

Someone next to him had sweat on his forehead and reminded in a low voice: "Um, sir, do you remember that a while ago, in our star field, we observed the arrival of the God of Apokolips and was dragged through the streets by a giant that glowed all over?"

Zazuo said impatiently: "I remember. But what does that have to do with me."

As he spoke, his voice became quieter. Zazuo's pupils shrank for a moment, his mouth opened with a stiff expression, and his head slowly turned around like a wind-up toy.

"You mean..." Zazuo stammered, "the one who came in from outside...the giant luminous God of Apocalypse"

All the subordinates looked like they were crying and nodded stiffly.

The front lines outside were still waiting for their orders, but the headquarters already smelled like a lost star and had completely lost their will to fight.

Give an order? What's there to play?

Even Darkseid was paraded in the streets like a chicken, and they were so arrogant that they only got a small toy of Darkseid. What do you use to fight with others?

I can almost take my hands off the keyboard and give up resistance.

No, it's not over yet. There's more they can do.

Zazo's expression became sharp. He narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth and said, "As of now, there is only 'that'."

Everyone was shocked. Someone hurriedly said: "Sir, please think twice! You can't use 'that' easily."

"Then do you have any better ideas?" Zazo said coldly.

The man suddenly stopped talking.

"Now is the last moment. Needless to say, I have made up my mind." Zazuo's whole face turned cold and he said sullenly, "When that guy comes in later, he will definitely find that we have given him He had a surprise in store.”

Shen You must admit that he was a little surprised when he stormed into the base camp and blasted open the headquarters door.

He saw a strong man covered in armor and a cloak, and a large number of subordinates behind the headquarters, all of whom were lying on their knees with their foreheads touching the ground.

Those who didn't know what was going on thought it was a pilgrimage.

Shen You glanced at the strong man at his feet strangely.

"Are you Zazo?"

"Yes." The strong man didn't even raise his head.

"Why don't you raise your head and speak?"

"I'm ashamed!"

Zazo said loudly.

"I was held hostage by those false gods of the Apocalypse, and I was forced to fight against my own people due to their power. My conscience was tortured. But I can't go on like this!

From now on, I will never be a puppet of those false gods again. Even if I am threatened or punished for revenge, I will never do anything unconscionable again!

Please hand me over to Her Royal Highness the Princess. I promise to tell you absolutely everything about those false gods! "

As soon as he said this, even the younger brother who was kneeling behind him couldn't help but admire him secretly.

As expected of the boss of his family, he talks nonsense without drafting, and his face is as thick as a city wall. No wonder he is the eldest brother and he is the younger brother. It is not unreasonable.

Oh, by the way, and the most important thing is to know how to assess the situation.

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