I assumed a relaxed posture, as if I had penetrated all the information.

At that, Kravey let out a small sigh.

“… … There will be no way for us to come under you guys.”

“Well, a companion relationship wouldn’t be bad, but that part is something to be decided from above. An informant like me doesn’t have enough authority to decide the matter. I am only offering you guys.”

“… … Are you just an informant?”

I shrugged my shoulders at Kravey’s shocking appearance.

“Well, he’s still a captain-level informant who commands a unit. Although he did not contaminate the mana inside his body with demonic energy through infiltration and intelligence missions. and… … .”

Keynes continued the story and said ‘Oops!’ While acting, he covered his mouth with his left hand.

“Oh, did you talk too much? In any case, think carefully and contact me through this channel.”

I threw the communication phrase to him.

He couldn’t hide his serious expression even when he was handed the communication tool.

I’m sure my story will only be unbelievable. There is no organization in the world that has a 6th circle mage as an informant.

Kravey gritted his teeth and nodded.

“i get it.”

Then whack! Turning my head, I immediately started walking towards the secret room.

Has it been like 5 minutes?

I focused all of my detection abilities to see if anyone was within a 50m radius.

“… … did you go?”

Kravey’s presence also disappeared.

When I couldn’t feel any reaction from the creature within a radius of 50m, I sat down as if collapsing on the floor and wiped my eyes with my sleeve.

“X feet… … . I thought you were going crazy with pain.”

It really hurt. To the point where tears flowed.

How hard it was to endure in front of Kravey.

Endairon cautiously approached me.

-… … Are you okay?

“No, it’s not okay. This level of experience, including a previous life… … . No, I experienced it once when I died, but it was the first time since reincarnation.”

I bit my lip.

Then, after taking out an advanced potion from the pocket of the subspace in his bosom, he immediately drank it down.

Endairon’s healing ability could not regenerate dead skin.

Therefore, after dropping the dead skin through the potion, I activated the cells and regenerated the skin at super speed.

and… … .

“Big… … .”


I threw away the glass bottle that contained the potion.

Immediately after the glass bottle collided with the wall, it scattered into small fragments.

Certainly, the wound was almost completely healed, but the aftereffects of the pain still lingered.

Unforgettable intense pain. As a result, the psychological shock was considerable, and I wrapped my arms around my shoulders as I trembled.

Prioritizing my own safety, the situation was different from before when I had dealt with enemies.

“… … Damn it.”

There was nothing to say other than swearing.

I just want to put everything down and run away.

I wanted to escape the pain and fear of death.

I’ve experienced death once, but since I’m a human, I can’t help but be afraid of death.

I kept my head down for a while and muttered several swear words.

-… … Did you feel the fear just once?

“Noisy. In the world I lived in, I rarely felt pain like this.”

It’s crazy because I remembered my previous life. Would it be possible for a 13-year-old boy to endure the same pain as just now?

It is said that he possesses a fraudulent ability called the Gold Shop, but there were no magic tools or potions that supplemented his mental power in the Gold Shop.

“… … By the way, do you remember what I said in front of Kravey?”

-Have you already forgotten?

“I remember it from the time I asked about my sister’s life and death. But before that… … My memory is so fragmented that I can’t quite remember what was said.”

At my answer, Endairon gave a puzzled expression.

With a small sigh, he told me the stories I had told Kravey one by one.

I gave a slight exclamation. It wasn’t bad for a story that came out subconsciously.

Rather, it should be seen as a good thing from my point of view.

A dark organization that does not even exist in the world.

If the organization even had deep information about themselves, they would have no choice but to be on high alert.

“… … From now on, they will have no choice but to move more cautiously.”

I squeezed my trembling arm a few times. Then, he took a deep breath to relieve tension.

“Whoa… … .”

Then, leaning against the wall, he immediately took out cold water from the subspace bag.

I gulped down cold water to cool my body and head.

I never thought the water would taste so delicious.

And is it because of the tension caused by the collision with Kravey?

My clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

“ha… … .”

I swept my bangs once.

“… … After an hour, look for clues that can confirm your sister’s survival. Right now my body is stiff and I can’t move carelessly.”

-… … OK, then I turn down the brightness of the light a bit.

“Please. Oh, and can you place these lanterns around?”

Five lanterns taken from subspace pouches.

“Honestly, I’m a little scared that ghosts will appear.”

-… … Can’t you feel the energy of the spirit?

“It just means the atmosphere is grim.”

Endairon tilted his head as if it was difficult to understand, and soon placed lanterns every 10m in front and behind.

After seeing that figure, I lay down on my side and closed my eyes.

To be honest, I’m not exhausted enough to take a break. How long have I been training my body along with my sister?

However, the sudden tension and intense pain only increased the psychological burden.

“… … .”

Just like that, less than a minute passed and I fell into a dream.

and… … .

-… … come on

I heard someone’s voice. No, it’s a very familiar voice.

When I slowly opened my eyes, Endairon stood right in front of my eyes.

How long has it been since you fell asleep… … .

-wake up. The hour you said has passed.

It’s already been that long?

It feels like my sense of time is a little weird when I really sleep.

