I Became The Villain Gao Fushuai

Chapter 655: Old Thousand Mysteries


After Su Jingshen and Xiaoxue yelled out the words, the atmosphere in the classroom became a little quieter, and many boys lamented that he was a real warrior.

Like the example of Ye Chen just now, everyone can clearly remember, but Ye Chen was blushed by Yun Xueer.

For those who are not familiar with Yun Xueer, shouting the word "Xiaoxue" is no different from a taboo word... You must know that the Yun family is a family power comparable to the Su family in the emperor.

If someone dared to strike up a conversation with Yun Xueer, the end... would probably be beaten into a disability by the head of the Yun family who is known to favor younger generations.

Even Su Jingshen is no exception.

Because just a year ago, there was a high school senior who wanted to molested Yun Xueer before graduation. He was also the son of a real estate tycoon in the imperial capital, so he could be regarded as a respectable person.

Unsurprisingly, the third-year senior also called Xiaoxue affectionately, and wanted to touch Yun Xueer... But at the next moment, Yun Xueer tore off some kind of summoning spell, and her terrifying Yun family thug Then came.

The thugs beat the high school senior into a pig's head, even the real estate family behind him was uprooted by Mr. Yun in the imperial capital. From then on, the rich man whom countless people admired became a poor man.

This is the reason why Yun Xue'er was bestowed the "Ice and Snow Beauty" in Beihai Middle School, which is beyond reach.

After Su Jingshen spoke to Yun Xueer, Ye Chen stood aside and sneered, his eyes exposed in the air were treacherous and cold:

"Hehe, Su Jingshen...just wait to be humiliated by Xiaoxue's family, Xiaoxue is not the girl you imagined..."

But in the next second, Yun Xueer curved her lips into a smile, and naturally brushed the hair on her lower ears:

"Are you talking about me? Hmm... probably choose one of Tongshan University and Beihai University."

Yun Xueer smiled.

Not only did she not reject Su Jingshen's address to herself, she even smiled in relief! This is obviously not recommended!

Suddenly, a lot of heartbroken voices from boys rang out in the class, the most heroic of which was Ye Chen.

He was short of breath, his eyes widened, as if he saw a sow flying into the sky, full of disbelief, and then ran to Yun Xueer's side, bluffing:

"Little... Yun Xueer! This Su Jingshen is belittling you! He, he called you 'Xiaoxue'!"

Ye Chen thought that Yun Xue'er must have not heard what Su Jingshen said, so he ran over to repeat it actively, and acted as an enthusiastic crowd.

The rest of the boys picked up their broken hearts one after another, all with the same fluke fantasy as Ye Chen.

Immediately, Yun Xue'er regained her icy face. She glanced at Ye Chen and said indifferently, "I'm chatting with other people, can you stop interrupting? If you bother me again... I'll call someone."


As soon as this remark came out, the boys watching the theater all ran away.

The fire of jealousy in Ye Chen's heart is getting stronger, he can't wait to fight Ye Chen now!

The angrier he got, the more Ye Chen felt his chest constricted... Especially when he saw Yun Xue'er smiling kindly at Su Jingshen, he felt almost suffocated!


During the violent ups and downs of breathing, the bandage on his chest was actually broken! Ye Chen immediately felt the pain when the wound was exposed to the cold air, grinned his teeth immediately, and curled up on the seat like a wounded bug...


"Congratulations to the host for successfully pissing off the male protagonist once! In line with the villain's image and style! Reward your tricks!"

Old thousand secret technique?

Hearing the introduction of the system, Su Jingshen felt that his head was getting bigger. What did he need the tricks of the old?

The Su family has a big business, Su Jingshen is not short of money at all!


Even though Su Jingshen felt that this skill was useless, the system still forcibly taught him all kinds of tricks and psychological strength. In an instant, Su Jingshen became proficient in all kinds of disgraceful tricks.

Hope it will come in handy in the future!

Su Jingshen glanced at Ye Chen who was lying on the seat dying, thinking truthfully.

Afterwards, he turned his head to Yun Xueer, and nodded indifferently: "I'll see you two at Beihai University then, see you soon!"

After finishing speaking, Su Jingshen left the classroom abruptly.

Yun Xueer was sitting on the chair with her face covered. She was a little distracted... This Su Jingshen, why did his attitude suddenly become so serious?

Call yourself Xiaoxue one second, and act like an old pedant the next, what are you doing?

But it is precisely because of this element of uncertainty that Yun Xueer is a little more curious about Su Jingshen... He is so different from other boys, there is no greed or desire in his eyes, and there is always a deep wisdom.

Yun Xueer smiled happily, and she returned to her seat, planning to fill in her first choice later, and fill in her first choice at Beihai University!


Su Jingshen didn't stay in the classroom because it was unnecessary.

It can be said that his entire life now has to conform to the image of a villain. Isn't it natural to play truant?

After returning home, Su Jingshen smoked the plot cigarette with only the butt end left, and squeezed out the plot of the last few days.

"Sure enough, it is exactly as the plot predicts. Yun Xueer plans to enter Beihai University, but because Ye Chen has no money...he will choose Xishan University, which is of a lower grade."

"But it's a pity. Last time, Ye Chen gave the professor of Xishan University a taste of that kind of elixir...I'm afraid he won't be able to join Xishan University."

"I have to find a way to let Ye Chen also enter Beihai University. In this way, the male lead, female lead, and the second female lead are all admitted to Beihai University. I will be happy when I get together."

Su Jingshen digested the plot fragments in his head, and finally threw away the completely wiped out cigarette butt, showing a standard villain's smirk.

When it comes to the subsequent university plot, Su Jingshen doesn't understand what the author wants to do.

They are clearly male and female protagonists, but Ye Chen is not in the same school as the heroine and the second heroine in the novel, but transferred to Beihai University through a follow-up, but that was two years later.

Su Jingshen couldn't afford to wait for those two years.

He suddenly remembered the lame craft that he had just awakened today, and a rather vicious idea came to his mind.

Taking advantage of Ye Chen's lack of money, Su Jingshen might be able to owe him to autism for the rest of his life!

Immediately afterwards, Su Jingshen took out his mobile phone and called his cheap father: "Hey! Dad! No, uncle, it's me! Depth of field..."

Beihai Middle School, after school time.

All the students cheered and broke up. From today, the senior year of high school is officially over!

In the afternoon, all students filled out paper volunteer forms in the classroom, but in addition to the volunteer forms, a list of tuition fees for all universities was also attached.

The top two universities, Tongshan University and Beihai University, both need 500,000 Huaxia coins for their annual tuition fees! This amount is quite astonishing!

The cost of cultivating the city is so huge, which also means that resources and talents are involved... Ye Chen feels that he is a victim of this trend! !


Ye Chen angrily kicked over the trash can by the side of the road, clenched his fists, eyes full of unwillingness.

"Xiao Xuehui and Su Jingshen will apply to Beihai University! And I! I can only be isolated because of money! Why!"

"That Su Jingshen! Isn't he just richer than me! Besides money! What ability does he have better than me?!"

He looked down at the messy garbage bottles, gritted his teeth and expressed his unhappiness... But at this moment, a piece of paper suddenly floated in front of Ye Chen.

There is a line written on it:

The Qin family animal training base is urgently looking for a young and promising male pacifier! Age 18-25! No adverse medical history! Weekly salary: 10w-50w!

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