I become light in American comics

Chapter 257 Consecrated Mouth

The battlefield was in full swing outside, but Steppenwolf was still sitting on the throne in Deherien's palace, drinking wine and watching movies, looking quite comfortable.

"Humans really know how to enjoy it."

He hasn't been on Earth for a long time, but Steppenwolf has already become obsessed with red wine. The red wine has a charming luster under the light. The unique taste is as smooth as silk, and the aroma lasts in the mouth, intoxicating the taste buds.

Feeling the taste of red wine and admiring the works of art created by humans in the picture, Steppenwolf narrowed his eyes like a retired uncle.

Steppenwolf smiled: "When it comes to creativity in terms of enjoyment, these ants do have their own tricks."

Yes, the enemy was knocking on the door, but he ignored it from beginning to end. In fact, the army he established in Deherian was originally cannon fodder. As a new god, Steppenwolf looked down on humans from the bottom of his heart and never had high hopes for Deherian's army.

His army seemed to have crushed the Sky Eye team on the frontal battlefield with its Apocalypse technology, but that was even just a pretense. While they attracted the attention of the frontal battlefield, the real deployment was about to be completed.

"Hahaha, those idiots are all attracted by the frontal battlefield, but they don't know that our real deployment is actually the sonic blast towers hidden everywhere! Once the interstellar sonic blast channel is opened, the Apocalypse army will come."

It was another person in the room who spoke. He has a ferocious face and wears some kind of armor equipped with a mechanical structure.

His title is "Madman" and he is also a member of the new race of gods from Apokolips. Like the Deception, he is here to assist Steppenwolf in winning this war.

The madman chuckled: "By then, won't everything on this planet belong to us?"

"Correction, it belongs to the great Darkseid." Steppenwolf said solemnly.

"Oh, sorry, I was negligent," the madman apologized hastily.

This is a matter of political incorrectness. If you make a slip of the tongue on such a key issue, if someone reports you, you will have to eat omegas when you go back.

However, just as he said this, Maquis Malone, the human leader appointed by Steppenwolf, rushed in hastily.

"Sir! Something bad has happened!" Ma Long shouted anxiously, "Our sonic boom tower. The sonic boom tower has been attacked!"

"Huh?" Steppenwolf instantly lost his composure, "Which one?"

"All of them!" Ma Long was sweating profusely. "Three boom towers were attacked by those Earth superheroes at the same time! They are too strong and our people can't stop them."

Steppenwolf frowned, and after a moment he waved his hand: "Let's evacuate those who can, abandon the sonic tower and shrink the front."


After receiving the order, Ma Long quickly turned back and went out to work.

Steppenwolf looked at the madman next to him with a sullen face.

The sinister look in his eyes seemed to be asking, "What a crow-mouthed person you are. It's fine now, the sonic boom tower is gone."

"Uh, it shouldn't be. The Boom Tower is a top-secret project, and those humans should have been held back by the frontal battlefield. How could these superheroes notice?"

But the madman seemed to have some kind of natural optimism, and he immediately shook off his depression.

"But it still doesn't matter. Human beings are creatures that succeed only when they fail, and we didn't expect Deherian's cannon fodder to play a role. Since they want to fight, then we will accompany them.

The demon-like factory is ready and the production lines are in place. Once a full-scale war begins, they will face endless demon-like and all-devouring biological weapons! Hahaha"

After laughing twice, Ma Long, who had just left not long ago, came back in a hurry.

"Send a report!"

"What about this time?" Steppenwolf asked.

Ma Long roared anxiously: "The demonoid. The demonoid factory was attacked by human Sky Eye troops! They were not discovered until they had sneaked deep into the depths, and all security systems were disabled!"

"How is that possible!?" Steppenwolf's eyes widened.

Isn't Tianyan just a miscellaneous fish who was killed to pieces by their cannon fodder team on the frontal battlefield? Why did it suddenly work like this?

Is it possible that the opponent is also throwing cannon fodder in the front to attract attention, and the real combat power is in the back row to sneak in to investigate and cause damage?


Steppenwolf's expression became serious.

He had a premonition that he seemed to underestimate this organization called Tianyan. He thought he was on the third floor and the other party was on the first floor, but he didn't expect that the other party seemed to be on the fifth floor.

These agents actually have some skills.

"Send out the Sharp Knife Squad." Steppenwolf ordered in a deep voice, "Find me the headquarters of the Sky Eye Society and carry out the beheading operation."

"Yes!" Ma Long received the order and exited.

The Knife Squad is the best of the best selected by Steppenwolf from the Deherian Guards. These warriors have undergone hellish training and are equipped with stealth equipment based on stealth, acceleration, teleportation and other technologies. What they are good at is sneaking around behind and beheading accurately.

I used to think that the so-called Sky Eye was just a bunch of fish, so Steppenwolf didn't pay much attention to it. But now, this group of people had successfully attracted his attention.

When Ma Long went out, the madman laughed dryly again.

"Hahaha, I have to admire them for being able to capture the demonoid factory." The madman chuckled, "But it doesn't matter. Even if the demonoid production line is destroyed, we still have the last trump card.

The strongest demonoid, a monster created with an anti-life engine. The worst case scenario is to release it on Earth, and then we’ll see those superheroes.”

The lunatic choked up at this point.

Because he noticed that Steppenwolf was staring at him with an evil expression.

He looked as if he wanted a knife.

It's like saying, you will die if you don't say a few words, right?

The madman opened his mouth and swallowed the second half of his sentence.

"I just said it casually."

Steppenwolf gave him a stern look but said nothing.

But a very ominous premonition has arisen in my heart.

Sure enough, a moment later Ma Long came in again in a hurry.

"My lord! My lord is not well."

"Don't tell me that the anti-life demons are gone too." Steppenwolf's eyes widened.

Ma Long was stunned and stammered: "Huh? How did you know? The front line just reported that the anti-life demon went diving in the lake and was caught by a glowing giant."

Steppenwolf: "?"


The two new gods were stunned for a moment, and could hardly imagine the scene.

What kind of novel style is this?

"What happens next?" the madman asked.

"Then the giant giant made a 'beep' sound like this, ah, no, it seemed like a 'beep' sound."

Ma Long tried to form a cross with his hands, but he seemed to be unsure where his palms should be placed on his arms. He was fumbling up and down for a while.

"Let's get to the point!" Steppenwolf couldn't bear it any longer and was about to lift the axe.

"Oh, then our demonoid exploded." Ma Long shrank his head, "It was like fireworks."

Steppenwolf lifted his axe, breathing heavily.

Five minutes ago, he felt that he had all the cards and that this war was already within his grasp.

Five minutes later, he had no cards left.

I am very angry and want to kill someone.

Thinking of this, he looked at the madman behind him pitifully.

That mouth seemed to be open.

"Even the anti-life experimental subjects have been killed. It seems that we have indeed underestimated this planet." The madman murmured, "But it still doesn't matter. We still have the final ultimate weapon."

Steppenwolf growled: "Shut up!"

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