I looked at him as I raised my upper body.

“Has there been any transmission from Elaim?”

-okay. I don’t know what’s going on, but it seems that Elaim is intentionally blocking the transmission.

At Endairon’s answer, I let out a small sigh. Then he got up and retrieved all the lanterns placed in the aisle.

Then he moved his leg in the direction Kravey had moved an hour earlier.

Had it been like that for 30 minutes? A huge space appeared before my eyes.

It’s like looking at a single room.

But the important thing right now is not that kind of useless sentiment.


I ran to the Foundation located in the center of the room.

In the center of the foundation, there was a rectangular rock engraved with numerous ancient characters.

“Here… … .”

A long groove was visible at the top of the rock. As if a sword had been stuck.

“… … Could it be that Kravey didn’t take it?”

I shook my head in exaggerated worry.

And I looked at the huge rock fragments scattered around.

“… … how is it?”

-It’s as you said. It seems that Elim really fought a battle. It’s faint, but the spirit remains.

Apparently, my sister secured the dragon slayer sword.

I nodded with a small relief.

“Okay, let’s go back soon. Starting today, I will be able to stretch out and sleep without having to suffer from nightmares.”

With a small smile on my face, I moved my steps towards the aisle on the other side that my sister and Kravey would have passed through.

There were also two footprints on the floor of the aisle.

“First of all, shouldn’t we block the passage over there?”

I blocked the passage I had just walked through with a huge rock wall. He also built several rock walls inside the foundation and destroyed them, completely covering the foundation.

“It was good.”

After finishing cleanup like that, I walked to the exit, following the footprints of Kravey and my sister.

Chapter 58

58. The Third Apostle, Cravey (4)

-Darkness… … . Could it be that such an organization existed? Did you really know about that power?

“Okay, I put a report on them to the headmaster first. More than that, the organization called Darkness is bigger than I thought. If it’s enough to have the 6th Circle mage as an informant… … .”

Kravey frowned as he looked at the communication port.

-Don’t believe 100% of what he says. Possibility of lying… … .

“I knew that you were the second apostle. And just the fact that you know about that power is enough to guess how vast an organization called Darkness possesses.”

Before the man reflected in the communication port could finish his words, Kravey intercepted his words.

The second apostle of the Death Parade Church, Grans H Spay One.

He couldn’t object to Kravey’s remarks and let out a small salivation.

“Even if there is a way to use the spirits at will, it can certainly be seen as more beneficial than summoning demons.”

-but… … .

“Of course, there would be no point in showing our differences. We’re just following the Master’s orders. If the headmaster wants to be with them, we just have to follow his will.”

-… … Two suns are not needed in this world.

“However, unilaterally hostile to them is risky in many ways. Because we don’t have any information about an organization called Darkness. For now, you’ll need to get to know them, at least temporarily.”

From noble mtl dot com

Grans let out a small sigh while narrowing her eyes at Kravey’s story.

The appearance of an unexpected organization.

They didn’t know the other person, but the other person knew the depths of themselves.

Certainly, being hostile to such an existence would be risky in many ways.

Moreover, as Kravey said, even if the two had a conversation, if the leader reigning over their heads did not want to cooperate with Darkness, the matter would fall apart in an instant.

“And your third daughter… … .”

Cravey hesitated for a moment as he recalled the spirits Sophia was dealing with.

Advanced… … No, a foreign aura that surpasses the superlative.

Although the collision with Sophia was short-lived and he could not grasp the details, Kravey fell into doubt for a moment whether he was mistaken.

Then, seeing Kravey’s speechless expression, Grans opened her mouth in a lukewarm voice while resting her chin on her chin.

-Ah, as long as I’m alive, there’s no big problem.

“… … .”

-Well, if that child died, there would be losses in many ways… … . If she returned alive, she would break off her engagement to the Welford family and marry the third prince or the crown prince.

Grans was enraged when it became clear that Se-Rin’s engagement would be broken.

He intended to marry Crown Prince Regalus and Sofia, or else to link Third Prince Lyard and Sofia, then eliminate Crown Prince Regalus and Second Prince Rebal.

At Grans’ remark, Kravey stopped being silent and closed his eyes.

“… … Okay, then we’ll see you at the next regular meeting.”

Grans nodded once, and immediately cut off the mana injected into the communication sphere.

* * *

Meanwhile, at the same time as Kravey’s report, the headquarters of the Church of Death Parade began an investigation into an organization called Darkness.

A church that launched an investigation centering on numerous bases and research institutes.

but… … .

“… … Didn’t you get a single piece of information?”

Kravey frowned at his subordinate’s report.

“Yes, there were some suspicious parts at first glance, but I’m not sure if it has anything to do with them… … .”

“What are you suspicious of?”

“… … Some time ago, it is said that someone subdued the plesiosaur Elasmo at Lake Setis.”

Even in the mercenary guild, the Lord of Lake Setis, Elasmo, who was ranked S rank.

It is a huge plesiosaur that boasts a size approaching 13 to 14m. People in the surrounding villages are said to hold ancestral rites while enshrining it as a water god.

“You subdued Elasmo, one of the ancient demons?”

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