Area C-703 is an iron-barrel prison surrounded by every kind of security device the engineers could think of. The three inner and outer layers of reinforcement make it almost impenetrable, and a red "X" is prominently printed on the door.

However, Shen You tore apart every barrier with his bare hands.

Walking in swaggeringly, he quickly saw the goal of his trip and was convinced that he had found the right place.

A spooky, dark room, open but with almost no light source. In the center of the room is a circular platform, with a green figure standing on it. Countless cables were connected to him, and the device above his head was releasing some kind of transparent wave downwards, forming a force field invisible to the naked eye to bind him within.

It was a body that was almost as thin as a bone by human standards. It has a human-like torso and limbs, but its structure is very different. He has a slender and strange figure, an overall flat face, and no nose. According to human beauty standards, he is definitely not very good-looking.

There is no doubt that that is Ron Ronds, Martian Manhunter.

Shen You could tell at a glance that the force field was not only for restricting movement, but also a cage specially built for mental superpowers. It blocks the sending and receiving of mental signals, and prevents Uncle Jon from trying to use telepathy to contact the outside world.

Shen You walked to the console and released the force field. The invisible fluctuation disappeared, and Martian Manhunter bent his knees and was about to fall down, but Shen You flashed from the console and caught him in front of him.

He looked weak.

Martian Manhunter reluctantly opened his eyes and looked up to see clearly the appearance of the person supporting him.

"Who are you.?"

"I'm here to help you." Shen You said, "I'll take you out now."

Martian Manhunter opened his mouth and was about to say something, but was suddenly interrupted as if he was electrocuted. His body twitched, his expression twisted in pain, and he gritted his teeth and looked hard.

"What?" Shen You asked.

"No, they are coming, they are coming." Martian Manhunter said painfully, covering his head.

"Who's coming?" Shen You frowned.

"They. They've been trying to contact me." Martian Manhunter was almost incoherent. "The shielding field interfered with the signal before, so I only received a few fragments intermittently.

But now, there are too many, these images, they are in my mind. Uh-huh! "

Martian Manhunter raised his arms, his eyes were red, veins popped out from his arms to his face, and complex veins covered his body.

"The great apocalypse is coming"

He spoke dully, like a broken doll.

"For. Darkseid!"

At this point Shen You still didn't understand that he was being attacked by spiritual abilities.

It may be that Uncle Jon has been imprisoned for too long, and his abilities and spirit are at their weakest. Apokolips somehow took advantage of the situation and tried to brainwash him through mental attacks, turning him into a powerful ally in his own invasion.

At the same time, this also allowed Shen You to be 100% sure that his guess was correct—Apocalypse was indeed behind the International Gang.

If we follow the normal routine, then now it’s time for Shen You to have a big fight with Uncle Ji, and while fighting, Xiao Zhi will reason with him and talk to him emotionally to help him get rid of the blackness and regain his strength.

If he were Superman, he might do this.

But unfortunately for the intruder, he's Ultraman.

Shen You remained calm and put his hand on the top of Uncle Juan's head. Light energy surged, and the light of purification began to pour into Uncle Jon's head.

In an instant, blue light illuminated the entire passage. Light pierced out from Martian Manhunter's eyes, and the virus-like veins gradually faded away, and the Martian's eyes gradually returned to clarity, blooming with a dazzling blue light.

He opened his eyes wide and saw the scene that he longed for most in his heart, which seemed to come from a previous life.

His wife and daughter had long since disappeared in the Martian extinction disaster.



Martian Manhunter couldn't believe it and slowly stretched out his hand.

"You guys, why...?"

He was close to his family.

There were tears in the corners of the Martian's eyes.

"It's not real, is it? A nice fantasy?" he choked.

But even though he knew it was a dream, he didn't want to wake up. It felt so real, so good. He felt incredibly peaceful.

Since the extinction of the Martians, he has been wandering and has never been able to find a moment of peace.

"No, it's not a dream, Ron." His wife held his face and whispered against his head, "It's a gift."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't save you." Ron said softly, "I failed you, I should have saved you."

The wife smiled and shook her head.

"It's not necessary, Ron." She stretched out her hand and gently placed it on Ron's heart, "We are not dead, never have been. We all live in your heart and have been with you from beginning to end. You see now Our arrival is the best evidence.

I used to ask for nothing, but now I have only one request. "

"You tell me." Ron nodded, "No matter what."

"That is, stop torturing yourself with the past. Even if it is for us, Ron, keep your head high and live a good life."

"I promise."

His daughter hugged his body tightly, and his wife also smiled with relief. Both of them turned into blue light spots and dissipated in the long and narrow passage.

Ron fell to his knees and closed his eyes for a moment.

As his body shape changed, his withered body became stronger and his body became closer to that of a human being. Clothes and equipment appeared on his body, including a belt and an X-shaped mark like a suspender, and a cloak hung down behind him.

Finally transformed into the classic Martian Manhunter look.

He stood up, wiped away his tears, and turned to look at Shen You solemnly: "I don't know how you did it, but thank you. After I lost everything, I have been like a walking zombie, leaving a huge hole in my heart. .

And now I feel warm, calm, incredibly fulfilled, a wonderful emotion.”

"That's called 'hope', and it's the driving force for everyone in the universe to move towards the future."

Shen You smiled.

"No need to thank me. Anyway, let's go out first."


The whole prison shook violently above them.

Shen You frowned slightly. Now that the mental shield has been lifted, both of them turned on their telepathy and scanned the outside world, quickly confirming the situation in the outside world.

Belle Reve was attacked.

The first thing that opened the way was a strange grenade. It was thrown directly on Bellerive's heavy door, and a violent explosion caused the collapse of space centered on the explosion point.

The door that was supposed to be indestructible suddenly became like a thin layer of paper, vulnerable to collapse and explosion. The siren blared loudly, and the guards and guards rushed out. A group of soldiers who seemed to appear out of thin air suddenly rushed into the prison, dressed in strange combat uniforms, and rampaging with energy weapons.

Martian Manhunter looked solemn.

"They came for me."

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