I become light in American comics

Chapter 225 The big deal is to cede territory

Negotiations collapsed, attempts failed.

I can't say how unexpected this result was. The blue light is said to soothe the soul, but after all, it is a positive guidance rather than a forceful control of the mental manipulation system. The same applies to Shen You's own purification skills, which will have a more significant effect on soothing rampaging and angry beasts.

After all, if compulsion takes effect, it cannot be called purification, it is brainwashing.

For those who are more stubborn and clumsy, it is simpler and cruder to just cremate them directly.

However, although the result was expected, Shen You was a little surprised by Hank's reaction to his wife Terry.

He easily avoided Hank's renewed charge, kneed him in the abdomen, and threw the mechanical Superman to the ground again.

"Why, Hank?" Shen You asked, "You should be able to feel that this revenge is meaningless. What happened to you was an accident, and you can't blame anyone."


At this time, Hank Henshaw had been beaten to a bruised face, the armor on his face was cracked and parts fell off, his body lines were in a mess, and sparks were crackling.

He turned to look at Shen You, and the light in the mechanical eye flickered on and off as if there was a poor contact.

"Maybe you are right, revenge is meaningless, I just felt it. But I have found a greater purpose. I thought I loved Terry and I did all this for her. But I didn't understand until just now ,it's not true."

He staggered and tried to get up, but his physical condition seemed to no longer allow him to do so. Even a superhuman body could not withstand Shen You's current strength. Both his organic and inorganic parts were riddled with holes at this time.

"Lovecough is a cruel trick in life." Hank said with difficulty with his broken mouth, "It will be easily broken and cannot be truly installed into my new body.

My memories, everything I thought I had, are now false. What I feel now are nothing but digital records.

This made me understand that this unforgettable pain can be eliminated. No one should have to feel that kind of pain, and if I can eliminate organic life, I can eliminate this kind of pain from this universe. "

When he said this, the remaining machine hunters around him all responded.

"End all life! End all life! No one can escape"

Before he finished speaking, Shen You's figure flashed out. After a series of explosions, all the machine hunters who had lost their master's leadership exploded one after another.

Mach's moving afterimage swayed around and flashed back to the original place, stopping again in front of the Mechanical Superman.

"You are wrong, life itself is not a curse." Shen You said seriously, "Yes, life will inevitably be contaminated with dark parts, but there is always hope.

Even the tiniest spark of hope is worth guarding until it can bloom as bright as the sun one day in the future.

That’s why we fight—no matter what world or universe we’re in. "

"No, life is a mistake and should not exist!"

Hank Henshaw yelled, his red eyes starting to flash.

"Everyone will eventually understand, because the ultimate secret of life is meaninglessness! But most of you here will never have the chance to see that moment!"

Noland's face suddenly changed when he saw this scene, and he exclaimed: "He is going to blow himself up!"

Everyone present looked pale, and the operators on the battleship even began to consider leaving the commander and running away.

"Yes, the explosion radius is eight thousand miles, using my life as the real trump card to start. You will follow this planet."

Before the words could be spoken, there was a flash of lightning. Shen You arrived in front of him in a flash and held his shoulders.

The next moment, the mechanical superman only felt the light and shadow flickering in front of his eyes, and the world was spinning in a dazzling way. When he came back to his senses and looked again, he saw stars in front of him, and he was floating helplessly in an empty vacuum.

Turning his head to look, the electric light disappeared into a group of afterimages, causing a ripple in space.

In the blink of an eye, Shen You flashed back to the surface of Mars, clapped his hands and looked at the starry sky.

Teleport, kid.

If you like to self-destruct, just do it slowly.

The mechanical superman's expression was dull for a moment.


The next moment, the mechanical superman turned into the most gorgeous fireworks in the sky, and even from the surface of Mars, it seemed that the earth-shaking impact could be felt.

Noland looked at the terrifying impact that exploded in mid-air and was speechless for a long time.

"So I'm not a coward, sir."

Noland, who returned to Almerik with Shen You's message, lowered his head and did not dare to look at the boss.

"I really tried my best. Although that guy used some means to block the battleship equipment and couldn't bring back the images, that Ultraman is really something I've never seen before. It's outrageous, sir."

"Is this the reason why you stabbed your teammates during the negotiation?" Zazo asked expressionlessly.

Noland hurriedly lowered his head: "I am also thinking about the overall situation. I think it is not a pity to die myself, but if I die, the news will not be brought back to Almerik in time. What if the kingdom and that O If Terman starts a war, won’t I become a sinner for all eternity?”

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

"Is he so powerful?" Zazo asked, "But during your trip, didn't the Robot Superman say that he had Parallax Monster as his trump card?"

"Yes, the Parallax monster was summoned, but after taking one look at the other side, it wanted to run away before even attacking it."

Everyone: "?"

The fearful entity, the yellow light monster Parallax. Are you ready to run away without even fighting?

This made everyone doubt the authenticity of Noland's report.

What kind of deity does it take to have such a deterrent effect?

"It's absolutely true. Everyone on the ship saw it at that time, and they can all testify." Noland said gloomily, "The key is that it didn't run away. The guy became very big with a bang, and it was very Come on, go up and press the Parallax Monster and just pound it.

Such a large monster was like a sandbag in his hands. So what else can we do? We are also desperate”

Everyone: "."

A minister on the side frowned and said: "But you are too reckless. The mechanical superman also revealed that he has unfathomable power behind the scenes, and may even be related to the legendary Apocalypse.

You have little responsibility for interstellar affairs and lack of understanding of things beyond the Milky Way. The man from Apokolips has hands and eyes so deep that even the Green Lantern Corps would shun him.

And according to what the mechanical superman said, it was that adult who had plans for the solar system and the earth. It is a trivial matter for you to act so rashly and plot against your allies to give Almerik a bad reputation. If this disrupts the layout and plans of Apokolips, we cannot afford to offend that gentleman. "

Zazuo glanced at him sideways and muttered displeasedly.

"I can't afford to offend this side, nor can I offend that side. Are there really so many monsters in this crappy universe?"

Noland whispered: "We can't afford to offend anyone. Is it possible that we are too weak?"

"What did you say?" Zazuo looked at him.

"Nothing!" Noland said hurriedly.

Zazuo looked away, narrowed his eyes, and his eyes gradually darkened.

"In that case... well, it seems like we have no choice." He said solemnly, "Since Ultraman on the other side of the earth can't beat him, there's nothing we can do. We tried our best.

If someone from Tianqi comes to ask for an explanation, then we will explain the situation truthfully. It would be best if they were reasonable. If they are unreasonable and want to use violence on our territory, huh."

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at him in shock and nervousness, wondering if we were going to go to war with Apokolips?

Then I heard Zazuo say in a deep voice: "The worst we can do is cede the land and pay compensation."

Everyone: "."

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