I become light in American comics

Chapter 233 We are surrounded by him


Bruno Manhaydon hasn't been out for a long time.

In the eyes of the outside world, their international gang's current development is booming. Not only the entire metropolis, but also some underground spouts in other cities, including Gotham, have heard that the International Gang has found a powerful backer and is now making rapid progress, as if it is about to become the number one criminal empire on earth.

But it makes sense that with equipment that is ahead of the world for countless centuries, it is almost enough to arm an interstellar army. In the end, the most evil idea they could come up with was to rob more banks and get more money to spend. In fact, the so-called pattern was just like that.

However, it is actually not unreasonable to do so. After all, DC is a special place. Your technology can lead the world as a whole for centuries, but it is not worth it in front of the personal power that is blooming everywhere. With a bunch of Apocalypse's mass-produced miscellaneous soldier equipment, it's okay to abuse vegetables and fry fish, but if you really want to make a big deal, you won't be able to pass the level of Metropolis's local Superman, if nothing else.

Moreover, the suspected involvement with aliens has recently attracted the attention of the Sky Eye Society. For this reason, Bruno, the leader of the International Gang, had to lower his head and keep a low profile. He had to change his base several times a week to prevent being caught.

In fact, after the initial excitement of getting the interstellar weapon, Bruno now feels a little nostalgic for the past.

In the past, he was the criminal emperor of the metropolis, a popular drinker and a respectable person in both black and white circles. It's not like now. Not only do you have to hide and keep your head down, but you also have a big boss behind you that you can't afford to offend. When those aliens pointed him east, he had to go east, and when they pointed him west, he had to go west. How could he still have the aura he had as a criminal emperor back then?

On this day, when he was huddled in the newly transferred stronghold and preparing to eat, a henchman named Jack quickly came over.

He is now the leader of the organization, and his position is confidential within the International Gang. Ninety percent of the members are not qualified to know where the boss is, and as his right-hand man, Jack is one of the few people who knows where he is hiding.

Bruno was a little surprised: "Jack? Didn't I ask you to lead people to raid Bellerive Prison and rob the Martian?"

"Yeah, I've been there," Jack said nonchalantly.

"Have you been there? So soon?" Bruno was surprised, "Why didn't anyone report the situation to me?"

"Well, there was a little accident."

Jack secretly looked at the boss's face and whispered.

"According to the plan, we successfully blew open the door and entered the prison. Bellerive's guard strength was indeed vulnerable, but uh... an unexpected ruthless character appeared."

Bruno's eyes flickered, he frowned and asked, "Superman again?"

The main opponent the International Gang has dealt with recently is Superman, and nine out of ten important actions were caused by Big Brother Blue. But there is nothing we can do, who makes them the villains of Metropolis?

"Superman. Sure enough, that gentleman is right. We must find a way to deal with this threat, otherwise we will be unable to move forward." Bruno said solemnly, "Clinton had designed an ambush before and successfully led Superman into our carefully laid trap.

It was supposed to be a great achievement, but I never expected that Batman would appear halfway through. Otherwise, the boy scout should no longer be a threat by now."

Jack shook his head, gritted his teeth and said, "It's more ruthless than that. It's that Ultraman."

Bruno Manhaydon gasped.

Good guy, when did we provoke such a number one person again?

"Well... there's one more thing." Jack hesitated, as if there was something he couldn't say. "It's that Ultraman. Although the mission was unfavorable this time, I managed to lead him to the designated location."


Bruno's eyes lit up.

Although their opponents are strong, they are now more confident with the support of Tianqi Technology. If a trap can be laid in advance like the one that ambush Superman last time, it might not be impossible to defeat him even if he is stronger than Ultraman.

"Very good. If the ambush is successful, it will be a great achievement." Bruno nodded and said, "Where did you arrange it?"

Jack said solemnly: "It's right outside, he is waiting for you to go out."


Bruno's brain shut down for a few seconds, and he couldn't figure out what it meant.

Immediately, he was shocked, and he stood up and yelled angrily: "Is this the guy who brought Ultraman here!?"

