I become light in American comics

Chapter 250 Declaration of War

The deceiver exploded.

Shen You witnessed with his own eyes the whole process from a new god to an inflatable doll that was manipulated at will, and finally, his head exploded after being unbearably humiliated.

To be honest, Shen You was a little surprised now.

So strong?

It's okay not to say anything if you don't want to, but it's okay to explode your head if you disagree.

Of course, he quickly saw that people didn't seem to do it voluntarily. Even Shen You himself did not expect the backlash caused by the deceiver's intrusion into Shen You's mind. The skull head seemed unable to withstand such a huge amount of light, and it exploded under the load.

But that's not the point.

Just before the deceiver's head exploded, Shen You frowned slightly, his thinking accelerated, and time and space slowed down.

The flying dust particles stood still in the air, and electric light radiated out. Shen You intensified his vision and watched the New God's skull head cracking bit by bit in slow motion. Cracks crawled all over the horrifying head at a turtle speed, and light shot out from between the gaps. It seemed that the New God's body was about to fall apart.

Otto's vision penetrated his head and saw a burst of energy.

Some kind of domineering and tyrannical energy swept through the deceiver's body, devouring his body structure and bursting out from the broken body.

It only took one look at Shen You to see that it would be a huge explosion. The unparalleled energy will destroy the body, bursting out like a wild beast breaking free from its cage.

A conservative estimate is that the affected area is at least ten kilometers.

The consequences of detonating within a ten-kilometer radius of a metropolis can be imagined. Of course, since Shen You is here, this will naturally not happen.

He reached out his hand and grabbed the deceiver's withered wrist. He swayed and disappeared from the still time and space with blue and transparent ripples.

In a blink of an eye, the others were out of the atmosphere, in a vacuum.

The flow of time resumed, and the body of the Fool exploded. The unimaginable huge energy crushed the skin and bones of the New God, and dazzling bright light erupted from the broken body.

It was a pretty strong impact, but Shen You casually opened an Ultra barrier, and with the mecha's output maintained, he was wrapped like an eggshell in the middle. He floated in the transparent protective bubble and observed the entire process of the New God's detonation at close range without blinking.

Shen You roughly imagined what was going on.

The death of the New God has always been a major event in the DC worldview. In the comics "Earth 2", the energy erupted in Steppenwolf's body when he died tore a huge rift spanning hundreds of miles on the earth. In the major event "Darkseid War", the energy erupted when Darkseid died shook the world. Time and space were lost, and everyone in the Justice League who was affected by his divine power became gods on the spot.

And that energy is called "The Source".

In the "Origin" setting, it is called the ultimate foundation of all energy expressions in the universe, which is the power of creation. The birth of the new Protoss is influenced by the origin.

Even as DC's top Superman, one of the key factors that makes him more special and more powerful than all other Kryptonians comes from his "origin". Superman is naturally protected by the power of origin, which is why Darkseid's omega rays that glare at everyone and obliterate everything are useless when they hit Superman.

Because even the Omega that Darkseid is proud of is not higher than the level of the power of origin.

When many new gods fall, their bodies will release the divine wave of origin. This was also the first time that Shen You had such a precious opportunity to observe and record at close range. He did not miss a single frame. His brain was calculating and running at full speed throughout the process. All the readings that could be recorded were recorded by the armor. Waiting Go back and study again.

Until the deceiver was completely wiped out, he still floated in the universe for a short time to reflect on and digest the insights he had just gained.

In ordinary life, the closest origin-related figure to him is Da Chao, but the origin protection of Da Chao is very mysterious. Normally, it is in a completely invisible state. It may exist but cannot be observed by any means. It only appears suddenly at critical moments like cheating or being hit by Omega.

The fall of a new god is Shen You's only chance to observe the power of origin.

Unsurprisingly, he benefited greatly. The knowledge and secrets contained in the origin were more profound than all his research so far. This time it was too hasty, and he could only get a glimpse of its outline, but he could already feel its mystery.

The only pity is that the process was too fast and the deceiver died instantly. It seemed like he had been observing for a long time. In fact, the entire explosion only happened in a blink of an eye. If Shen You's mind hadn't accelerated, it might have ended before ordinary people could react.

Shen You still has more to say, a little regretful, and even wants to kill a few more New Gods to observe and observe.

Of course it's just talk.

After dealing with the emergency situation, Kalibak was gone when he flashed back. But before that, he ensured that all demonoids in this stronghold were wiped out, and Kalibak also lost consciousness.

The energy response of the sonic blast channel was left at the scene. It was estimated that Kalibak did not leave on his own, and someone opened a sonic tunnel to pick him back up.

Although he really wanted to go back and study the origin data just recorded, Shen You didn't forget that he had business to do.

At this moment a call came in, it was Carla.

"Shen You! Shen You, where are you?"

"Just as I was about to go back, I discovered a lot of things. The person we are looking for is in Deherien."

"Deherian, yes! That's where something happened!" Kara said.

"Huh?" Shen You frowned slightly, "What's the problem?"

"Anyway, do you have a TV? The news is everywhere now. Just turn on any channel and you will know."

Shen You signaled that Parr had connected the TV screen inside the suit, and the news was projected onto the screen in front of him.

It's a battlefield.

The burning battlefield was filled with locust-like dense fighter jets, advanced aircraft, huge battleships, and many smaller soldiers who seemed to be wearing some kind of armor.

Lasers crisscrossed the sky, gunpowder smoke rose everywhere, and the flames of war burned throughout the entire battle. The continuous detonations shook the earth, and large and small deep pits were continuously blasted on the battlefield.

Shen You's sharp eyes quickly discovered the identities of both sides of the battle through the screen.

On one side is Deherian's army.

The other side's warships and weapons are clearly printed with Tianyan's LOGO.


A big face appeared in the center of the screen.

The vicissitudes of the face, the pale skin, the whole body is covered with silver thick armor, and the head is a steel helmet with a pair of horns.

Steppenwolf, Pioneer of Apokolips.

"Your people infiltrated my country secretly, and your armies waged war with all their might, I'm sure. But I tore them into pieces and threw them back to you in body bags and flames of war.

Yes, my name is Steppenwolf and I come from a greater place than you can imagine. And now, I rule over the country you call Dehrain. And the actions of your army are regarded by me as a declaration of war.

I guarantee you that when our great Dark Lord comes, just before this time tomorrow, within twenty-four hours, this planet will be in my Steppenwolf's bag! "

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