As he spoke, he quickly drew his gun and pointed it at Jack's head.

Jack had a grimace on his face: "I was forced to have no choice, boss. Didn't you see him take action?"

Anyway, stop it, boss. There are all Ultraman outside, and we are already surrounded by him alone. "

Bruno was furious. He has been hiding everywhere these days, swallowing his anger, and his efforts for so long have been ruined by a party leading the way.

Thinking of this, he became angry and fearful, and opened the safety of the pistol with a click: "You, you, you"

With his head full of righteousness, he glanced back from the corner of his eye, and suddenly found that a red and silver steel body had appeared in his room at some point, placing the OB expressionlessly.

Obviously, even if he pulled the trigger, that being would be 100% able to disarm him before the bullet came out.

Bruno's angry expression disappeared instantly, and his tone became calm.

"You, you, you, you, you, you do n’t say it in advance when such an important guest comes. Harm, I have no time to prepare for the entertainment in advance. What do you think of the guests?"

Having put the gun on the table, he quickly stood up, moved aside to give up the chair under him, and politely said to Shen You, "Sit down, sit down."

"You're welcome, just asking a few questions." Shen You waved his hand.

"I'm sorry." Bruno waved his hand with a smile, "You can ask whatever you want. Don't call it a question. If you ask me to dig my mother's grave, I will arrange for someone to do it immediately."

Even Shen You couldn't help but look sideways. Good guy, so cruel?

Are you the one who takes care of your filial son?

There is a saying that a man can bend and stretch. Some people can reach such a high level and even hug the lap of the emperor of the universe. It's really hard to do without some tongue skills.

When Shen You asked, he explained everything.

The cause is similar to what Shen You guessed, and it is similar to what unfolds in the original comics and Superman animation. One day, a space tunnel suddenly opened in the headquarters of the International Gang (most likely a sonic tunnel), and a gentleman in a suit and leather shoes walked out of it (according to the animation, it is speculated that it was Desaad in disguise).

The gentleman was very generous and provided them with incredible weapons for free, giving them the power to fight Superman.

But as we all know, the free ones are the most expensive. When the other party finally started to make demands, they realized that they were unable to escape, and the entire International Gang was basically reduced to Apokolips' thugs on earth.

"Batman? Why do I know where Batman is?" Bruno looked confused.

"Batman was investigating the International Gang and your alien master before he disappeared." Shen You reminded.

Bruno shook his head repeatedly: "If you think we took down Batman, you are wrong. Just before the Gotham media said he disappeared, he came to see me."

"Looking for you?"

"Yeah, in one of my safe houses, not many people in the organization even knew where I was. God knows how he found me." Bruno snorted, "I was sleeping on the bed in the middle of the night, and he suddenly pulled me up. , asked me a bunch of questions similar to what you just asked."

Shen You thought.

So, Batman has actually caught the leader of the International Gang a long time ago. But he didn't take action, probably thinking that Bruno Manhaydon was just a puppet.

If you touch him rashly, you will only alert the snake, and it will have no impact on the person behind the scenes - the other party will just change a puppet and continue the operation, and it will also break the only current clue.

"What else did he ask?" Shen You asked.

“I also asked one person, I don’t know how he found out, but he was surprisingly knowledgeable about the internal affairs of our organization.

He even knows about Steppenwolf.”

"Wait a minute, what wolf?" Shen You interrupted.

"He calls himself 'Steppenwolf', and he seems to be some high-ranking alien general. The contact person said that from now on, we will all obey his orders, and all affairs on earth will be decided by him.

But we've never met him directly, and I don't even know if he's actually a wolf."

Shen You pondered for a moment.

Steppenwolf is the villain in the DCEU Justice League movie. A member of the New Protoss, General of Apokolips. But unlike Disad, Disad was a strategist, and he was a general.

The fact that things were handed over to Steppenwolf from DeSaad was probably a sign.

A signal that Apokolips is preparing to officially launch war.

"So that Steppenwolf," Shen You asked, "did he say when he would come?"

Bruno Manhaydon gave him a strange look.

"In fact, the information I received is that he has already arrived."

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